How to turn Call Centers to Profit Centers?

How to turn Call Centers to Profit Centers?

“Good customer service begins at the top. If your senior people don’t get it, even the strongest links further down the line can become compromised.” – Richard Branson

Companies striving to elevate revenue and profits must explore untapped avenues of growth. That's where the call center comes in – often dismissed as a cost center, but in reality, a powerhouse that conceals a wealth of potential for success.

Capitalizing on this potential demands a focus on customer experience  (#CX). Regardless of whether a business provides products or services, the crux of its success lies in orchestrating highly engaging customer interactions.

It really comes down to how well the experience that you (all interactions with your product & company) provide meets your customers’ ever-changing needs and wants. #CX is ultimately the effect your product/company has on customers’ lives that creates value.

In fact, businesses that prioritize customer experience (#CX) in their strategy often observe a remarkable 80% increase in their revenue.

Through this lens, transforming call centers into profit centers hinges on understanding and harnessing the power of experience. Prioritizing customer engagement and satisfaction is key to revolutionizing call centers, driving sales, and fostering lasting customer loyalty.

Unleashing Next-Level Customer Experiences (#CX) With AI-Infused Call Centers

In an era where customer-centricity reigns supreme, it is crucial to recognize that exceptional experiences do not simply materialize by chance. Rather, they are the product of conscious efforts to empathize with customers, discern their needs, and craft bespoke solutions that resonate on a personal level.

Hence, embracing the transformative potential of AI in the realm of call centers is not merely a trend; it is imperative for businesses seeking to elevate their customer experiences (#CX) to new heights. AI holds the key to evolving call centers from service providers to bona fide profit centers. 

“The integration of AI in customer experience management has shifted the paradigm from reactive to interactive followed by proactive and immersive, enabling companies to anticipate customer needs and provide instant solutions.”

Cognitive AI ushers in a new era of call center capabilities that go beyond simple automation and data processing. These AI systems possess the ability to understand, reason, learn, and interact with customers using human-like cognitive mechanisms.  Implementing Cognitive Architectures, including elements such as knowledge representation, comprehensive short- and long-term memory, deeper understanding of the context, goal administration, etc., call centers can now employ AI chatbots that truly comprehend customer sentiments, engage in meaningful conversations, and provide context-aware assistance. This advancement in AI technology empowers businesses to deliver highly personalized, responsive, and empathetic customer experiences.

"Convenient & Reliable Self-Service is the highest and most effective form of customer service."

This type of Self-Service needs to be available by text or talk, 24x7, hyper-personalized to each individual's history, preferences, context and goals.

Cognitive AI at the Core of Transforming Call Center into Engaging Experiences (#NX) Hub

According to the latest forecasts from MarketsandMarkets, the call center artificial intelligence market is poised to explode in North America, skyrocketing to a staggering $933 million by 2024. 

The evolution of the experience economy has amplified an individual's expectations for personalization. In the call center domain, this translates into delivering hyper-personalized interactions 24x7 tailored to each customer's distinct needs and preferences.

“Hyper-Personalization at Scale is attainable only through the power of cognitive technologies.”

To deliver true personalization, a cognitive core is indispensable, serving as the foundation for customer interactions. This core comprises three essential components: 

  1. Accessible memory of past interactions: An AI system can recall previous interactions with the user, allowing it to build context and maintain continuity in conversations. By remembering past exchanges, the AI can offer more relevant responses and anticipate user needs more accurately.
  2. Interactive learning capabilities: A cognitive core must possess the ability to learn from each interaction, continuously expanding its understanding of user preferences, habits, and concerns. This ongoing, real-time learning process enables the AI to adapt to individual users, providing increasingly personalized experiences over time.
  3. Cognitive machinery to utilize information: The AI system should be able to process the accumulated knowledge, draw inferences, and make decisions based on the user's unique profile. Incorporating advanced techniques such as context-aware processing, the cognitive core can generate tailored responses and recommendations that align with the user's needs and preferences.

By proactively addressing potential concerns, such as repeatedly asking for the same information that we know already, offering irrelevant product/service suggestions, information overload, and inefficient responses, these advanced cognitive mechanisms  create unparalleled experiences that nurture customer loyalty and advocacy.

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: Shifting Gears Towards Profit 

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As customer service expectations rapidly evolve towards seamless interactions, it is crucial for businesses to adapt and stay ahead of these demands.

“Customers crave convenience and instant support.”

