How to Make Better Use of Your Time on LinkedIn

It's been my experience that a lot of people get on LinkedIn, but don't actually utilize it. There's nothing wrong with that if you just want to advertise yourself and make yourself known to the world. If you want to use LinkedIn as it was intended to be used, as a networking resource, this is a great website/app. Still, there are people that tease you out there. How?

Have you linked to a person on LinkedIn, then they never respond to you even when you have something relevant for them? They'll link to you, but have nothing to do with you? That person frustrates me. Am I the only person that feels this way or has this experience? I link to people because I can either help them in some way or think that our mutual interest will help us both. I might even link to someone because they have something I want and I'm looking for their assistance, such as a mentor. I believe this is a networking resource.

What is the value of being on LinkedIn and linking to people if you won't communicate with them? I message people and never get a response. I know some of them are probably very busy people, so it would be nice if they would say that they'll connect with me at a later time. Being ignored on LinkedIn is not a pleasant experience, especially when I know I can help them professionally.

So what does that have to do with making better use of time? I'd suggest to those people that they no longer accept invitations to connect. It would save them and me time trying to connect to them. Instead, create your page and don't link with people if you only want them to see you if they want to learn about you.

Still, I recommend that people talk to each other on LinkedIn. It can be a great professional networking resource. If you're willing to link to someone, be willing to respond to a message that they take time to send to you. I don't mean an automatic response of congrats or happy birthday. I mean a written note to you that they took time to construct. If they were worth your time to link to them, they are probably worth your time reading a message they sent and responding to them.

For what it's worth, that's my two cents on this matter. What are your thoughts and experiences?

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