Gen AI for Business #5

Gen AI for Business #5

Welcome to this week's edition (#5) of Gen AI for Business, where we bring you the latest insights, tools, and innovations in the B2B sector. 

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In this issue, we dive into the exciting world of generative AI, from new divisions and leadership changes to key legal challenges and groundbreaking research.

Remember, knowledge is power.

Happy Reading, 


News about models and everything related to them

Large language models like OpenAI's GPT, Google's BERT, and Meta AI's LLaMA 2 revolutionize NLP. OpenAI introduces GPT-4-turbo and new tools for free, enhancing ChatGPT’s capabilities. Gen AI now writes code, forecasts weather, and develops new materials, showcasing its expanding impact. Mint’s Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) makes LLM training more efficient, leveling the playing field for smaller firms. Google unveils 13 AI tools at I/O, from video generation to advanced conversational models. Anthropic expands into Europe, launching Claude in multiple languages and raising more funds. Open-source AI offers transparency but comes with risks like complex licenses and security issues. Meta’s Llama 3 challenges OpenAI’s API model, highlighting different strategic approaches in the AI race.

  • How Does Large Language Models Work? Top 10 LLMs to Consider Key LLMs include OpenAI's GPT series, Google's BERT, Meta AI's OPT-175B, BigScience's BLOOM, Meta AI’s LLaMA 2, TII’s Falcon-180B, LMSYS's Vicuna, Mistral AI's Mistral 7B, and CodeGen. These models excel in tasks like text generation, translation, and sentiment analysis, transforming applications in natural language processing.

  • Introducing GPT-4o and more tools to ChatGPT free users | OpenAI  OpenAI has introduced GPT-4-turbo, a more efficient version of GPT-4, to ChatGPT users, and announced new tools including a code interpreter, DALL-E integration with inpainting capabilities, and a browsing tool for up-to-date information. Additionally, users can now upload and analyze documents with ChatGPT. These features are available for free, enhancing the capabilities and accessibility of the platform. Rewatch Live stream: Spring Update | OpenAI 

  • Gen AI writes code, forecasts weather, develops new materials Generative AI is advancing rapidly, enabling significant developments across various fields. It is now capable of writing code, forecasting weather, and developing new materials. AI models such as GraphCast from DeepMind demonstrate these capabilities by providing highly accurate and efficient weather predictions. These models process large datasets to understand complex patterns, significantly outperforming traditional methods. This technological progress highlights the transformative potential of AI in both scientific research and practical applications.

  • How to train your large language model | Mint Training large language models (LLMs) involves extensive data processing, pretraining, and alignment with user expectations. Traditional methods required vast computational resources and complex reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). A new technique called Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) simplifies this process by allowing LLMs to learn directly from data, making it three to six times more efficient. This advancement enables smaller companies to utilize advanced AI training methods, previously accessible only to major tech firms.

  • Understanding the generative AI development process | InfoWorld The generative AI development process has evolved significantly. Initially, models had to be trained on vast datasets, a resource-intensive task accessible mainly to large companies. Now, the process includes selecting appropriate models, prompt engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to connect models to new data. Fine-tuning and continued pre-training further optimize models for specific tasks.

  • Confused by All of Google's AI Tools? We Break Down 13 of Them - CNET  At Google I/O, Google introduced various AI tools and models. The AI tools include Veo, a video generation tool; AI Teammates, a virtual assistant called Chip for project tracking; Project Astra, which helps find lost items using your phone's camera and AI; and trip planning capabilities powered by Gemini AI. Other tools are fraud-call monitoring, Circle to Search for additional information via gestures, TalkBack for low-vision users, Gmail AI features like Smart Reply, AI Overviews summarizing search results, Imagen 3 for text-to-image generation, and SynthID for watermarking AI-generated content. The AI models unveiled were Gemini 1.5 Pro, which enhances conversational abilities and complex task handling, and Gemini 1.5 Flash, a lighter, faster version for quick responses. Watch: Google Keynote (Google I/O ‘24)  

  • Anthropic is expanding its operations to Europe and launching its AI assistant, Claude, in multiple European languages. The company is also raising more capital, adding to its nearly $8 billion raised so far. Anthropic aims to enhance its presence in Europe and comply with local regulations, focusing on enterprise applications. The company is also opening a new office in Dublin and continues to work on AI safety and regulatory compliance.  

