How to be a Competitive Candidate
Written by: Chris Sanchez

How to be a Competitive Candidate

Just like any hiring process, you want to be competitive and secure the job you applied for. The same should be true when working with a recruiting agency like Professional Employment Group of Colorado. In my 24 years working in the recruiting business, I have seen competitive candidates do these things.

Be authentic when talking with your recruiter.

Having a real conversation with your recruiter allows them to know what drives you. Once they know what drives you and what your bottom line is they can provide a better service to you. Our recruiters know there is more to a position than title, pay and benefits.

Be open to other positions.

You could be qualified for another position and not even know it! Don’t get hung up on a title when you could receive a job that meets your needs and challenges you. This also allows the recruiter to expand the search and find a position even faster.

Check our job board often to see if there are any new jobs you are interested in.

Seek mentorship from a person holding the job.

Many people have an infatuation with a position title without knowing the first thing about the culture that comes with it. The best way to learn is to seek mentorship from someone who currently works in the field, ideally holding the job you are looking for.

There are a couple of ways to go about this. If you are in school, ask to have a one-on-one with your professor. Network to meet people that work in that field. This can be done in person or simply by reaching out to connections on LinkedIn. Most corporate leaders are leaders because they want to elevate and mentor others. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Explain your situation and what insight you are hoping to gather.

Ultimately the question you should ask yourself is, does this new career fit with your future lifestyle?

Answer the phone!

I cannot tell you how many times I make a call to a candidate I have been working with and they don’t pick up the phone. What candidates don’t see is the handful of other candidates I am calling right after I leave a message. I understand people can’t take calls about a new position while working in their current position. Communicating your preferred method of communication with your recruiter helps us help you.

Take a risk.

If a position requires you to move to Spain, move to Spain. If a position requires that you earn a certification you don’t already have, get the certification. Growth and change are required for almost every profession now. It can be stressful, and I recognize that, if you want to be competitive later in your career, having a wide breadth of knowledge and skill is necessary.

Job seeking is always a stressful task but if you follow these tips when working with your recruiter it will make the whole process a lot smoother. Trends published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggest there are fewer jobs available and a growing labor pool, leading to higher competition. Give yourself every advantage to be a competitive candidate in this competitive market. 

#jobs #recruitment #recruiting #candidate #tipsforsuccess #mentorship #jobsearch #recruitment #authenticity #lifestyle #communication

Magdalena Altman, M.A.

Networking Queen, Client Solutions Gal, Passionate Connector, Transformational Leader, Mentor, Mama Bear, Boss Lady


Thank you Chris, this is great!


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