Kosli Digest: June 2024 - Partnerships, Dashboards, and Summer Fun! 🌞

Kosli Digest: June 2024 - Partnerships, Dashboards, and Summer Fun! 🌞

Newsletter Jun 19, 2024

Hi , 

Bruce here, with June's Kosli Digest

Before you go off on summer holiday here’s a quick update on all the latest goings on at Kosli.

The sun was (mostly) shining at The Merge conference in Berlin which I attended last week. This event had great community vibes with a beach area, free bar, BBQ, and even a DOOM tournament where the winner got to play DOOM creator, John Romero. 

The Merge organizers are ex-Github people, who know a thing or two about building community, and this looks like a key part of an audience building strategy for their new project, GitButler. An absolutely 10/10 effort. We'll be back next year

Back at Kosli HQ we're thrilled to announce a strategic partnership between Kosli and Swiss Digital Network (SDN). This collaboration will help Swiss tech organizations to adopt Continuous Compliance and Continuous Verification, giving teams in the Swiss financial sector the power to deliver software with security, compliance, and speed! 🏃

We also hosted our very first Kosli Connect. It was great to showcase our new features and discuss our product road map, as well as getting to hear what our customers are up to and how they are benefitting from Kosli. Missed out? Click the link to view the deck.

The tech team shipped our new Kosli SonarCloud integration, providing instant feedback on issues directly in pull requests, ensuring high standards and secure software development. Shout out to Faye Walker for her efforts here. 

The product team has also been busy with Policies, Logical Environments, Dashboards and more features (details below) to help you keep your SDLC safe and secure. If you'd like early access reach out to the team via support@kosli.com

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The Merge - in Berlin


Kosli and Swiss Digital Network partner to enhance Continuous Compliance and Verification

Kosli has partnered with Swiss Digital Network to enable continuous compliance and continuous verification in software development. This collaboration aims to streamline regulatory compliance processes by integrating Kosli’s automated evidence collection with SDN’s expertise in secure digital solutions. The partnership will help organizations maintain compliance more efficiently and ensure that software delivery meets all regulatory standards.

For more details, visit Kosli Blog.


The Perilous Role of the CISO: Navigating Modern Minefields

In the latest article from SecurityWeek, the complex and challenging role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is examined. As CISOs navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, they face numerous obstacles that test their resilience and adaptability. From managing sophisticated cyber attacks to ensuring compliance and securing executive buy-in, the modern CISO's responsibilities are more daunting than ever.

Read more on Security Week 

Apple Introduces Passkey Manager for Windows and Mac

Apple has announced a new feature to enhance password management across devices. The Passkey Manager, available on both Windows and Mac through iCloud, aims to simplify and secure the way users manage their passwords. This new tool is part of Apple's ongoing efforts to improve digital security and user convenience.

Read more on The Verge.

Decade-Old Cyber Advice from GAO Remains Unimplemented, Watchdog Says

A recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has revealed that numerous cybersecurity recommendations made over a decade ago remain unimplemented. This lack of action leaves critical infrastructure and federal systems vulnerable to cyber threats. The GAO emphasizes the urgent need for agencies to adopt these measures to strengthen national security.

Read more on NextGov


Product News

And here’s all the latest changes we’ve prepared for you 📊 Dashboards Beta is now live

☁️ Sonar CLoud integration is now available

💻 Improvements to Kosli cli pipeline & reporting

◾ Option to redact sensitive commit information from CLI commands

For more details, head over to kosli.com and check it out! 🚀✨


If you'd like to be involved in helping shape our next set of features check out our feature briefs for… 🔷 Logical Environments - Read more

✅ Environment Policies - Read more

That's all for this month Until next time, keeping shipping 


Would you like to know more?

Tired of navigating the maze of compliance in your DevOps workflow?

We hear you! Manually piecing together compliance evidence, checks and sifting through logs can feel like solving a jigsaw puzzle in the dark. 😓  Turn the lights on with automated evidence collection: No more manual logs or endless screenshots. Get full transparency and a real-time view of all DevOps events.

Watch the video

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