The Greatest Thing In Life Is To Keep Your Mind Young
Mark Collins "Boot Camp Sunrise"

The Greatest Thing In Life Is To Keep Your Mind Young

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” ~ Henry Ford

I am committed to learning - on every level. I am living proof you can teach an old dog new tricks. As part of my plan to make each year better than the last, I add a healthy dose of education into the mix. I usually don't start so soon in the New Year, but this year was an exception. I am soaring high after a week with a group of extraordinarily smart, talented and passionate people under the expert guidance of fundraising guru, Alex Comfort, at his Mountain Non-Profit Solutions Fundraising Boot Camp.

There is nothing like a week of excellent and thoughtfully prepared topical presentations shared with humor and life stories to make you sit up and take notice. Each aspect of the class flowed seamlessly from one topic to the next. When you add plenty of time for questions and answers, a few exercises for levity and education and the ability to get to know your fellow classmates all led by a man who is the "real deal" you have a recipe for inspiration.

I learned so much and in areas that surprised me. The knowledge and wisdom Alex shares, along with all the thoughts of those fellow students in the "trenches" and in the field proved to be an invaluable experience.

And there is certainly something to be said about being in a room full of non-profit professionals - (you know who I mean, the people with a passion to help and huge hearts) that is uplifting in itself.

Do yourself a favor - surround yourself with people with a can-do attitude, people with a desire to change the world and just, plain and simple, make it better - people like Alex Comfort and his students and you tell me if your outlook on life is not brighter.

Words of encouragement - for my friends in the non-profit world - and you are legion - make yourself a promise to carve out the time and attend one of Alex's boot camps. It's been a long time since I have sat in a room and at the end of the day the conversation and education just continued. If networking is your thing, it's a very organic, natural outcome of the class. Invest in yourself - believe me you'll see the dividends. Serious, practical applications in a complex world, this week has shown me the way, illuminated my path and I am forever grateful... Give it a try, really! Remember the immortal words of Mr. Ford from above "Anyone who keeps learning stays young." - Stay young...

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