Life as an [In]Betweener's not all that bad really... 1 Year On
The [In]betweener's day 2.

Life as an [In]Betweener's not all that bad really... 1 Year On

That's me up there, with all the [In]betweeners on our 2nd day of induction, at LinkedIn's EMEA HQ in Dublin (my home town, 5 in a row Champs!). What an excited and happy bunch we are, right? I cannot believe that photo was taken 1 year ago, right at the very beginning of my journey at LinkedIn. The upcoming anniversary has given me the thought to pause for a moment, and to take the time to reflect on what has happened in those short 12 months. And if you have a few moments I'd like to share those thoughts with you.

There are many different things I could write about, like adapting to the awesome culture, feeling like my job is well resourced and the top quality benefits that come with the role. I could go into great length about working with the world-class people on my team and having been accepted into their tribe. Or how awesome the food is at breakfast and lunchtime (it really is delicious, kudos to all the team in Gather & Gather). But we'd be here all day, and frankly I'd prefer you read through to the end, rather than get bored of my spewing half-way through. I just want to give you some the personal highlights, that for me, have made the whole experience amazing. So here it is, my top 3 reflections (in no particular order):

#1 All the smiles

Everyone just seems so happy to be here. Walking around the office, the joy actually feels genuine, all of the time. People are smiling everywhere. Of course there are serious work conversations being had, but the fact is my colleagues just seem to be really friendly, I don't know if its something in the water, but its infectious and contagious. Everyone seems to be on a good buzz...

One former colleague, who unfortunately moved onto her #nextplay had the greatest laugh you will ever hear! It was loud and uncontrollable, and it just made everyone smile or laugh every time she started! I like to think that passers by could only determine we are a raucous bunch. The truth is everyday has something to make you smile. Being happy at work is so important for being well, I've learned. We feed off of one an others energy and it tells!

#2 Being Well, Staying Hydrated & Caffeinated 

This part may come across as being, well... a bit smug, so it does come with a health-warning. I've had the opportunity to give more focus on myself the past year, in more ways than one. To have the opportunity to focus on being well physically & mentally whilst also working and pursuing a professional career has been amazing.

For instance, I found things out about myself I never knew before, like, I LOVE to do Yoga. During the day a couple of times a week. It's amazing! Having the opportunity to take time from your day and practice Yoga, it's just not the turn I expected my life to take. Wellness classes in our fitness center are a welcome distraction to daily routine, and help me to keep fresh and motivated. They are also a great way to build on the bonds I have with my team-mates and make great friends. I've also learnt a lot about myself in the process, like how in-flexible I am and where it hurts the most! I learnt to have the power to say "no I can't actually do that (so stop before you hurt yourself)". But more importantly to be content with what I can do, and to continue and repeat my practice! I might eventually get to those difficult poses, I might not, but the journey is great. Small changes, incremental developments over time deliver bigger and better results. Another one of life's lessons learned through action.

Coffee in the morning has always been a life saving essential, and its no surprise that the Baristas are the most popular people in the office for that reason. But to get it free, every morning as a perk, it just adds to it. A winning formula for those taking notes; proper coffee + no cost to the individual = very happy person. My keep-cup has gotten some serious usage, so it may be time for an upgrade. The range of snacks and drinks on hand are so diverse from the norm that I'm now more adventurous, I want to try new things and have new experiences. This is good for me. I'm learning to adopt change more and often. It's almost like it's on purpose, but more likely just how my brain cobbles together connections...

#3 Privileged to have the chance to change and transform

When I interviewed for the role, I was told that the team needed someone adaptable, open to change and someone that can be flexible. That's the nature of working in a tech giant company. Nothing is certain in today's world, and as things continue to change and develop, I've found myself adapting, moving in new directions & taking on new tasks. Not once have I ever perceived change as negative whilst working here. It's all been about perspective, rise to the challenge!

Trust me when I say there is no shortage on times when a hand can be raised or a step up can be taken to do something new. It can be small like committee participation, joining an action group or upping your skills by cross-training in your team. Or big, like taking on a new role splitting your time between functions! Not saying I've done everything here, but the opportunity is there. Also our learning platform has given me instant access to all types of self-development courses too, so if I choose to pursue a career in leadership or develop my soft skills, there's are all sorts courses to help me get there. This isn't supposed to sound like a sales pitch guys, its just fact. I can't help the above...

This continuous cycle of change and development is something I've really picked up on my first year in here. For me transformation has been the name of the game. If you're the type that is willing to explore, put yourself out there, believe that you can achieve or do better, then the opportunity will be there to do it! It's certainly helped me settle in and build new relationships outside my team. For me it's just been an amazing opportunity, the challenge & change is always welcome.

So in wrapping up......

If you've managed to get this far, thanks for staying with me. To all the [In]Betweeners who've started with me, I sincerely hope you've had a similar experience to my 1st year. It's been a blast!

To finish, and be mindful of what got me to this point, It'd be wrong if I didn't practice a little bit of gratitude. To Natasha, who believed in me and made the call to give me the chance, I'm indebted for the opportunity you have given me. For the team I'm working alongside, thank you for accepting me into your tribe and just being the best! You all make coming to work feel awesome! And for my employer, thank you for providing all of the above and then some.



Eleanor Sheppard

CMO | Growth & Revenue Driver | Brand Builder | Omnichannel Strategist | Tech | FinTech | Travel | Retail | Financial Services


Love this Eoghan!! Thanks for sharing - so happy you are so happy! A year has felt like ten! How lucky LinkedIn are for gaining the incredible asset they have in you - legend!

Danella Snashall

VP HR, Europe at Global Payments Inc.


What an amazing read Eoghan! Wonderful to hear about your last year and can’t believe it’s a year already!

Ingrid Wallace

VP of People at Brightflag


You bring the smiles wherever you go Eoghan!

Samuel Lehane

Enjoys making ideas a reality 💡


Nice one Eoghan, sounds a little better than where I first met you eh! Great to hear all going great.

Rayner Lee

Finance & Accounting Leader | Trusted Business Partner | Transformation & Change Steward


Excellent sharing Eoghan! Definitely great to have you in the team!

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