  • 10 things to watch out for with open source gen AI | CIO  Open-source generative AI models offer advantages such as low cost and transparency but come with several risks. These include weird new license terms that complicate usage rights and commercial applications, and a shortage of expertise due to the technology's novelty. Jailbreaking is a concern, where models can be tricked into violating guidelines, while training data risks involve potential legal issues from using copyrighted or biased content. New areas of exposure, such as attacks through training data or model weights, and missing guardrails in some models can lead to ethical and safety issues. Additionally, there is a lack of established technical standards for interoperability and security, and transparency isn't always guaranteed. Lineage issues can arise with forked models inheriting unseen problems, and the rise of shadow IT, where Gen AI projects bypass standard IT protocols, can lead to unmanaged risks. These factors necessitate careful management and thorough vetting when adopting open-source generative AI.

  • OpenAI Rules the Changes But Meta Changes the Rules  Meta's release of the open-access Llama 3 model challenges OpenAI's dominance by democratizing access to advanced AI. OpenAI's business model relies on selling API access to private models, making Meta's move a significant threat. Despite this, OpenAI remains a formidable player, with expectations around its next model, GPT-5. The rivalry highlights different strategic approaches: Meta's open-source push versus OpenAI's proprietary advancements.

Gen AI Transformations Across industries

AI's impact varies widely across sectors. In healthcare, AI tools aimed at reducing doctor burnout often fall short, requiring refinement to truly alleviate stress. In finance, AI drives efficiency and innovation, focusing on risk management and customer experiences. AI revolutionizes M&A by streamlining target identification and due diligence. Marketing sees AI boosting data segmentation and personalization, crucial amidst budget constraints. IT leaders face cybersecurity challenges, with CISOs optimistic about AI's potential despite skill gaps. Scaling AI in information services demands meeting accuracy targets and integrating systems, while CIOs must navigate data quality and compliance to scale AI. Biotech benefits from open-source AI tools enhancing gene editing, and manufacturing explores AI for productivity despite workforce challenges. Generative AI transforms customer and user experiences through automation and personalization, revolutionizing process efficiency and design workflows.


  • Artificial intelligence not always helpful for reducing doctor burnout, studies suggest | National |  Studies suggest AI isn't always effective in reducing doctor burnout. While AI tools can cut down on documentation time and enhance patient interaction, they often make errors and require significant oversight, which can add stress. Saved time may lead to increased workload, nullifying potential benefits. Despite these issues, AI can help by automating repetitive tasks, allowing doctors to focus more on patient care, but it needs refinement and mindful implementation.


  • The CEO’s Guide to Generative AI: Finance | IBM  finance leaders are leveraging AI to improve efficiency, drive innovation, and enhance customer experiences. Key areas of focus include risk management, fraud detection, personalized financial services, and operational optimization. The report emphasizes the importance of a strategic approach to AI integration, ensuring ethical considerations and robust data governance.

Mergers & Acquisitions  

  • The Impact of AI on Mergers and Acquisitions | Morningstar  AI is revolutionizing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by enhancing various stages of the process with data-driven insights, automation, and improved decision-making efficiency. In strategy formulation, AI analyzes market trends and historical data to identify potential acquisition targets that align with strategic goals, streamlining the target identification process. During due diligence, AI automates data analysis and risk assessment, enabling faster and more accurate identification of financial irregularities and compliance issues. AI also improves valuation accuracy by dynamically updating valuations in real-time based on market conditions and company performance. In post-merger integration, AI automates tasks such as data migration and process standardization, reducing errors and accelerating the timeline. Additionally, AI enhances risk management by providing detailed and accurate assessments, helping companies mitigate financial, operational, and regulatory risks. 

