Internship Insights: Soft Skills I Have Gained from My Internship Experience at Forge

Internship Insights: Soft Skills I Have Gained from My Internship Experience at Forge

Hello, my name is Pedro, and I’m thrilled to be working for Forge Biologics this summer as a process development intern! I am a junior at Cornell University’s College of Engineering studying biomedical engineering. At my university, I perform research in a biochemistry lab that involves using CRISPR/Cas9 to create genetic tags to study DNA transcription in yeast. I also lead a student-run project team that designs and constructs health solutions for underprivileged communities. My interest in Forge comes from my desire to gain insights into the development of genomic medicine. However, what most attracted me to Forge is its patient-first approach and mission of enabling access to gene therapy. 

Many hope to gain valuable technical experience to grow their careers during an internship, but soft skills are an equally important key to success. Soft skills such as clear and effective communication, conflict resolution, and empathy often allow people to more accurately convey the value of a project and get buy-in from additional stakeholders, especially in environments where collaboration is commonplace.  

Forge’s Ignite internship program excels in providing opportunities to enhance both soft and technical skills. By allowing interns to work on real-world projects while promoting opportunities for cross-functional collaboration, Forge helps to nurture well-rounded professionals who can thrive in any setting. Below, I have outlined five key soft skills that I’ve honed so far this summer.  

Effective Communication 

Working in a collaborative environment requires clear and concise communication with team members. Whether it's presenting experimental designs, drafting reports, or participating in meetings, being able to convey complex ideas is necessary for collaboration. This skill has improved my ability to share my work and listen to feedback, ultimately improving the quality of the projects I contribute to.  


The collaborative nature of Forge’s projects means that I work with colleagues from different backgrounds and expertise. I have seen great teamwork among the people in my department. The way co-workers volunteer to help each other is motivating and inspires me to do the same. This experience has taught me the importance of trust, respect, and synergy in achieving common goals. 


This skill is one of the best examples of a soft skill that enhances my technical abilities. Scientific research often comes with challenges, and problem-solving is something many of us have as scientists and engineers and is something that only improves with practice. Forge has provided a supportive environment where I can approach problems methodically, brainstorm with peers, and implement solutions.  


Biology can be unpredictable, and so can the biotech industry. The ability to quickly adjust to new information, tools, and processes is necessary for success in the field. My experience at Forge has taught me to remain flexible and resourceful to effectively manage unexpected developments in my work. 

Time Management  

While in college, we all start building some level of time management to keep up with assignments and deadlines. However, rarely do I keep my schoolwork within an 8-hour block and usually spread my work out throughout the day and into the night. Attempting to keep my work within work hours has allowed me to develop a healthier work-life balance.  

My internship at Forge Biologics has been an invaluable experience that has afforded me more than just research experience. I value the opportunity to develop soft skills such as effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and time management. I believe these skills will be integral to my growth as a professional and what I need to enhance my technical abilities. I am grateful for this experience and excited to continue applying these skills to my work at Forge and beyond. 

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