The Power of Being at Choice with Money

The Power of Being at Choice with Money

Oh my gosh, don’t you just love having options? 

Don’t you just love having the flexibility and the control that goes with having options and being able to be at choice about the kind of work you do, where you live, how you spend and invest your money, and what you do with your free time?!

I know that I sure do! 

The option of choice is a very powerful thing. Living life in a way that allows me to be at choice and to have options is crazy important to me. Getting into situations where I don’t feel like I have choices or where I only have one option, which is probably not an option that aligns with how I like to live my life and run my business, makes me crabby and grouchy. It leaves me with a yucky feeling in the pit of my stomach and makes me feel resentful. Do you ever feel like that? I know I do and I hate it when that happens, so having options and being able to be at choice is crazy important to me.

This power of being at choice comes in to play in so many different parts of our lives and our work. The focus in this short article is how to be at choice with money. I know money is a bad word for some people, but it is a part of our life, so we may as well put ourselves in a position to be at choice about it.

Choose to Live Debt Free

Making a conscious choice to do the things you need to do and make the choices that you need to make in order to live debt free, frees you up to have choice and options in so many other areas in your life.

Years ago when I decided to leave my lucrative corporate job to start my own business, being able to make that choice and have that option was influenced so heavily by the fact that I had previously chosen and done the hard work (mindset work and money work), to be able to live debt free. My only debt at that time was my house payment. I used my credit cards so that I could get free airline miles and other benefits, but I paid things off in full every month. 

At the time I made that career move I was the primary breadwinner and pretty much sole support for my family and three young children. I was very unhappy in my corporate job, despite the great paycheck, lucrative title, and awesome benefits. If I had had to stay put in that job I would have been miserable, grouchy, and had that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, super yucky!

I have had my own coaching and consulting business for over 20 years now and I am so very grateful for the choices and options that being self-employed have provided me.

Here are three quick tips for putting yourself in a position to live debt free and have all of the choice and flexibility that comes with that.

  1. Examine your mindset and beliefs about money. Many of us carry deep-seated beliefs about money that have been with us since childhood and impact how we are with all things money as adults. Take a deep dive into your beliefs about money and see what might be there? What is there that could be holding you back from making money, asking people to pay for your services, saving money, or staying out of debt?
  2. If you have debt, develop a debt payoff plan. There are all sorts of ways to do this. One tip for how to get this done is to make the minimum monthly payment on any credit card debt that you have and make an extra payment (as much as you can) each month on the card with the highest interest rate. Once you get it paid off, take everything you were paying on that one and add it to the minimum monthly payment you are making on the card with the next highest interest rate. You can make this a game and make it fun. In working with my clients, we create all sorts of fun games and incentives for getting this done!
  3. Be a conscious spender, not an impulse buyer. For your business, be smart about the investments you make — invest in things that improve your capacity, systems and processes that allow you to delegate and free your time to work in your sweet spot, doing what only you can do in your business. If you want “that thing” put a plan in place and save up for it. If you see “that thing” you just have to have while shopping online, give yourself a cool-off period — bend over the virtual page in that online catalog and wait a week or so then revisit it and see if you still really want it, don’t just impulse buy it.

The choice is yours! You can do the things you need to do to put yourself in a place of being able to live your life and run your business from a place of choice and a place of having options. 

What will you choose?

If you are interested in becoming more at choice around all things money, I invite you to download my complimentary Money Breakthrough Assessment here

FREE Download: "6 Tips for Getting Off the Money Roller Coaster So You Can Create Stable and Growing Revenue for Your Business"

For more information about Lori and her program offerings visit

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