Marketing (as a business function)

  • How Gen AI Is Paying Off Most for CMOs  Over 75% of CMOs report positive impacts on their marketing efforts, with key advantages including improved customer data segmentation, better ad targeting, and enhanced personalization. Despite budget constraints, many CMOs believe AI can help expand marketing impact beyond financial limitations. Marketing budgets have decreased to 7.7% of company revenue, down from pre-pandemic levels. CMOs see generative AI as a crucial tool for overcoming financial challenges and maximizing efficiency.

IT (as a business function)

  • A Trellix survey reveals that 92% of CISOs are reassessing their positions as they face increased cyber threats and the complexities of implementing AI. While optimistic about AI's potential, CISOs acknowledge the cybersecurity skills gap and favor using GenAI to address staffing issues. Many have established AI committees to ensure governance and security. Despite challenges, CISOs believe AI can enhance defenses against cyberattacks and improve productivity.

  • Secrets to Scaling GenAI in Information Services | BCG Scaling Gen AI in information services faces challenges including accuracy requirements, organizational capacity, systems integration, and data management. To overcome these, companies should set and iteratively meet accuracy targets, prioritize GenAI use cases based on value and complexity, ensure early component development for optimal solution operation, improve data readiness, and mitigate risks through proper data rights and monitoring.

  • How CIOs can scale gen AI | McKinsey To move generative AI from pilot to scale, CIOs must address seven key challenges: managing data quality, integrating AI with existing systems, ensuring compliance, maintaining security, fostering a culture of AI adoption, aligning AI with business goals, and measuring ROI effectively. Addressing these challenges helps organizations realize AI's full potential beyond initial excitement. 


Biotechnology research

  • A new AI-powered gene-editing tool has been open-sourced, aiming to enhance CRISPR-based genetic modifications. This tool leverages machine learning to improve precision and efficiency in gene editing. By making it open-source, the developers hope to accelerate research and innovation in fields like medicine and biotechnology. AI-Powered Gene Editing Tool Open Sourced for Researchers 


  • Understanding How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Advanced Manufacturing and Other Sectors of the Economy - San Francisco Fed The San Francisco Fed's blog post discusses how AI, particularly Generative AI (GenAI), is impacting advanced manufacturing and other sectors. AI experimentation is widespread, mainly in office operations, but integration into manufacturing is limited due to data scarcity and high-quality standards. AI enhances productivity but poses challenges in skilled workforce availability. GenAI is just part of the AI landscape, with machine learning and robotics also playing significant roles. The future holds potential for significant productivity gains and new job creation, despite possible workforce reductions.

Customer Experience

  • Generative AI can revolutionize customer experiences by focusing on three main areas: process reinvention, customer self-assist tools, and employee assistance. By automating hyper-personalization, enhancing AI-driven chatbots, and supporting employees with real-time solutions, organizations can achieve significant improvements in efficiency and customer satisfaction. However, for these benefits to be realized, companies must strategically invest in these applications, ensure robust data management, and adhere to ethical guidelines. Generative AI can transform customer experiences. But only if you focus on other areas first | ZDNET 

User Experience

  • How Generative AI Is Remaking UI/UX Design | Andreessen Horowitz  Generative AI is transforming UI/UX design by streamlining the design-to-code workflow. Tools powered by AI now facilitate rapid prototyping, enhance creativity, and bridge gaps between design and development. These advancements reduce iteration times and improve the accuracy of implementations. The article highlights the benefits of AI in creating dynamic and adaptive interfaces, enabling personalized user experiences and efficient design processes.

