I’m tearing up—this wouldn’t be possible without you. 🌹
A Thank You Letter #2023wrapped

I’m tearing up—this wouldn’t be possible without you. 🌹

2023 has been testing us in so many ways.

I often felt lost, and frustrated. My career went through significant changes (more about that here.) And since my podcast is intimately connected to my career, I wondered if what I shared made any sense. But it did 🥹 🫶🏼

I am overwhelmed by the podcast's Spotify 2023 Wrapped results:

  • An impressive 83% increase in new listeners.
  • A stellar 5.0 podcast rating with consistent sharing.
  • A remarkable +7,000 total global downloads; the top countries: USA, Germany, Switzerland, and France <3

Talking about the hard topics so publicly when your life feels upside down is challenging. But it's what moves the needle. And most importantly, I don't do it alone:

My guests and co-hosts are huge contributors to this success: Thank you for sharing your stories so courageously, generously, and authentically. ❤️

And you—all the listeners✨who keep showing up, spreading the word, and connecting me to incredible thought leaders. This wouldn’t be possible without you! ❤️

My mission is to help us tap into our unique gifts through personal transformation. We change our lives when we tap into our authenticity, and share our transformative experiences.

I believe that when we elevate ourselves, we elevate our businesses and society.

Together, we are normalizing what it means to work and live from a place of deeper purpose. We enhance our ability, confidence, and hope to build a better future.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be on this journey with you.

Thank you,


For those curious about the top picks of 2023:

  1. Anna Opens Up On Burning Out - A Path to Regenerative Leadership: https://open.spotify.com/episode/57DaOttfbi2Y7sfO8axaP8?si=FT6zbXDmQhmju2OnLtBzHQ
  2. Ecosystem Leadership & The Other Side of Failure with Dan, executive and board member at Parkhill: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ldV7sZXfIcAa5BzSNYFPS
  3. Leading A Resilient Organization With Amelie, executive leader at Siemens https://open.spotify.com/episode/2dSw7Mmy39nMh7gKXghFQf?si=Wm6yLeaARGOeBd54XZywxw
  4. When To Take Risk & How To Take More with Line, executive leader at LEGO Group: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1qeUTJqICWGHDSF75Igyfs

And we’re starting off strong in 2024:

  • Purpose: The guru who’s book foreword was written by Brené Brown (!!), sheds light on finding your life’s purpose
  • Big life transitions: A psychologist guides me through a big change, losing a job.
  • Unveiling the hidden truth behind the connection of our purpose and our success at work. A conversation with the godfather of HR himself.
  • On growth. A fresh twist for our special GROW series co-hosted by Philipp Wehn



Congratulations, my friend! You have accomplished so much while staying true to yourself - and giving back to all of us. Thank you!

Dan Norenberg

Executive and strategic leadership team advisor, coach and author of “Executive Ownershift, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams”.


Well done Helena Arjuna Suter and very deserved, your passion and integrity comes through when you share!

Tjessica Stegenga 🌎

Leadership & team coach, mentor, speaker and change consultant. Working alongside leaders & teams who want to create a positive team culture and aim for purpose-driven and sustainable changes.


Love it 🥰 It’s beautiful watching your growth and finding your voice. Keep rocking and believing in possibilities 🙌💥🍀

Susan Faust

Transformation Lead@Siemens | We do digital. | Passion for digital transformation


You do a Great Job and this is the result! Congratulations! Happy that I could participate!

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