A moment of awkwardness could SAVE A LIFETIME.......

A moment of awkwardness could SAVE A LIFETIME.......

One Guy, Every Hour, Every Day, is diagnosed with Testicular Cancer……

 Today, on my 15th anniversary of being cured and cancer free, this quote and statistic from the Testicular Cancer Society website really says it all. While it may come as news to many of you, 15 years ago my world was upside down, inside out, and twisted all around. If it wasn’t for my amazing Wife, my awesome Children, my loving Family & Friends, and incredible Co-Workers who all witnessed the impact first hand, “held my hand” physically and/or emotionally, and helped me fight the good fight through all of the treatments I don’t know where I’d be. I thank God for the outcome, and for all who were with me for their support. Unfortunately, 15 years later the awareness about Testicular Cancer is still way to low. So lets change that.

While I am here and willing to talk about it as a cancer survivor all these years later, my fight unfortunately didn’t have to be as difficult as it was…..but it was due to my then own lack of awareness of the disease and all too typical “manly awkwardness” to discuss what I was experiencing prior to the ultimately delayed diagnosis that allowed the cancer to progress and force me into more aggressive treatments than would have been needed if it was diagnosed sooner.  How typical for most men.....and not necessary.

With early detection Testicular Cancer is almost 100% curable but the lack of awareness or embarrassment to talk about it way too often leads to late diagnosis and far worse and unfortunate outcomes for too many of our young men. Now, the most common form of cancer for men between the ages of 15-35 (but can occur at any age) is still not talked about enough although progress is being made by some great organizations worldwide. This lack of awareness, education, and willingness for men to discuss Testicular Cancer is one of the biggest challenges, and it has a direct negative impact of many of our young men and their families.  But this can be changed.  

So, if you are a man, or know one particularly between the ages of 15-35, take a few minutes and learn more about Testicular Cancer, talk about the need for self-exams with those you love, and stress the incredible progress and fantastic cure rate that is possible with early detection.  

In short, if you “got em ----check em”, or if you know somebody whose “got em”, help raise their awareness about Testicular Cancer. Remember……..A moment of awkwardness could SAVE a lifetime.   

I hope this was not too awkward for anyone, and please "like" this post and forward it on to your Network and Followers so we can all raise the awareness of Testicular Cancer.  Thanks!!

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