Employing chatbots and virtual assistants to automate routine tasks enables call centers to broaden their horizons, enriching the customer experience (#CX) and transitioning from cost centers to profit generators.

Gartner, Inc. projects a significant shift in the customer service landscape. By 2027, it's estimated that 25% of organizations will adopt chatbots as their primary customer service channel. This evolution will empower customers with instant support, personalized recommendations, and prompt problem resolution, all while bypassing the frustration of waiting on hold or navigating complex phone systems.

“Expected benefits are increased levels of automation, cost reduction, increased flexibility, and streamlined customer interactions.” - (Ameen, Tarhini, Reppel, & Anand, 2021).

These sophisticated tools proficiently manage not just routine inquiries but also employ context-driven personalization to get complex tasks done and offer tailored recommendations while allowing human agents to focus on exceptional issues.

Cognitive AI allows enterprises to use human agents only for exceptions.

Let’s say an e-commerce call center deploys an AI-powered chatbot to manage frequent inquiries such as order status updates and return procedures. This enables customers to promptly obtain information on basic concerns,  eliminating wait times. Meanwhile, human agents can concentrate on resolving intricate issues like billing disputes, technical product support, and escalations.

Automating mundane tasks, like handling FAQs, and leveraging advanced analytics to generate individualized suggestions mean call centers can optimize their workflows, streamline operations, and minimize time and costs.

The significantly reduced overhead costs associated with the manual processing of routine tasks, along with more efficient use of human resources, drive increased revenue and profitability, positioning AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants as critical components in the transformation of call centers into profit-generating hubs.

Cognitive AI in Upselling and Cross-Selling: Maximizing Revenue Opportunities

Transforming call centers into profit centers requires a multifaceted approach; it's essential to concurrently explore diverse opportunities, ensuring that customer experience, innovation, and revenue generation work in synergy to create lasting value.

Customers generally appreciate cross-selling and upselling when it adds value to their experience and addresses their current needs or preferences. The key is to ensure that these recommendations are contextual, relevant, personalized, and non-intrusive.

A substantial 91% of customers express a preference for shopping with brands that deliver relevant offers and recommendations tailored to their needs.

This is where Cognitive AI can act as a catalyst - facilitating intelligent upselling and cross-selling driven by capabilities like high-level reasoning, profound understanding, goal-oriented planning, and adept problem-solving. 

Here's an overview of how Cognitive AI operates in the background, boosting customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores and enhancing incremental conversion rates, as well as revenue per call:

  • Knowledge Representation: Cognitive AI employs knowledge representation techniques to effectively store and organize customer, product, and service information, enabling the system to comprehend complex relationships and provide relevant recommendations accordingly.
  • Reasoning and Inference: These systems can perform reasoning and inferential tasks, allowing them to deduce new information based on the existing knowledge base and aid in identifying potential upselling and cross-selling opportunities by understanding customers' needs and preferences.
  • Context-Aware Processing: The ability to analyze contextual information allows for tailored recommendations that cater to the customer's unique situation, increasing conversion likelihood with personalized and relevant suggestions.
  • Goal-Oriented Dialogue Management: Cognitive AI can engage in goal-oriented dialogue, understanding the customer's objectives and offering recommendations that align with those goals. This makes the customer experience smoother as the AI system can proactively guide the customer toward achieving their desired outcome.
  • Adaptive Learning: Unlike traditional machine learning algorithms, cognitive AI systems can interactively learn from each customer interaction, enabling them to continuously improve their understanding of customer preferences, habits, and concerns. 

The working of cognitive AI’s abilities in the context of the contact center is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, where each instrument plays a critical role in creating a harmonious symphony. This coordinated effort results in a powerful performance that boosts conversions and elevates ROI.

Crafting a Successful AI Implementation Strategy

While focusing solely on CX is essential to drive cost centers towards profit centers, it is equally important to address the other domains and lay the groundwork for incorporating AI into call centers. 

  1. Understanding Customer’s Context Deeply 

Call centers, as key hubs of customer interaction, possess an immense wealth of customer data that, when utilized effectively allows chatbots to deliver personalized and responsive interactions. Crafting a comprehensive use case strategy, call centers can employ the power of Cognitive AI to elevate customer service, significantly reduce the number of human agents in the call centers, and augment operational efficiency.

To accomplish this feat, call centers must first identify the data sources at their disposal, including customer details, call transcripts, and agent training material to bring Cognitive AI up to speed.

