"Ignorance allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have"​ -James Baldwin

"Ignorance allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have" -James Baldwin

It has taken me almost 2 weeks to say something on this platform. I accept that my conditioning has held me back; thinking that speaking up equals losing credibility with colleagues. But at last, my message is too powerful to keep inside, Black Lives Matter. Many companies have been pledging solidarity to the Black struggles after the plight of the Black community due to the horrible murder of Geroge Floyd. His murder is another drop on the burden that African-Americans have endured in this country. Police Brutality, Systemic Racism, School/Housing defunding, and many more atrocities. This solidarity offered by corporations means NOTHING if it is not accompanied by action and DATA. I want to see the numbers. Show me how many Black people you employ. Show me how many of them are upper management and I DARE you to show me your executive board.

As you will see, it's mostly white and male. At BU, one of my favorite professors was Professor Greiman, royalty in the Project Management world. One of her lessons that hit home for me was to always evaluate who sits at Executive boards, in that way, you know what you are dealing with. Since then, I look at the boards of companies I have worked for, schools for my kids and companies I spend money. It has changed the way, I see and I navigate this world. I dare you to do the same, to know who are you truly working for and who you are you are giving your money too. Do these board members align with your morals?

Going back to the actions: How to support the black community. If you are a non-Black person, make sure to be clear of what being Anti-racist is and, become it. Please do not put the emotional labor on Black colleagues to do this important and personal work for you. Its UNPAID labor that our friend google and a few books can resolve. Continue by putting your wallet where your mouth is, purposely, spend money on Black businesses. And also, have the tough conversations at work with your non-Black colleagues. Dig deep on why some Black colleagues are not getting the promotion they deserved, or when somebody mistakes a black person for the cleaning lady and not the manager they are (both happened to me). At the end of the day, not only is it insulting to not question things like this but also, it is a GREAT loss.

Did you know that Black Women are the most educated ethnic group and at the same time the most underpaid? (Inc. Magazine). These women said "NO MORE" so: "The number of businesses owned by African American women grew 322% since 1997, making black females the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S." (2015). This entrepreneurial bunch is fleeting corporations because of the constant and unbearable mistreatment. Hire black women AND support Black women-owned businesses now that you have become Anti-Racist.

In conclusion- as a society, we need to do better. Discrimination should be a thing of the past, sadly it is alive and kicking for many of us. Our governments, need to do better by defunding the police and putting that money towards education and housing security. And, our microcosm at work, need to do better all the way to the Executive Boards. At the end of the day, we deserve to be measured by our skills and not by the color of our skin.

Camelia Garrick, MS-HRM

Assistant to the President, Business Manager, and HR Associate at EXPLO


A very insightful article Melani.


As society we need to do so much better... Powerful article Melanie, thanks!


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