Have you ever had the feeling that you’re totally out of touch? I wonder each day as I discover how is new, how much has changed …how much I don’t know. There’s a self made millionaire somewhere in Florida who has a YouTube channel devoted to showing people how to open a box and put things together? Other teen millionaires dance in the street or just act crazy and find that they’re being followed, on line, by millions of other teens…why? I don’t know.

The other day I read about a series that was just picked up for its fourth season…wow…I’ve not only never heard of the series, but I’ve also never heard of the network or any of the actors. Am I the modern day Rip Van Winkle??or ..Is it Just me?? The Weather Channel recently ran a reality series about naked fat guys in the woods…I can’t imagine how that was pitched. That’s even beyond Mike Darnell!   

TLC , National Geo, Discovery and Science channels are stuck in the woods with people building Alaska cabins, shooting Moose or dating naked… I read a young woman’s bio the other day…she’s a show runner and her list of accomplishments reads like the table of contents of the old National Enquirer? I know it’s must be me…but it seems like all these networks are run by college frat boys.  

Maybe I’ve just lost touch, but I sat in my $16.00 Arclight Movie reserved stadium seat just the other day and watched one of the Oscar nominated and critically acclaimed movies. I didn’t understand 2/3rd of what they said…sub titles would have been a great help. At the end of the film we all walked out in silence. The exiting audience seemed truly moved. . . and all I wanted to do was to ask one of them…”what was that about?” but I was sure they all knew and  it was just me!  

John Reagan



John - It is odd that while everything else of a technical nature about movies, whether made for initial theatrical release or for tv, is either as good as ever or better, the dialogue is now so muddy as to be unintelligible in many films. I often resort to using the closed captioning feature at home, but that does me no good in a movie theater. And it is not because we are old --- my 28 year old daughter and her friends have the same problem. Why don't the directors and sound people? Best, John

John- Briefly it's not entirely you and it's not just that television has changed. Ir's the simple fact that what people are looking to TV to provide has drastically changed. They are no longer looking to be enlightened and entertained, They are looking to turn off, escape, and get some relief from a world of problems and potential dangers which threatens our society beyond anything we've ever experienced.. It takes EXTREME programming to achieve that level of distraction ,,,

Don Azars

Post Production Coor. LA Bureau Paramount/CBS INSIDE EDITION & Freelance Writer, Editor, Director


Yes John it's you (:))

Lydia Cole

Author | Corporate Communications | Media Professional


Interesting read, John. My children are millennials so I guess that helps. I would love to know the name of that movie.


Facing your final days with the help of a DOULA


Sadly we have been left behind when it comes to the everyday new technology. And I also never heard of half the people that everyone is following on twitter,etc. But, we have wisdom, experience and knowledge that none of those "youngsters" can have. We still have it...

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