Next, they must focus on the procurement and integration of this data into a unified or federated data repository, which will allow them to effortlessly access and scrutinize this valuable information.

The key to achieving this lies in data quality. By establishing data governance and quality control protocols, call centers can guarantee the precision, comprehensiveness, and uniformity of their data. 

When raw data is converted into valuable, trustworthy insights and recommendations, call centers are empowered to deliver superior customer experiences (#CX).

2. Select the Right AI Technology

It is essential to carefully consider an organization's distinct business objectives and technical prerequisites to ensure that the chosen AI technology is efficient, scalable, and cost-effective.  This can unlock unparalleled business success in the experience-driven economy.

“Cognitive AI is the most suitable AI, tailor-fit for call center excellence, drives transformative success.”

Traditional non-Cognitive chatbots that use keyword based intent and action that are prevalent in the industry, can efficiently manage simple tasks such as handling straightforward FAQs and simple actions. Yet, to adopt a revenue-generating mindset in call centers, more advanced, human-like capabilities are needed, which cognitive AI-based chatbots provide. Cognitive AI is Ontology-driven unlike the Big Data-driven traditional Chatbots. These cognitive chatbots can be equipped with extensive, application-specific knowledge such as dynamic business rules, customer preferences, and industry-specific terminology - features that conventional, non-cognitive chatbots lack.

Moreover, the cognitive core combines a multitude of conversational and cognitive capabilities, including conceptualization, natural language generation, memory, analogy, reasoning, and conflict resolution. This cognitive prowess enables the dynamic adaptation of conversations with fresh ideas, collaboratively guiding them toward innovative solutions.

Ongoing Meaningful Conversations are the truest expression of intelligence. 

And securing these intelligent interactions in the call center lead to smoother customer experiences, fostering stronger connections and ultimately driving business growth.

3. Measure and Monitor AI Performance 

As management expert Peter Drucker once said, "What gets measured gets managed." This principle holds true for call centers as they navigate the experience economy, especially when incorporating AI solutions.

Focusing on new  key performance indicators (KPIs) in addition to the standard metrics such as Average Handling Time (AHT), First Call Resolution (FCR), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is critical for a call center looking to transition into a profit center. Upsell and Cross-sell ratios, average purchase value, sales opportunities created are some of the metrics that  call centers, sorry profit centers  can use to gauge the impact of AI solutions, ensuring accurate measurement of their effectiveness. Utilizing advanced analytics, business intelligence systems, and data-driven reporting, they can extract valuable insights from their data, empowering informed decision-making that delivers exceptional customer experiences (#CX) and sets them apart.


Where customer service serves as the foremost competitive differentiator, the importance of call centers cannot be overstated. It is essential to analyze and comprehend their potential to bolster revenue-generating activities and enhance the bottom line.

"In today's world, meaningful differences between businesses are rarely rooted in price or product, but instead in customer experience." - Jay Baer, Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers.

Organizations must shift their mindset to transform the so-called cost center into a profit-generating hub, capitalize on the untapped potential, enhance customer experiences (#CX), and drive overall business growth.

The future of call centers will be defined by the convergence of technology, human empathy, and innovative thinking. By delving deep into the transformative potential of Cognitive AI and looking beyond the obvious, call centers have the opportunity to reimagine their role in the experience-driven economy, setting new benchmarks for customer engagement and success.

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Revolutionize Call Centers with

With the potential to transform call centers from cost centers to profit centers, offers endless possibilities for providing hyper-personalized, engaging experiences (#NX) that reduces costs significantly while driving sales and increasing revenue. By automating simple to complex  tasks, deeply integrating Cognitive chatbots, empowers call centers to streamline their operations, save time and costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences (#CX) that cater to each individual's unique needs and preferences. Don't miss out on the future of call center technology - use and revolutionize the way you do business today. 


  • Ameen, N., Tarhini, A., Reppel, A., & Anand, A. (2021). Customer experiences in the age of artificial intelligence. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106548.
  • Baer, J. (2016). Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers. Portfolio.

Well said, Srini Pagidyala! I love the idea of taking CX into NX and "reactive to proactive"!

"Whether you have 1M or 100M customers, every customer needs to feel that your entire company exists to serve them when & where they want it." This is so important!

Jonathan Bessette

Marketing and SEO Content Strategist | Writer | Editor | Poet


Great article, thanks for sharing!

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