National Locums - Contact Nurse Quiz - Are you right to work with National Locums as a Nurse? £250.00 upon registration if you score over 90%!

National Locums - Contact Nurse Quiz - Are you right to work with National Locums as a Nurse? £250.00 upon registration if you score over 90%!

    • 1. Which body system controls and coordinates all body activities?
      • A. 


      • B. 


      • C. 


      • D. 



    • 2. Mrs. Anderson is experiencing pain in her muscles and joints. Which of her body systems if affected?
      • A. 


      • B. 


      • C. 


      • D. 



    • 3. Which of the following is an abservation to report regarding vital signs?
      • A. 

        Dilated pupils

      • B. 


      • C. 

        Irregular pulse rhythm

      • D. 

        No appetite


    • 4. Constant, comes and goes, sharp, dull, and aching are all possible descriptions of:
      • A. 


      • B. 


      • C. 


      • D. 



    • 5. Which of the following is aguideline for reporting observations in status change?
      • A. 

        Diagnose the resident's condition

      • B. 

        Don't make judgments; be objective

      • C. 

        Ignore symptoms that the resident mentions

      • D. 

        Report your personal feelings during incidents


    • 6. Which of the following is the correct way for me to sign my name?
      • A. 

        T. Orick

      • B. 

        T. Orick, CNA

      • C. 

        Tiffany Orick

      • D. 

        Tiffany Orick, CNA


    • 7. You have made an error in charting on a resident's chart. Which one of the following examples below is the procedure for correcting it?
      • A. 

        Draw one line through it, write the word "error," and sign your name

      • B. 

        Draw one line through it, write the words "mistaken entry," and initial

      • C. 

        Erase the error, write the words "mistaken entry," and sign your name

      • D. 

        Mark several lines through it, write the word "error," and initial


    • 8. Which of the following is correct about a mercury manometer?
      • A. 

        The dial is marked off from 10 to 400

      • B. 

        The dial has measurements for each five points

      • C. 

        The small lines between the lines represent two-point intervals

      • D. 

        View the dial with your eye above the top of the mercury column


    • 9. Which of the following is correct about the use of a stehoscope in taking blood pressure?
      • A. 

        Place your thumb on the diaphragm for support

      • B. 

        Use your fingers to hold the diaphragm in place

      • C. 

        Position for use with the earpieces facing backward

      • D. 

        Place the bell side of the diaphragm on teh brachial pulse


    • 10. Which of the following statements is correct about measuring blood pressure?
      • A. 

        Don't take a BP on an arm with an IV

      • B. 

        A noisy room is not a problem when taking a BP

      • C. 

        The diastolic readisng is the first sound you hear

      • D. 

        The arm should be above teh heart for an accurate reading


    • 11. Care plan is described as a:
      • A. 

        Plan of action for a few resident with special problems

      • B. 

        Form of vebal communication

      • C. 

        Plan of action developed only by the resident and family

      • D. 

        Plan of action for all residents to fulfill their basic needs


    • 12. The care plan is developed by:
      • A. 

        Considering teh schedule of teh physician and other specialized medical staff

      • B. 

        Setting short- and long-term goals and means of achieving them

      • C. 

        Having the nurse assistant assess the resident's needs

      • D. 

        Creating a weekly schedule of activities for the resident


    • 13. One goal of the care plan is to:
      • A. 

        Allow the resident's family to make all decisions concerning care given

      • B. 

        Assist the resident in fulfilling basic human needs and ADLs

      • C. 

        Tell the physician and medical staff what the resident's needs are

      • D. 

        Provide a plan that only the nurse assistant will know what has to be done for the resident


    • 14. Which of the following is a correct technique for answering the telephone?
      • A. 

        Tell the caller the charge nurse is busy and to call back later

      • B. 

        Identify yourself and the facility

      • C. 

        Tell the caller you are too busy to take a message

      • D. 

        Identify the facility but do not give your name


    • 15. Which of the following is an age-related change affecting the sensory system?
      • A. 

        Less hormone and adrenal production

      • B. 

        Decreased number of olfactory bulbs

      • C. 

