It’s that time of year. A time to reflect and say thanks. But what’s next for Your FLOCK in 2022?  And...

It’s that time of year. A time to reflect and say thanks. But what’s next for Your FLOCK in 2022? And...

You could rightly argue that COVID defined 2021, but…

At YourFLOCK - with our remote team - in different parts of the world. 2021 was an evolving experience away from COVID. As we, like many SAAS companies, grew and gained funding. Experimented and pivoted. Brought in new clever investors. Gained new advisers. Succeeded in wooing new members to join our board. And… even was asked to join brand new accelerators to promote diversity and inclusion in technology. 

The year for us has been a roller-coaster. As remote work went from the strange and alien to the probably the “new normal” more and more leaders realized that deeper change that had happened. That….

“The people in your company and in your team are not just human resources. They are your MOST important resource. And you need to treat them as such.”

As more and more people embraced working away from the office. So new stats kept on proving this change was going to stay with: 

  • 99% of people would choose to work remotely for the rest of their life, even if it was just part-time
  • 77% of remote workers say they’re more productive when they’re working from home
  • 85% of managers believe that having remote workers will become the new normal for many teams

All these stats and facts and more are available here.

And they all support the idea that hybrid is here to stay as Wired reports for 2022:

“Hybrid working will become the norm, with those holding out (without good reason) looking increasingly out of date—as they should—especially as the benefits to recruitment, diversity, and work-life balance become ever more clear.”

Here at YourFLOCK with our team engagement platform, during 2021, we rode this wave of interest and understanding with our new product. And pivoted and changed with feedback. And so over 2021 we have been lucky enough to have over 250 beta testers. Who helped with our pre-launch product. And the “machine learning” and learning and development innovation. We are not alone in looking into machine learning and AI, with more and more SAAS companies going in this direction.

“Automation, through AI, has generated some game-changing waves. With a predictive market value of $733.7 billion by 2027.”

Our SAAS product is powered by automation. And feedback loops to help team engagement and alignment. But it is mainly based on human interactions. Humans are at the heart of what we do. And our SAAS platform has now been used by over 1000 people in 2021.

"We have helped more than 300 different team leaders. In almost 100 different companies." Michal Wisnewski

What kind of human / people does Your FLOCK help most?

Creative, digital and tech companies have been more than half of those companies. And leadership and business development teams are more than half of the teams we helped too...So if you are in those positions and sectors - you are in the right spot.

Of course, we helped other companies too from:

  • Parts of massive organisations like the BBC,
  • Whole companies like health manufacturers Paxman,
  • Tech and start up recruitment agencies like Langham,
  • HR consultants and company culture specialists like Bakerfish and SixthSense,
  • Educational establishments like Preston College and Salford University.

And many more… With some truly visionary people championing us in their organisations.

To everyone - we want to say...

A HUGE THANK YOU - for being part of our journey.

As we plan to grow this idea to help more than a million people. Yes - that's the goal - to help change the future of work for a million people. To do that - we have to get the product right. And get to product market fit…

Easier said than done. But with more and more data coming from YourFLOCK - we can see the way forward. We are just crunching the data now - with some really interesting results coming out. All about the different sectors and the different values that each has. And how about knowing this top core value - how THAT helps with retaining your top talent. And makes people HAPPIER at work.

Have a read of our new end of year report that is coming out before NYE

All about how you can help your people and yourself be happier at work. So on that note ... With a thought to life / work balance myself. After a covid scare over Christmas. I “sign off” for a few days and say.... Have a wonderful New Year and a happy holiday.

And get ready for the new version of Your FLOCK. As a 6 month team togetherness programme - out in 2022.

So here's to You and Your team's and a very happy new year. 

PS. Extra thanks to all the local and national websites, newspapers and journalists that covered our successes and our growth too. You are not often thanked and not thanked enough. So... Here's to you too.

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