Gen AI for Business Trends, Concerns, and Investments: 

Generative AI poses a growing cybersecurity threat as tools like ChatGPT are exploited for sophisticated phishing attacks, highlighting the need for advanced security and training. A Stanford HAI report shows a sharp rise in research papers authored by AI, raising questions about ethics and research integrity. BCG reveals senior women in tech are leading in generative AI adoption, though junior women lag, emphasizing the need for targeted upskilling. VCs are bullish on AI’s future beyond text with OpenAI’s GPT-4.0, driving Bay Area startups to capture half of all AI venture funding in 2023. Hugging Face supports democratizing AI by offering $10 million in free compute resources for smaller entities.

  • Generative AI is a looming cybersecurity threat Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are being exploited by cybercriminals to enhance phishing attacks, according to an IBM X-Force report. These tools can craft highly personalized and convincing messages, increasing the success rate of attacks. The report highlights the need for advanced security measures and awareness training to counter these evolving threats in the supply chain sector. IBM emphasizes that while generative AI can improve operations, it also poses significant cybersecurity risks that must be addressed. 

  • How Much Research Is Being Written by Large Language Models? A Stanford HAI report reveals a significant increase in research papers authored by large language models (LLMs). Between 2018 and 2022, the number of such papers rose from nearly zero to thousands annually. This growth reflects the expanding role of AI in academic research and its potential to assist in generating scientific literature. The trend raises questions about authorship, ethics, and the future of research integrity. 

  • Women Leaders in Tech Are Paving the Way in GenAI | BCG  A global survey by BCG reveals that senior women in tech are leading in adopting generative AI (GenAI) compared to their male peers, though junior women are trailing. The disparities are linked to awareness of GenAI's job relevance, confidence in AI skills, and willingness to use AI without established company policies. Increasing GenAI skills among women could boost their representation in tech leadership. Companies should address these gaps through leadership advocacy, targeted upskilling programs, and effective pilot designs

  • In 2023, half of all venture funding for AI startups went to companies based in the Bay Area ( up from 29% in 2022). Bay area startups got 75% of the world’s AI funding in Q1 2023 when the Open AI user base grew to 100 m users and since then the investment leveled off. Would be interesting to see this data for the first half of 2024 when relea

  • ed. 

What/where/how Gen AI solutions are being implemented today?

California is piloting generative AI in state agencies to enhance services and address security concerns. A Microsoft survey reveals 80% of knowledge workers use personal AI tools at work for efficiency. TD Bank's AI pilots aim to improve customer service and software development. A Japanese telecom uses AI to calm irate customer voices. Verizon's new AI tools enhance customer experience with personalized recommendations. MIT uses AI to classify phase transitions in physics. Generative AI tools like GitHub Copilot are reshaping coding education.

  • California Is Testing New Generative AI Tools. Here's What to Know: California has launched a six-month pilot program to test generative AI tools within state government agencies, including the four state departments — the Department of Tax and Fee Administration, the California Department of Transportation, the Department of Public Health, and the Health and Human Services Department — will initially test generative AI tools. The initiative aims to explore the potential benefits and address risks related to data privacy and cybersecurity. This move aligns with broader state efforts to responsibly integrate AI technologies into public services while ensuring robust risk management and regulatory compliance.

  • Almost 80% of knowledge workers bring their own GenAI to work  A Microsoft survey found that nearly 80% of knowledge workers bring their own generative AI tools to work. This trend is driven by the democratization of AI expertise and the desire for improved efficiency and innovation. Many workers use AI to save time, boost creativity, and focus on high-priority tasks. However, there are concerns about companies lagging in formal AI implementation strategies. 

  • TD launches new generative AI pilots to help empower colleagues to deliver legendary customer experiences | TD Stories  TD Bank Group has launched two generative AI pilots to enhance customer service and accelerate software development. In contact centers, a generative AI virtual assistant will help employees quickly find answers, reducing hold times. For engineers, TD is piloting GitHub Copilot to streamline coding tasks and improve productivity. These initiatives are part of TD's broader AI strategy through its research center, Layer 6, and its innovation program, TD Invent. The goal is to leverage AI to create more efficient and personalized experiences for both customers and employees.

