My quest to #BeSocial in the IT world

Many of us have the goal in 2020 to stand out from the crowd, professionally or in our personal life. But as on anything in life, success has a price: strategy and perseverance.

I’m about to go on a quest to build up my professional brand in IT. From all strategies around in 2020, I have selected social media. Living in a new decade, working in for IBM's award-winning family of Storage solutions and SDS for 10 years. And being a marketeer for 2 decades, I realized it was ridiculous I wasn’t practicing what I preach: Being Social!

This is a hard decision, as being social does not imply to retweet or like everything you have to gather followers. It requires to leave a footprint on the web, and later on, a commitment to your audience. Being an user of Linkedin, I decided to use this platform on biweekly basis to leave my mark.

So here we go, here you have my three commitments to you:

1.    Be open

2.    Be truthful

3.    Be myself

Being open, although I’ve been working for IBM for 10 years, and I work for the IBM Storage team. I’m happy to share what I know about the industry. Of course, confidential and competitive information are not considered as a marketing professional.

Being truthful, as you can imagine, with only 10 years in the industry, and working only for IBM in this journey. I would not brag I know the answers to everything, nor that I own them. In my journey in IBM, I had met so many SMEs and influencers that I sincerely will never compare myself to them.

Being myself, well. As a life-learning machine adopted by Thomas Watson heritage, I believe I have learned, that I’ll continue to learn and share some of it. On my own way, and at my level of expertise. If you disagree with what I share, I’m happy to see your point of view, please make sure I listen to you. I’m a good listener!

See you in two weeks!


#IBM #IBMStorage #nofilter #besocial

Recommended reading:

·     How IT Professionals are using Social Media, ComputerWorld

·     6 steps to an effective social media presence | INTHEBLACK

Chris Algozzine, PMP®

Faculty Member at Marist College


If there was a fourth thing you should add to your list Liz, I'd recommend Be Consistent! I have found in my 3 decades of experience, that no matter the platform, those who build up their 'presence' in our industry, are consistent in their approach - regularly publishing, regularly putting themselves out there, and regularly and consistently giving open and truthful information is a great way to stand out.  It's about providing your audience with consistent value.  Good luck!  I know you'll be successful!!

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