        Stiffening of muscles and joints

      • D. 

        Loss of teeth and weakened gums


    • 16. An example of a loss that the resident may have experienced is:
      • A. 

        A lifetime of experience

      • B. 

        Spouse, friends, or pet

      • C. 

        Spiritual values and concerns

      • D. 

        Right to vote


    • 17. The nurse assistant can help meet the resident's spiritual needs by:
      • A. 

        Providing time for pleasant meals

      • B. 

        Sharing the same spiritual beliefs

      • C. 

        Talking with and listening to the resident

      • D. 

        Enabling the confused resident to communicate


    • 18. The definition of "confusion" is:
      • A. 

        Overreacting to circumstances

      • B. 

        Sensory perceptions that seem real

      • C. 

        Behavior problem that is worse in the evening

      • D. 

        Disoreintation to time, place, and/or person


    • 19. Which of the following is a correct nursing approach for the resident who is confused?
      • A. 

        If you treat the resident like a child, he/she will be happier

      • B. 

        It is important to create a calm, orderly routing for the resident who is confused

      • C. 

        Keep resident's glasses or hearing aid because he/she might lose them

      • D. 

        Never talk about the past with a resident who is confused


    • 20. Which of the following changes is a normal part of the aging nervous system?
      • A. 

        Mild slowing of movement

      • B. 

        Severe confusion

      • C. 

        Continuous forgetfulness

      • D. 

        Mild personality change


    • 21. A sudden damage to the brain due to either hemorrhage or blockage of an artery is called:
      • A. 

        Multiple sclerosis

      • B. 


      • C. 

        A catastrophic reaction

      • D. 

        A cerebrovascular accident


    • 22. The NA is responsible for:
      • A. 

        Checking the activity calendar daily

      • B. 

        Assessing how well the resident performs activities

      • C. 

        Developing new activities for the resident

      • D. 

        Contacting the family if the resident is unwilling to participate


    • 23. The NA can participate in the activity program by:
      • A. 

        Assessing how well the resident performs the activity

      • B. 

        Selecting activities that the NA enjoys

      • C. 

        Devising new ways to conduct the activity

      • D. 

        Playing checkers with the resident


    • 24. Which area of an individual's life is affected by his/her culture?
      • A. 

        Life expectancy

      • B. 

        Physical appearance

      • C. 

        Personal values

      • D. 

        Genetic coding


    • 25. Culture is NOT
      • A. 

        Genetically determined

      • B. 

        Continuous and ongoing

      • C. 

        Passed on from generation to generation

      • D. 

        Socially learned


    • 26. A NA can become familiar with a resident's customs or cultural beliefs by:
      • A. 

        Reading books on cultural diversity

      • B. 

        Asking the resident where he/she is from

      • C. 

        Revieing the information in the care plan

      • D. 

        Talking to coworkers who have a similar background


    • 27. When giving postmortem care, the CNA should
      • A. 

        Perform this procedue alone to ensure respect for resident

      • B. 

        Elevate the HOB slightly to prevent discoloration of the face

      • C. 

        Arrange for legal and financial counseling

      • D. 

        Be sure dentures stay in the body


    • 28. The goal of hospice care is to:
      • A. 

        Encourage aggressive treatment in attempt to cure the patient

      • B. 

        Provide comfort to terminally ill patients and their families

      • C. 

        Assist the patient when making out his/her will

      • D. 

        Ensure that all patients are in the hospital when they are dying


    • 29. What is a method of entry for microorganisms
      • A. 

        Secretions from the reproductive tract

      • B. 

        Breaks in the skin or mucus membrane

      • C. 

        In the resident's bloodstream

      • D. 

        Through drainage from wounds


    • 30. Which of the following is considered a BOdy Substance Precaution
      • A. 

        Wear gloves when there is contact with body fluids

      • B. 

        Store lab specimens in a refrigerator containing food and drink

      • C. 

        Use label from the Centers from Diesease Control and Prevention to identify infections

      • D. 

        Recap disposable razors and store in clean location


    • 31. For the resident in contact precautions, the NA would use:
      • A. 

