How To Get Better Publicity For Minimal Cost...

How To Get Better Publicity For Minimal Cost...

When you run an advertisement for your book or business, you pay for the space; when your press release prompts a newspaper to write an article about your book/company, you don’t pay for that coverage.

Several characteristics separate public relations from advertising, but one fundamental difference is this:

Advertising costs money, while PR is free*. 

Of course, *PR is not absolutely free of cost. Your public relations staff member or your outside PR agency has to be paid for services. But compared to the cost of advertising campaigns, PR is quite a bargain. Many small- and medium-size businesses that can afford only limited advertising (with limited results) can do much more PR – and get better results – on a fraction of the budget they’d spend on paid advertising.

So the difference in cost is fundamental. Another key difference is that advertising is clearly identified in the media as a paid promotion – readers and viewers know that it is a promotional message paid for by a sponsor. Publicity, by comparison, is not identified as a paid promotion.

Even though a story about a product (book) or organisation may have resulted from a publicity campaign, the article or report never acknowledges that fact.

Four other key differences between PR and advertising are:

  1. Control
  2. Repetition
  3. Credibility
  4. Attractiveness

The better your PR visibility, the more your other marketing communications efforts will pull in responses. Low response rates may not be the result of a bad ad or mailer. That deafening silence could mean that the people reading your ad or receiving your mailing have never heard of you.

Good PR establishes you as a player in the prospect’s mind before they respond to what you want them to do. If you don’t have good PR, your people may meet with increased resistance.

I can help you with this - just let me know, here's a video that will give you more of an understanding on a simple book marketing plan.


Bill Goss

Founder - Elite Publishing Academy


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