How to Get the Recognition You Really Want at Work

Feeling appreciated at work is crucial, but let's face it—your manager often miss the mark. You might get a team dinner when you really wanted a bonus, or a quiet cash reward when you craved public recognition. Understanding and getting the rewards that genuinely motivate you can make all the difference.

Here are five simple steps to make sure you get the recognition you really want:

1. Reflect on What Matters

Start by figuring out what truly motivates you. Ask yourself:

  • What are my short-term and long-term goals?
  • When have I felt most motivated at work, and why?
  • What types of recognition have made me feel great (or not so great) in the past?
  • Do I prefer public praise or private acknowledgment?

2. Make a List

Create a list of rewards and experiences that excite you. Think about things like:

  • Financial incentives to help pay off student loans
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Extra paid time off
  • The option to work remotely or lead new projects

Rank these items to see what matters most to you.

3. Pay Attention

Look around at how your team handles recognition. Notice where the types of rewards you want are happening. Engage with colleagues and mentors who share your values and can support your goals.

4. Talk to Your Manager/Board

Have an open chat with your manager about what motivates you. Discuss your goals and the types of rewards that keep you engaged. If you see opportunities in your organization that match your preferences, let them know.

5. Give Feedback

If your employer’s rewards don’t hit the mark, give constructive feedback. Show gratitude for their efforts and offer suggestions on how they can better meet your needs next time.

By understanding and expressing your own preferences, you can help create a workplace where you feel truly valued. Plus, it’s a win-win: you get the recognition you crave, and your employer gets a more motivated you.

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