Q&A with Zixuan Xiong, Sr. Manager of WW Design Innovation

Q&A with Zixuan Xiong, Sr. Manager of WW Design Innovation

Everyone, meet Zixuan (Bear) Xiong! Zixuan is a senior manager leading innovation for the last mile design engineering team. He manages a team of program managers and design engineers, who are building the future generations of delivery stations and support the overall innovation roadmap for our worldwide engineering team. Learn more about Zixuan below:

Watching the aurora from the house

What accomplishment at Amazon are you most proud of?

I'm most proud of the wild ride I have had with the last mile design team. Watching our business grow from its baby steps to a full-fledged, mature operation has been incredibly rewarding. I have witnessed mind-blowing innovations that has reshaped the industry and revolutionized the interactions between Amazon and our customers. I can’t forget the feeling of seeing the first multilevel delivery station I designed rise from a pile of dirt to the tallest building in the neighborhood. Even years after the initial launch, I still enjoy showing people around onsite and explaining the layout I spent so many nights on. There are many more unforgettable experiences, but I'm most excited about the future we are creating next!

What brings you passion/excitement to your role and team?

My team specializes in creating customized design solutions that align with long-term business strategies and targeted growth opportunities. Instead of focusing on small-scale local improvements, we drive network-wide, long-term changes with high potential benefits. It's an incredible privilege to be part of a team that designs the future. We're grateful for the chance to innovate and make lasting contributions. Bringing our designs to life and transforming operations keeps us motivated and passionate about our work every day.

What do you do for fun?

I picked up skiing after moving to Seattle. Coming from Atlanta, this was a completely new experience for me, but I fell in love with it quickly. After just a few clumsy faceplants and wipeouts, I knew this was my thing. Skiing is all about focusing on the moment and just seeing what's right in front of you. You go at your own pace, explore different options, and disconnect from everything else. It's like a reset button for my brain. Sure, I might be physically exhausted after a week-long trip, but it's the best kind of tired. It helps me recharge and really enjoy life outside of work. I've now been through three seasons, and I'm not stopping anytime soon!

Skiing on a perfect day

What is your favorite leadership principle and why?

If I have to pick only one, I will go with insist on the highest standards. This really resonates with me even before I join Amazon. It's about always pushing for excellence and never settling for just good enough. High standards drive us to improve our designs, processes, and solutions constantly. They ensure we pay attention to the details and focus on quality. There's nothing better than the pride you feel when you know you've done something truly exceptionally awesome.

What’s your current project about and are you hiring?

Yes! I’m hiring and not only me, our whole team is hiring! The WW design engineering team is searching for outstanding professionals with the passion to join our adventure of reforming the future of Amazon last mile. We collaborate with internal and external teams to design high-quality, cost-effective designs for our delivery stations. Our projects are a variety of innovative ideation concepts and template-based design solutions that have the potential to scale across the globe. You will work with a team of highly skilled and highly engaged engineers in a fast-paced and often ambiguous environment. If any of these sound interesting to you, feel free to reach out!

Mido is ready to design!

How important is diversity to you and what value does it bring?

Diversity is super important to me. It brings a mix of different ideas, perspectives, and experiences that make everything better. When you have a diverse team, you get unique viewpoints that help solve problems creatively, like having a team of superheroes, each with their own special powers. It makes the workplace more inclusive and fun, where everyone feels valued and can bring their best selves to the table. This isn't just about checking a box; it genuinely makes our team stronger and our solutions better.

What do you miss most about being back in the office?

Believe or not, I actually miss the food truck options at SLU during lunch time and those random coffee breaks we tried so hard to squeeze in between meetings. There's nothing like grabbing a quick bite from a favorite truck or catching up over a coffee. Plus, the buzz and energy of being around the team is something you can't replicate at home! I know we all like working from home occasionally every now and then but honestly, sometimes it's just nice to get out of the house and have a change of scenery!

Paddling with Mido!

Thanks for sharing your Amazon story with us, Zixuan!

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