Reclaiming My Happiness

Reclaiming My Happiness

This post is in reference to my newest passion project/brand called, Reclaiming Your Happiness with Lemus.

This passion project has to do with helping others reclaim their own happiness through an equitable framework. My goal is to address things that make us unhappy like imposter syndrome, anxiety, depression, discrimination, etc., and to empower others to share their truth.

This article was the first note I made on the page and it's about how this journey started. Thank you for reading.

I created this page to showcase my journey in relation to my very own holistic development. I intend to get vulnerable, deep, and honest with you all. I also plan to share out wellness techniques that we can take advantage of while building community amongst each other. In addition, I hope to share out my writing here as well. I hope to use this platform as an outlet that can serve in inspiring others to reach their goals and aspirations, while sharing some information about myself.

You may note my page and my inaugural post both have to do with Reclaiming My Happiness. This is very much on purpose as I am setting the tone here. I am putting out into the universe that I am in the process of reclaiming my entire being, my happy whole self (which is made up of many different compartments, components, and emotions). Over the past two years, I went through my challenges with mental health, experiencing anxiety and depression. I got good at hiding it and also good at brushing it under the rug. Eventually it hit me though, I knew I had to regain control over not only my emotions, but my entire being.

So I did just that. I removed myself from any toxic environments I could remove myself from. I decluttered mentally, physically, and emotionally. I rid myself of people that no longer served me and that were only there to silently observe my hurdles, but never there to celebrate with me in my accomplishments. I took control over my physical health by losing 50 pounds in a year and a half. I made room for love in more aspects than one and regained the ability to fully believe in myself again. I visited counseling AND allowed myself to feel all of my emotions. In the period where I experienced heavy anxiety and depression, these were all things I was terrified of doing because I had lost sight of myself. I had forgotten a lot of what I had to offer the world. My light fell dim and I knew I had to do something about it. I realized then that since my norm was surrounded by so much toxicity, that I could not grow into my full bad a$$ self, so I changed my reality.

I knew what I had to do and that started with me making the decision to Reclaim My Happiness. I first had to come to a place of understanding though, that I was truly deserving of my happiness, allowing the universe to provide for me. I had to be vulnerable enough to sit in my emotions, recollect my thoughts, and make the decision to love myself 110%. This is not to say my life is now perfect. On the contrary, I have many things I am still working on; however, I can truly say I am happy again. It’s been a growing process and sometimes like a plant, I need to remind myself to hydrate with water and love (shoutout to friends like Kat and Vien who remind me drink water, haha) but I can say that it’s all step in the right direction. Now I know this is all easier said than done, which is why I intend this space to be one of which people can share out tips, techniques, and general support amongst one another and why I intend to share with you how I actually got here.

I very much want to share my journey with you. I want you to know that you too can do this. I want you to recognize your full potential so that we can make the universe vibrate with an even higher frequency -- full of compassion, magic, and inspiration. My page will consist of my own personal posts, wellness articles, techniques, exercises, as well as art that can heal the soul. You can think about this as my blog, but also as a resource to reclaiming your own happiness.

With sincerity and deep gratitude,

Michael Lemus

*Written property of Michael Lemus*

Sylvia LeRahl

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As someone going through some major transitions right now and feeling a huge need to avoid toxic people and situations, this article sings to me. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability and insights!

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