How to Bring Value to Your Team & Organization As A Scrum Master in 90 Days

How to Bring Value to Your Team & Organization As A Scrum Master in 90 Days

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform you into an indispensable asset for your team and organization?

Buckle up because we're about to dive deep into the strategies and practices that will empower you to make a significant impact as a Scrum Master in just 90 days!

Week 1-4: Lay the Foundation

In your first month in the role, your primary focus should be on laying a solid foundation for success. This entails building trust, understanding the landscape, and embracing servant leadership.

Building Trust

Start by building rapport and trust with your team members. Actively listen to their concerns, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and demonstrate empathy and support. Trust is the bedrock of any successful team, and as a Scrum Master, it's your responsibility to cultivate it from day one.

Don't start by coaching. You know nothing yet."

Understanding the Landscape

Dive into the project ecosystem. Understand the product vision, stakeholder expectations, and the current state of the project. This knowledge will guide your actions and decisions as a Scrum Master, allowing you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively.

Serve the Team

Focus on serving the needs of the team, removing impediments, and fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Remember, as a Scrum Master, your role is not to command and control, but to empower and enable your team to achieve their full potential.

Master Event Facilitation

Master the art of facilitating meetings such as Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives. Ensure that these sessions are purposeful, engaging, and result-oriented. Effective meetings are the cornerstone of Agile teamwork, providing opportunities for alignment, collaboration, and course correction.

Identifying Pain Points

Identify pain points and bottlenecks within the team and the Scrum process. Addressing these issues early on will prevent them from escalating and hindering progress. Whether it's bureaucratic red tape, resource constraints, or technical challenges, your role as a Scrum Master is to clear the path for success.

Week 5-8: Empower Your Team

As you enter your second month in the role, shift your focus towards empowering your team members and fostering a culture of autonomy, accountability, and innovation.

Coach and Mentor

Provide coaching and mentorship to team members, helping them embrace Agile principles and practices. Encourage self-organization and decision-making, while providing guidance and support when needed. By investing in your team's growth and development, you empower them to take ownership of their work and excel beyond expectations.

Foster Continuous Improvement

Instill a mindset of continuous improvement within the team. Encourage experimentation, feedback loops, and learning from both successes and failures. Celebrate achievements and milestones, no matter how small, and use setbacks as opportunities for reflection and growth. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, you create a dynamic and resilient team that can adapt and thrive in any environment.

Remove Roadblocks

Actively identify and remove impediments that hinder the team's progress. Whether it's bureaucratic red tape, resource constraints, or technical challenges, your role as a Scrum Master is to clear the path for success. By proactively addressing obstacles and barriers, you enable your team to focus on what they do best – delivering value to the customer.

Promote Collaboration

Foster a culture of collaboration and cross-functional teamwork. Break down silos, encourage knowledge sharing, and facilitate open communication channels between team members and stakeholders. Collaboration is essential for success in Agile environments, as it enables teams to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to solve complex problems and deliver innovative solutions.

Embrace Metrics

Utilize Agile metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the team's progress and identify areas for improvement. Metrics such as velocity, cycle time, and customer satisfaction can provide valuable insights into the team's effectiveness and help you make data-driven decisions. By embracing metrics, you gain visibility into the team's performance and can take proactive steps to drive continuous improvement and deliver maximum value to the customer.

Week 9-12: Drive Tangible Results

As you enter the final stretch of your first 90 days as a Scrum Master, focus on driving tangible results and demonstrating the value you bring to the team and organization.

Deliver Value

Keep your eyes on the ultimate goal – delivering value to the customer. Work closely with the Product Owner and the team to prioritize and deliver high-quality increments of work that meet customer needs and expectations. By focusing on value delivery, you ensure that your team's efforts are aligned with the organization's strategic objectives and contribute to its overall success.

Iterate and Adapt

Embrace the Agile principle of inspect and adapt. Continuously review and refine your practices, processes, and behaviors based on feedback and lessons learned. Be willing to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances, and encourage your team to embrace experimentation and innovation. By iterating and adapting, you create a culture of agility and resilience that enables your team to thrive in an ever-changing environment.

Communicate Effectively

Communication is key to success as a Scrum Master. Keep stakeholders informed of progress, challenges, and upcoming initiatives. Be transparent about risks and dependencies, and solicit feedback to ensure alignment. By communicating effectively, you build trust and credibility with stakeholders and create a shared understanding of the team's goals and objectives.

Lead by Example

Lead by example and embody the values and principles of Agile and Scrum. Demonstrate resilience, positivity, and a willingness to embrace change. Inspire and motivate your team to reach new heights of excellence, and celebrate their achievements along the way. By leading by example, you set the tone for your team and create an environment where everyone feels empowered to succeed.

Reflect and Celebrate

Take time to reflect on your journey as a Scrum Master over the past 90 days. Celebrate achievements, milestones, and breakthroughs, both individually and as a team. Recognize the progress made and set new goals for the future. By reflecting and celebrating, you create a culture of appreciation and gratitude that fuels motivation and inspires continued growth and success.

In just 90 days, you have the power to make a significant impact as a Scrum Master, driving value for your team and organization. By building strong foundations, empowering teams, and driving tangible results, you can unlock the full potential of Agile and transform the way your organization delivers value to its customers. Embrace the journey, stay true to Agile principles, and never stop striving for excellence.


Dr. Francis Mbunya, Sr. Agile & Enterprise Coach

I Help aspiring Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches land their first role.

P.S. What's your top tip for bringing value as a Scrum Master? Share it in the comments below! Let's learn and grow together. 🌱

Dorothee Fonkeng

--A very dedicated scrum master who thrives in empowering and coaching teams either onsite or offsite .. A servant leader, CSM, helps teams to overcome roadblock and deliver high quality software , coach .


Useful tips

Donclarte Dontsi

Helping impact-entrepreneurs achieve financial growth.


Embracing servant leadership is the key to unlock untapped potential in every field. Good article Francis Mbunya, PhD! Amazing to see the full thought-through process you have for aspiring scrum masters. They are surely in good hands.

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