Pensée pour ce matin

Pensée pour ce matin

It is written:

“And יהושע came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make taught ones of all the nations …teaching them to guard all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

The first followers of the Messiah had been told to go and make “taught ones” (disciples) of all nations, not to make converts to a new religion nor create new doctrines, nullifying the Word of YAHWEH (יהוה), his Elohim and Father.

The Messiah did not tell his first followers to reject his Hebrew and Jewish identity and to water down the truth of YAHWEH (יהוה) but to keep it as he did, observing ALL the appointed times of YAHWEH (יהוה): Shabbat (The seven day), Pesach (Passover), Yom Bikkurim (Day of Firstfruits), Shavuot (Pentecost), Yom Zicharon Teruah (Day of Remembrance with a Blast), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).  

Today, to be a “taught one” and to align our lives with the standards of the Messiah, it is necessary to know his TRUE IDENTITY.

It is said in the Scriptures: “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father too…” (John 14:7)

For you reading this Blog, which Messiah are you following? Do you know the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah?

If not, how can we know his Elohim and Father, YAHWEH (יהוה), the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl, the KING of the Universe, our Elohim, and AVINU MALKENU (Heb. “Our Father, our KING”)?

Let us never forget that Salvation is YAHWEH (יהוה)’s idea, not man’s.

YAHWEH (יהוה) chose a man above all the others, His one-of-a-kind Son, the son of Dawid, the “Hebrew and Jewish” Messiah Yeshua, as “His Instrument” for our Salvation, highly exalting Him and giving Him the Name which is above every name.

Salvation is through the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah alone. Neither is there salvation in any other.

It is said in the Scriptures: “Let it be known to all of you, and to all the people of Yisra’ĕl, that in the Name of יהושע Messiah of Natsareth, whom you impaled, whom Elohim raised from the dead, by Him this one stands before you, healthy. “This is ‘the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ “And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other Name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.” (Acts 4:10-12)

The Messiah, our Master, and Friend, has been and always will be a Man, a Hebrew, and a Jew. Let us follow him. Let us submit ourselves to his yoke and his alone and learn from him.

The Hebrew and Jewish Messiah Yeshua is the Way, “The Way of Set-apartness”; our Way, leading us both, Jews and non-Jews, not into “the Church” but as fellow citizens in the Yisra’ĕl Family of YAHWEH (יהוה) and members of YAHWEH (יהוה)’s Family.

As it is said in the Scriptures: “And the ransomed of יהוה shall return and enter Tsiyon with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Isaiah 35:10)

The Hebrew and Jewish Messiah Yeshua is the Truth. He was the Living Torah, was filled with the Set-apart Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, the Torah was in his mouth. The glory in Him and the doctrine people heard from him were from YAHWEH (יהוה).  

Today, let us Resolve to walk the path conformed to the Truth of the Scriptures! When we enquire for TRUTH, it is in the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah.

The Messiah Yeshua is the life. We are alive unto YAHWEH (יהוה) only in and through the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah. He is the Resurrection and the Life.

A union with the “Hebrew and Jewish” Messiah is the WAY to be CHANGED FOREVER. We are changed forever through OBEDIENCE.

Now the “Hebrew and Jewish” Messiah wants us to teach what he was teaching His disciples while he was with them, that is the Torah of YAHWEH (יהוה), his Elohim and Father. The Torah of YAHWEH (יהוה) is a moral and ethical instruction and is to be a practical guide to live a Set-apart life that pleases Him.

Let us keep seeking the True meaning of the “WORD” of YAHWEH (יהוה), and everything in our lives will be marked with the lasting imprint of His Presence.

“SHALOM ALEIKHEM!” from Vancouver, Canada, to ALL the Yisra’ĕl Family, Beloved of Elohim, Called, Set-apart ones: Hazak, Hazak, V’nit’chazek! Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!

Blessed be YAHWEH (יהוה), the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl, the KING of the Universe, our Elohim, and AVINU MALKENU (Heb. “Our Father, our KING”) for refining our Faith through His Torah and teaching us to OBEY what He tells us to do.


P.S.: Freely I have Received, Freely I Give

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