How To Approach Media

How To Approach Media

Every brand and their office-pooch have a ‘groundbreaking’ story to tell these days.

But the game has changed. The media landscape doesn't just thrive on the newsworthy; it craves the extraordinary.

Securing media coverage isn't about bombarding journalists with the same tired pitches or recycling last year’s strategies. Brands and founders need to be strategic, authentic, and yes, a little daring.

It’s time to embrace the unspoken truths of media engagement, truths that could very well redefine your brand’s presence in the press. Ready for the inside scoop? Let’s dive into how to approach media in 2024.

Strategic Media Placement

Backing your position with data is Journalism 101; yet, in the clamour for media attention, even the most insightful statistics can fall flat. So what can you do? Well, it’s not just about the data you present, but the angle and story you weave around it. In 2024, the narratives that capture hearts and minds are those that blend compelling data with human experiences, offering a fresh perspective on familiar tales.

Patience and Timing

Think securing a top-tier media placement is about being the loudest voice at the party? Think again. 2024 is the year of the strategic slow burn. It’s understanding that your story might not be today’s headline but tomorrow’s feature piece. It's about recognising the rhythms of the news cycle and aligning your pitch with moments when your story can truly shine.

As for timing, a recent ‘State of Journalism’ survey by Muck Rack shows 61% of journalists prefer brands to pitch them before midday - we usually suggest between 8am and 9am. Something else that was interesting from this report, is that 88% of journalists want short pitches with less than 300 words. Short, sharp and punchy! Ditch the fluff.

Diversity of Voice

Gone are the days when lip service to diversity would suffice. Today, the media’s hunger for diverse perspectives is insatiable. And you’re not just ticking boxes; brands need to enrich the storytelling with voices from every corner of society. Whether it’s insight from the LGBTQ+ community, women, persons of colour, or other underrepresented groups, diverse viewpoints are not just welcomed; they’re sought after.

Media Coaching in a Hybrid World

Zoom interviews and hybrid press conferences aren’t going anywhere. The brands that stand out are those whose representatives can deliver their message with clarity and charisma, regardless of the medium. This means, the playing field has levelled, allowing anyone with a compelling message and a strong presence to steal the spotlight, even from their summer home.

When emailing media, keep in mind that 85% of media professionals decide whether they’ll open or immediately delete an email based on the subject line alone.

Exploring Alternative Content Streams

Think a well-crafted op-ed or a viral social media post can’t compete with traditional media coverage? 2024 begs to differ. Alternative content streams have become powerful platforms for reaching target audiences directly, challenging the notion that traditional press is the only path to visibility.

Offering Exclusivity

Offering an exclusive story might feel like a gamble, but when done right, it’s a game-changer. The trick lies in knowing your audience and the journalists who can best tell your story. Exclusivity isn’t about exclusion; it's about offering a unique lens through which your story can be told, creating a win-win for your brand and the media outlet.

Crafting Irresistible Pitches

From killer subject lines to pitches that prove you've done your homework, show journalists not just why your story matters, but why it matters now.

Start strong: Introduce yourself and your expertise. Highlight what makes your story relevant and captivating for today’s audience. Be direct and concise, avoiding personal detours. Aim to engage, not overwhelm.

Embracing Rejection

Let’s face it, not every pitch will be a home run. But in the world of media coverage, resilience is your greatest asset. Rejection isn’t the end; it’s a step towards refining your approach, honing your message, and ultimately, finding your story’s perfect home.

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