        Mask only

      • B. 

        Gown and gloves

      • C. 

        Mask and gloves

      • D. 

        Gown, gloves, and mask


    • 32. The water temperature for the tub bath should be:
      • A. 


      • B. 


      • C. 


      • D. 



    • 33. The resident in a shower chair should be placed:
      • A. 

        Facing the door of the shower stall

      • B. 

        As close as possible to the shower nozzle

      • C. 

        Facing the inside of the shower stall

      • D. 

        About 2 feet from the shower nozzle


    • 34. Observations to make during a tub bath or shower bath include
      • A. 

        Redness and rashes

      • B. 

        Halitosis and plaque

      • C. 

        Dysphagia and nausea

      • D. 

        Confusion and unsteady gait


    • 35. Which of the following statements is correct regarding a tub bath or shower bath
      • A. 

        The resident should remain in the tub for 20-25 min

      • B. 

        Lock the bathroom door to ensure privacy for the resident

      • C. 

        Leave the resident alone during the bath so he/she has privacy

      • D. 

        Oil added to a bathtub makes the tub slippery and is a hazard


    • 36. When feeding a resident, the NA prevents a resident from choking by:
      • A. 

        Cutting food in large pieces that are convenient

      • B. 

        Providing food quickly to avoid cooling and gagging

      • C. 

        Ensuring that the resident's dentures are in his/her mouth

      • D. 

        Establishing a time limit for chewing and swallowing the food


    • 37. If a choking resident can speak, cough, or breathe, do not intervene because starting the procedure may cause the resident to:
      • A. 

        Breathe in harder and force the object further down the respiratory tract

      • B. 

        "pop" the object out of his/her respiratory tract

      • C. 

        Exhale too deeply, causing further choking

      • D. 

        Vomit and force the object further down the respiratory tract


    • 38. Which of the following are signs of normal respirations
      • A. 

        Effortless and irregular

      • B. 

        Effortless and regular

      • C. 

        Quiet and forceful

      • D. 

        Quiet and uneven


    • 39. Which of the following is a correct location to take a temperature
      • A. 

        Under the knee

      • B. 

        Behind the ear

      • C. 

        In the mouth

      • D. 

        In the nose


    • 40. When a resident is receiving an intravenous feeding, the NA should observe and report the resident's complaint of:
      • A. 


      • B. 

        Pain at the site

      • C. 

        Shortness of breath

      • D. 



    • 41. When should peri care be given to the CONTINENT resident
      • A. 

        Daily with morning care

      • B. 

        After each voiding or stool

      • C. 

        At least once a shift

      • D. 

        Twice a day


    • 42. Which of the following statements is correct regarding peri care
      • A. 

        Gloves are optional during peri care

      • B. 

        Wash the peri area with soap and cold water

      • C. 

        Wash from front to back when providing peri care

      • D. 

        The resident lies on his/her stomach during peri care


    • 43. Complete dress for the resident for the resident includes
      • A. 

        Purse and umbrella

      • B. 

        Shoes and stockings

      • C. 

        Tie and suspenders

      • D. 

        Wrist watch and jewelry


    • 44. Which of the following statements is correct regarding a bed bath?
      • A. 

        Water applied to the skin during a bath can make a resident feel llike he/she has to urinate

      • B. 

        A washcloth mitten is used as a restraint for the resident's hand during a bed bath

      • C. 

        Water used for a bed should be a cooler temperature than water used for a tub bath

      • D. 

        Wash the extremity closest to you first to avoid bending and dripping water on the resident


    • 45. Soiled linens should be placed
      • A. 

        On the floor

      • B. 

        In the linen container

      • C. 

        On the bedside table

      • D. 

        On the chair


    • 46. When making a bed, make the:
      • A. 

        Far side of the bottom sheet first

      • B. 

        Near side of the entire bed first

      • C. 

        Far side of the entire bed first

      • D. 

        Entire bottom first


    • 47. When placing a case on the pillow you should:
      • A. 

        Hold the pillow under your chin and insert pillow from bottom

      • B. 

