Keep Your Remote Workers Close

Keep Your Remote Workers Close

Increasingly, companies are offering more flexible working conditions. This includes opportunities to hire remote workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics cites approximately 24% of US employees work remotely. When remote work programs are executed well, this can enhance productivity by over 71%.

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When micromanaged to death or worse, neglected, this can backfire in employers’ faces. The key is to strike a balance that empowers remote workers to make meaningful contributions from afar. Remote working programs needn’t be an exercise in disaster, though. Find out how employers can keep their remote workers close and structure a program geared towards success.

Bring Remote Workers into the Fold

Remote work can be tricky to navigate. There are many temptations to become distracted and to blow off work altogether. But there are also many opportunities to enhance your work- life balance with remote work. When hiring remote workers, it’s important to structure a program that sets them up for success, not failure. Try the following tips:
Use video to communicate. Remote workers often don’t have the benefit of coming into the conference room to participate in meetings. Instead, they need a virtual meeting solution. Try video. Many of our clients use our video interview software to host virtual meetings with remote workers across the nation. This provides all parties an opportunity to connect in a branded environment and keep on task. It’s also a more secure connection than simply using a free video calling solution. Video offers remote workers a great way to connect and get on the same page without ever having to leave the comfort of their home.
Don’t micromanage. It’s no secret that many employees hate micromanagers. Who wants to constantly have someone looking over their shoulder to determine whether they’ve done every tiny little task? Remote workers are already an independent group of individuals. If you can’t trust them to do their work, it’s time to have a chat with the recruiting team. Instead of micromanaging, try setting realistic milestones that remote workers can use to show their progress. Projects and deadlines don’t require a daily check in to list every task they’ve done in support of the overall goal.
Invest in a group wiki or project management software. When teams are dispersed geographically, it’s helpful to have a central place for them to keep track of their contributions. Often, employers have the most luck with either project management software or a company wiki. To gain the most value, project milestones should be listed and workflows checked off when completed. However, don’t stray too far into micromanagement territory and force remote workers to use it as a justification for every phone call, email, and page they’ve typed during the day. Keep the team close without alienating anyone.
Offer remote onboarding and training. One of the largest complaints from unsatisfied remote workers is that they don’t feel a part of the team. Many times, this is the result of a failure to onboard and train an employee properly. No employee comes in on day 1 ready to do the work of an employee that’s been there for years. Companies need to train an employee on their business software and team workflows to help set them up for success. Otherwise, employers run the risk of setting their employee up for failure. Be clear about your company’s expectations upfront in the onboarding process. Don’t just leave a remote worker to guess.

Encourage Remote Workers to Plug In

When it comes to remote workers, the key is keeping them feeling engaged and connected. When employers fail to keep them plugged in, the temptation can be great for remote workers to start looking for other jobs or just blowing off their current work. A disengaged employee can soon turn into a “bad hire” for the organization. This in turn can cost an employer over 30% of the employee’s salary in hiring and training costs over the next year. Set the tone up front and engage your remote workers early for increased chances of success.
Eager to get your remote workers engaged? Schedule a free demo with GreenJobInterview’s video interview software today. Find out how your team can enhance your remote working experience.

Image Credit: Adobe Stock Photo

Kevin Plá

Technology Consultant | SASE Expert | Trusted Advisor


Great article!


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