Practical leadership in unpredictable times: Guiding your product team with clarity
Illustration by for Kate Leto

Practical leadership in unpredictable times: Guiding your product team with clarity

In uncertain times, how do you lead a team?

Ensure your team receives:

  • Transparency, not storytelling
  • Actionable, realistic goals not lofty bets
  • Considered, strategic responses, not impulsive reactions

Straight Talk Only: When whispers of financial doom or dreaded layoffs start swirling, focus on the facts. Now's not the time for weaving grand narratives or making bold future promises. Stick to what's real and what you know. Share the facts with your team, tell them what it all means, and be clear about when they can expect updates. Straight-up honesty builds trust that'll carry you through the murky waters ahead.

Control What You Can: Focus your team on things that are within their sphere of influence. Acknowledge some of the big unknowns - like customer buying behaviour, market fluctuations and even executive decisions - are outside of your control. Doubling down on what you have agreed to deliver and how you do it. Set clear priorities and remain flexible when and where you can. This is not the time to build a wall around your team, but to make sure that they are focused on work thats meaningful and achievable.

Be Real with Goals: With the world doing somersaults, we've got to tweak our aims. Let's be real with what we can pull off. If the big dreams need to pause, fine. We'll chop them up into bits we can actually chew, keeping our team on track and feeling like we're still kicking goals, even if they're smaller.

Lead by Example – React vs. Respond: Time to check the mirror – how are you handling things? Remember, there's a giant gap between knee-jerk reactions and thoughtful responses. If you're quick to the draw, fuelled by the heat of the moment, that's reacting. But if you pause, mull over your options, and then make a move, that's responding. This choice doesn't just shape your leadership; it sets the tone for the entire team. Aim for considered, strategic responses that show you're in command, even when the sea's stormy.

Remember, when facing whispers of financial doom or layoffs, stay grounded in reality, aim for what's doable, and set the tone for your team. Let's chat about how I can support your leadership journey or team growth during these uncertain times.

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