MRIA Advocacy: MRIA Announces Members of the Calgary Elections Polling Review Panel

MRIA Advocacy: MRIA Announces Members of the Calgary Elections Polling Review Panel

The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association announced today that the following independent experts will lead a panel to review underperforming and conflicting election polling results published during the municipal elections in Calgary (fall 2017): 

  • Ottawa, ON—Professor Paul Adams, Associate Professor, Carleton School of Journalism and Communication
  • Victoria, BC—Dr. David Zussman, Currently serving on the Board of Governors with the University of Victoria
  • Winnipeg, MB—Dr. Christopher J. Adams, Rector, St. Paul’s College at the University of Manitoba

Each of the Review Panel members are nationally respected academic experts in political science, policy and polling standards (to read their detailed bios, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page). As part of the Review, they will consider the following three questions:

  1. The degree of inaccuracy in the Calgary election polls;
  2. The reasons for the inaccuracy;
  3. Whether the polling results were adequately communicated to the general public.

“The significant expertise and depth of knowledge that each Panel Member brings to the Review speaks volumes with regards to the importance of the work they will be doing,” said Dr. Kara Mitchelmore, MRIA’s CEO. “They bring the perfect mix of gravitas, experience, and judgement to conduct an independent and robust review that will help to improve future election polling.”

The Review Panel will be conducting interviews in Toronto and Calgary with key representatives of the firms whose polling results were publicly released during the Calgary election, as well as with individuals and organizations that were involved in the election and its reporting.

MRIA convened the Review Panel due to issues surrounding polling in the mayoral election story in Calgary. These issues have shaken confidence in the market and survey research industry. MRIA is the national body responsible for the development of robust, world-leading industry standards. The organization adopted standards specific to polling in September of 2016 and it seeks to know the extent to which they were followed.

“Polls are an important tool in a democratic society,” said Panel Member Dr. David Zussman. “It’s critical that they be done right using the most accurate and scientifically-sound methodologies and standards. We hope our review and recommendations will lead to better election polling in the future, such as the upcoming provincial election in Ontario.”

The Panel will conduct its review, commencing immediately and continuing into the spring. The Panel’s final report, including findings and recommendations, is expected to be publicly released in late spring 2018. The Review Panel is an independent body, with secretariat support from MRIA.

For more information, contact Dr. Kara Mitchelmore, CEO MRIA: or 647-632-3272.

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