Keeping Travel by air, sea, train safe during COVID-19 Crisis

Keeping Travel by air, sea, train safe during COVID-19 Crisis

By Bradford E.Billet, Certified Emergency Manager and former government official

9/11 happened the world changed how we looked at security. Today COVID-19 was declared a Pandemic by the WHO. Our way of life is changing again. Countries around the world have closed, Italy is just the latest. School and large events have been cancelled. It is time to approach the health, safety and well-being of everyone, over any one individual and make it our top priority.

But the world cannot just shut down. People need to travel, airlines and air travel are not going the way of the dodo bird. In these uncertain times and in relation to the coronavirus (COVID-19). We can do more.

When you Fly, you must pass thru a security checkpoint and get go thru a screening process. During this outbreak and beyond, Why is a health checkpoint and screening any different?  What are we waiting for ? …. to  see if it gets worse. Being protective is our best defense.

Here are some of the things that the airline, Airport Operators and Transportation Authorities can do today. Some have been put in place others haven’t.

Enhanced and Increase frequency of cleaning

 Have a strong, structured cleaning regimen for every gate, public and private area of the airport and ensured that they are cleaned many times each day with an environment friendly EPA-approved disinfectant. 

Have the airline clean each and every aircraft before each flight with an environment friendly EPA-approved disinfectant, that will kill the virus on contact and minimize contact exposure. Schedules may have to be adjusted but isn’t that better than no one flying?

Health Screening

The airline asks questions, Did you pack your own bad? Did you receive any gifts from strangers…etc.. then your bags and you are screened for bombs and weapons.

Why shouldn’t we ask health screening question for any contagious diseases? Should every passenger be asked questions to protect the crew, other passenger and prevent the spread of disease. Following the guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and other global public health authorities, many companies are implementing several measures to protect their employees and the public.

Here are sets of questions developed by those authorities which are being asked in certain circumstances.

·       Within the past 3 days, have you developed any symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting?

·       Have you, or any person listed above, traveled from or through China, including Hong Kong and Macau or Japan, Malaysia, Republic of South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Italy and Iran in the past 21 days?  (This list will change)

·       Have you, or any person that you had close contact with, or helped care for, anyone suspected or diagnosed as having Coronavirus, or who is currently subject to health monitoring for possible exposure to Coronavirus?

·       Do you or any person as reference above have a fever (100.4 F° / 38 C° or higher), feel feverish, or have chills, a cough or difficulty breathing?   

·       If passenger answered “YES” to any of these questions Deny Boarding. Unless cleared by public health official or medical doctor.

Take the temperature of all airline ground staff, passenger and crew and Deny access and Boarding for anyone with a temperature over 100.4 to aircraft and send staff home for at least 14 day period.

Deny boarding to all persons who have traveled from, visited or transited via airports in China, including Hong Kong and Macau or Japan, Malaysia, Republic of South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, or Italy, within 21 days

Deny boarding to all persons who, within 21 days before travel, have had close contact with, or helped care for, anyone suspected or diagnosed as having Coronavirus, or who is currently subject to health monitoring for possible exposure to Coronavirus. 

Will this delay travel and cause inconvenience? YES

Will this prevent certain people from traveling? YES

Will it add a level of protection to the public? YES

Will it slow the community spread? YES

Will it restore confidence in the air travel industry and save million even billions ? YES

Then why not?

Same principles could apply to trains, cruise and large gatherings.

Food for thought.

#covid #Coronavirus #Airline #Keepussafe #pandemic

louis anemone

President at Anemone Consulting, Inc.


Great job Brad, on point recommendations, let it happen.


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