Our 5 Key Sales Triggers to Propel Your Business

Our 5 Key Sales Triggers to Propel Your Business

Hi All,

This is the sad truth, if you don't reach out at the right time, you likely won't get the deal you were hoping for.

Of course you can have a wealth of sales experience behind you and you may be able to clutch the close. But why put it up to chance?

In this day and age it is crucial to stay ahead of the competition when it comes to getting your product / services in front of the right people.

You could put it down to the old saying "everyone has a price" but we prefer to think of it as "everyone has a time".

To ensure that your own or indeed your teams efforts aren't wasted, timing is everything.

This is why we have compiled a list of our top 5 personal favourite but also data-backed sales triggers.

When used effectively, we have seen an increased conversion rate of up to 20%-30%.

Take a look below 👇 and if you want more check out our latest blog with up to 28 triggers for any scenario.

1. Hiring: Latest Jobs, Immediate Action

Why It's Useful: Hiring not only signals organisational growth but also the potential for increased operational capacity and expertise. For sales professionals, this trigger indicates an expanding company likely to need enhanced services and solutions.

Who Benefits:

  • Recruitment: A company that is entering a hiring phase will most likely be open to targeted help from these services.
  • SaaS Companies: A surge in hiring from any given company could indicate the need for new platforms to accommodate scale.
  • HR and Payroll Services: Firms offering HR management and payroll solutions can use the data to approach companies with growing workforce needs.

Sales Insight 💡: Sales teams can leverage hiring trends to identify potential clients in need. With this data you can use keyword from job listings to position their offerings to meet the evolving demands of these growing companies.

2. New in Role: Fresh Leadership, New Strategies

Why It's Useful: A new executive or manager can indicate a shift in company strategy, often bringing about new initiatives and potential changes in procurement needs or budget allocation. This is an opportune moment for sales professionals to introduce their products or services to align with the new leadership's vision.

Who Benefits:

  • Finance: A new CFO might prioritise financial software that offers better reporting and analytics.
  • Marketing Agencies: A newly appointed CMO could be open to innovative marketing tools and platforms.
  • Manufacturing: Fresh operational leadership might seek improvements in supply chain management systems.

Sales Insight 💡: Understanding the background and focus of new leaders can provide sales teams with the necessary insights to tailor their pitches, presenting solutions that resonate with the incoming executive’s priorities and strategic goals.

3. Received Funding: Capital for Expansion and Innovation

Why It's Useful: Funding often leads to accelerated growth, new projects, and significant purchasing activity. Companies with fresh capital are typically looking to invest in products and services that support their expansion goals.

Who Benefits:

  • Startups: Larger companies that have gone through a big round might seek robust, fresh and innovative platforms to test out.
  • IT Services: Funded companies may need to upgrade their IT infrastructure or to help facilitate there new operations effectively.
  • Consulting Services: Management and strategy consulting firms can help funded companies plan their growth, optimize operations, and enter new markets.

Sales Insight 💡: Sales professionals should track funding announcements to identify potential clients ready to invest in high-value solutions. Presenting comprehensive, scalable offerings can meet the needs of these companies poised for rapid growth.

4. Product Launches: Introducing New Market Players

Why It's Useful: New product launches signal a company’s innovation and market expansion, often requiring enhanced marketing efforts, distribution channels, and support services. This creates a ripe environment for sales opportunities.

Who Benefits:

  • Public Relations (PR) Firms: PR firms can help generate media coverage, manage press releases, and improve public perception of the new product.
  • Product Design and Development Firms: Companies that specialise in refining and developing products can offer their expertise to enhance the new product's design and functionality.
  • Packaging and Branding Companies: These companies can provide custom packaging solutions and branding services to ensure the new product stands out in the market.

Sales Insight 💡: Engaging with companies during product launch phases allows sales teams to offer critical support services at a critical time. The key here is to get in early and position themselves as essential partners in the product's success.

5. Office Expansion To: Signifying Growth and New Needs

Why It's Useful: Office expansions are clear indicators of company growth, signalling increased capacity and potential new market entry. This trigger suggests a demand for various products and services to support the enlarged operations.

Who Benefits:

  • Commercial Real Estate: Companies expanding their physical footprint might need commercial property services.
  • Relocation and Moving Services: Moving companies can help businesses relocate their equipment and furniture to the new office location.
  • Insurance Providers: Companies offering commercial property insurance and liability coverage can protect the new office and its assets.

Sales Insight 💡: Monitoring office expansion activities allows sales professionals to identify businesses that require a range of support services. Emphasise how your product or service can streamline their transition and enhance their new workspace's efficiency and appeal. Highlight specific benefits such as cost savings, improved productivity, or enhanced employee satisfaction

By attentively observing these triggers, sales professionals can strategically target their efforts, providing timely and relevant solutions that align with the growth trajectories of potential clients.

Each trigger not only represents an opportunity for engagement but also a chance to forge enduring partnerships built on understanding and addressing specific business needs.

All the best,

Piers Montgomery,

The Trigify.io Team,

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