        Lay the pillow on a chair and pull the case over the pillow

      • C. 

        Pull the case over while grasping the pillow with the other hand

      • D. 

        Lay the pillow on the bedside stand and pull the case over the pillow


    • 48. Which of the following are complications that can develop due to immobility
      • A. 

        Contractures, blood clots, pressure sores, or constipation

      • B. 

        Contractures, diarrhea, pressure sores, or constipation

      • C. 

        Perssure sores, blood clots, diaphoresis, or constipation

      • D. 

        Halitosis, blood clots, pressure sores, or constipation


    • 49. Which of the following promotes the goals of restorative care
      • A. 

        Emphasizing the resident's disabilities, not abilities

      • B. 

        Praising the resident when he/she has accomplished a task

      • C. 

        Brushing the resident's teeth to get the activity done quickly

      • D. 

        Encouraging the resident to depend on the staff for all personal needs


    • 50. Which of the following is correct regarding positioning of the resident in bed?
      • A. 

        The trunk of the body should be bent; change position at least every 2 hours

      • B. 

        The trunk of the body should be straight; change position at least every 2 hours

      • C. 

        The trunk of the body should be bent; change position at least every 4 hours

      • D. 

        The trunk of the body should be straight; change position at least every 4 hours


    • 51. A key point of good body mechanics is to stand with feet:
      • A. 

        Apart (about 18 inches) with one foot at a right angle

      • B. 

        Apart (18 inches) with one foot slightly ahead of the other

      • C. 

        Close together (3 inches) with one foot at a right angle

      • D. 

        Close together (3 inches) with one foot slightly ahead of the other


    • 52. When lifting an object or picking something up off the floor, strain to your spine is reduced if you:
      • A. 

        Keep legs straight

      • B. 

        Flex your feet

      • C. 

        Squat down

      • D. 

        Bend over


    • 53. Which of the following best describes proper body alignment
      • A. 

        Back is kept 2 inches from back of chair

      • B. 

        Hips and buttocks are against the back of chair

      • C. 

        Feet are freely dangling on the floor

      • D. 

        Knees are pressed against the edge of the chair


    • 54. The resident uses a cane on
      • A. 

        Either side

      • B. 

        Weaker side

      • C. 

        Both sides

      • D. 

        Stronger side


    • 55. The NA's responsibility in ambulating a resident is to
      • A. 

        Ambulate behind the resident

      • B. 

        Stand on the resident's stronger side

      • C. 

        Observe for signs of fatigue

      • D. 

        Guide the resident towrad activity area


    • 56. When giving range of motion exercises, the NA should support the joint:
      • A. 

        At the joint with a firm grip

      • B. 

        Below the joint

      • C. 

        Above and below the joint

      • D. 

        Above the joint only


    • 57. A NA's responsibility in transferring a resident is to:
      • A. 

        Assess why the resident is transferring

      • B. 

        Assist the resident with packing

      • C. 

        Prevent the resident from staying in same room too long

      • D. 

        Discuss transfer with the doctor


    • 58. In discharging a resident to a hospital, the NA is responsible for:
      • A. 

        Notifying the doctor and social services

      • B. 

        Introducing resident to new nurses

      • C. 

        Transporting resident to hospital

      • D. 

        Packing all necessary items


    • 59. When should the NA report a resident's weight gain or loss?
      • A. 

        Whenever the resient requests it

      • B. 

        Before breakfast each day

      • C. 

        Once per shift

      • D. 

        If there's any change


    • 60. To ensure safety while giving a resident oxygen, the NA should
      • A. 

        Refill oxygen cylinder

      • B. 

        Check tubing for kinks and disconnections

      • C. 

        Make sure water level is not bubbling

      • D. 

        Change the flowmeter to what you think is the right amount of oxygen


  • 61. To provide comfort to a resident on oxygen therapy, the NA should
    • A. 

      Ensure that elastic headband is very tight

    • B. 

      Be sure face mask is loose

    • C. 

      Keep skin under cannula clean and dry

    • D. 

      Wipe face mask dry once a week

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