Millennial University Students Stuck in Concrete on Hike
Who You Hire Matters

Millennial University Students Stuck in Concrete on Hike

Hike? Why do I care? In my “concrete jungle" of New York City, we don’t hike!


So ladies, unless you’re describing the very expensive concrete in front of Wall Street... I don’t relate…

 I mentor millennial university girls at CU Boulder in Denver

I listen, I care enough to confront, “hold-their-feet to the fire” and encourage them to pursue their purpose, passion and potential and take joy in the journey! As a volunteer, I prepare them for the world that waits...

Who You Hire Matters

I’m trying to hold my “sad” inside because this is our last Thursday night together, they are graduating and I am leaving Colorado. So we have a huge “elephant-in-the room” and here we sit in the longest river in the world - Denial. And they want to tell my about their hike. I taught them always listen before you I listen!

Who Knew? “Giant Concrete Arrows”, they really exist.

We researched and discovered that what they saw were concrete arrows. Their unexplained mounds of concrete out in the middle of Colorado - just became a visual history lesson.

To begin air mail delivery in the 1920’s large seventy foot concrete arrows were placed every 10 miles across the United States to enable pilots to trace their way across America. Each arrow pointed to the next one, so that the World War 1 pilots could navigate coast to coast.

 There was an airway beacon tower next to each arrow, to light the way in bad weather and dark of night.

The airway beacon towers are all gone now, but the concrete arrows remain!  

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Behind the University of Boulder they climb mountains…but their dream-destination is the elevator to your corner office, walking in your footsteps… 

They want to be you!

After hearing their shock and awe at (concrete arrows) in the middle of nowhere, I wanted a strong capstone of our mentoring moments together.  

I challenged them to visualize following concrete ideas (arrows) across the four years we spent together and point me to compelling values they want to have “on-board” when invited do "TED" talks.

Hey, we’re talking Millennials here…

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Who Knew? They would actually put on their "Big Girl Panties"… (Distraction alert- this headline conjures up a whole new blog!)

I was hilariously stunned and speechless…(Cue fist-pumping music) My girls, with no signs of withdrawal, leave their iPhones in the basket by the door, take my challenge and brainstorm for hours as I watch in “shock and awe”         

Hey, they’re Millennials – yes, I collect their devices at the door. 

Like arrows and beacon lights shining across the land 93 years ago…

12 college girls in Colorado were Brilliant! I watched them power-up, grow-up and speak-up. They became a “C-Suite” at a Board of Directors meeting!

Where’s the Hollywood film crew to get this power-shot? I am now watching a movie of "women" in three piece business suits, elegantly presenting their intentions to Corporate America.

They’re nailing it!

Mentor, Millennials and Board of Directors, Oh My!

“To the Chairman of the Board and all the Board of Directors present, we ask you to please set-aside your preconceived stereotype of us. Listen to who we really are, come along side, when we need you most, and take a deep breath!

Imagine for a moment what investing would be like, if you knew you could not fail? We believe that hiring us is a low-risk, high-potential move for you. Did we mention that we represent one-trillion dollars in buying power? Just saying.! 

We will grow your brand with a few clicks and opt-ins, celebrating that your investment "did-not-fail."

We are ready for real-world perspective instead of classroom theory. And we know the only way to learn it... is to do it!  We were "the slogan" before Nike had it - we just do it!

Don’t experience our feelings of inadequacy for arrogance – that’s what we think of you!

Will you be directional arrows and light the way for us? We are slipping off-campus and stepping on the expensive concrete in front of your tall building?

Yes, we have widgets, but you have wisdom, we use devices, but you use decisions. We use our thumbs, you use your words.  While we are distracted, you can lift us up and give us direction. You can teach us when to say YES…and how to say NO

We are eager, excited, equipped and encouraged to work with you. We want to earn a seat at your table.

We have come along way…The first words our mentor, ever said to us was…

"Ladies, all you will ever need is one A, one B, and one C to be an authentic leader." We rolled our eyes, and said wha...?

As we look over the years of mentoring moments, we realize, the "ABC's she was talking about:

  • Attitude  The way you show up in the world
  • Boundaries The way you behave in the world
  • Character, Who you are in the world

We are grateful that you have not rolled your eyes, and caught a glimpse of how we erase your pre-conceived ideas and will embrace, enhance and participate in your purpose.

In conclusion, I trust you to let us stand on your shoulders, walk in your wisdom and light the way for us to contribute"

It matters who you hire - Hire us!

 Need Mentoring...














Lisa Wozniak

I help Private Practice owners enroll more clients through online marketing strategies.


A great article on how to bridge the gap between generations professionally.


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