  • Verizon sharpens GenAI tools to improve customer experience  These include the Fast Pass tool, which pairs customers with the most suitable representative, and the Personal Research Assistant, which helps staff quickly find information to resolve issues. The AI also analyzes customer profiles to anticipate their needs and reduce transaction times. Additionally, AI-driven recommendations for personalized offers and plans aim to improve the customer experience.

  • Scientists use generative AI to answer complex questions in physics | MIT News MIT researchers, in collaboration with the University of Basel, have developed a generative AI technique to classify phase transitions in physical systems more efficiently than traditional methods. This AI-driven approach leverages physics-informed models to map phase diagrams and detect transitions without extensive labeled data. The new framework could significantly advance the study of thermodynamic properties in novel materials and improve understanding of complex physical systems.

  • AI Copilots Are Changing How Coding Is Taught - IEEE Spectrum  Generative AI is significantly impacting the field of coding by transitioning from assistive tools to more autonomous systems. AI tools like GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and Tabnine are increasingly capable of writing code with minimal human input. These advancements are reshaping how coding is taught and practiced, emphasizing higher-level problem-solving over syntax. The technology promises to streamline software development, reduce errors, and accelerate project timelines.

Regional updates

Airtel partners with Google Cloud to deliver AI solutions to Indian businesses, targeting a $17.8 billion market by 2027. U.S. and China meet in Geneva to discuss AI security risks, excluding technical collaboration. U.S. senators propose $32 billion for AI research to stay ahead of China. The Biden administration releases guidelines to protect workers from AI risks. Microsoft offers relocation for China-based AI staff amid geopolitical tensions and announces a €4 billion AI investment in France. The UK AI Safety Institute unveils Inspect, an open-source framework for evaluating large language models.

  • Airtel ties up with Google Cloud to offer cloud and gen-AI solutions to Indian businesses | Mint Bharti Airtel has partnered with Google Cloud to offer cloud and generative AI solutions to Indian businesses. This collaboration aims to capitalize on the growing public cloud services market in India, expected to reach $17.8 billion by 2027. Airtel will leverage Google Cloud's technologies to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and provide cloud-managed services to over 2,000 large enterprises and a million emerging businesses. The partnership will also develop AI and machine-learning solutions, including geospatial analytics, voice analytics, and marketing technologies. 

  • US, China meet in Geneva to discuss AI risks | Reuters The U.S. aims to address concerns about AI's impact on security, particularly China's rapid AI advancements in civilian and military sectors. The talks, led by officials from the White House, State Department, and Commerce Department, will not include negotiations on technical collaboration.  

  • US Lawmakers seek $32 billion to keep American AI ahead of China  A bipartisan group of U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, proposed $32 billion in funding for AI research to maintain the country's technological edge over China. The legislation aims to address both the opportunities and threats posed by AI, such as potential misuse by foreign adversaries. The proposed funding would support non-defense AI applications, cross-government research, and infrastructure. Additionally, there is a push for increased resources for the Commerce Department to regulate AI exports. The goal is to pass related legislation by the end of the year.

  • Microsoft offers relocation to hundreds of China-based AI staff  Microsoft is offering relocation opportunities to hundreds of its AI employees based in China, amid rising geopolitical tensions and regulatory challenges. The company aims to support its staff by providing options to move to different countries where their work can continue with fewer disruptions. 

  • Microsoft announces the largest investment to date in France to accelerate the adoption of AI, skilling and innovation  Microsoft announced a €4 billion investment in France to enhance AI adoption, cloud infrastructure, and digital skills. This investment aims to train 1 million people and support 2,500 AI startups by 2027. The initiative includes expanding data centers, launching new training programs, and creating the Microsoft GenAI Studio for startups. The investment aligns with France’s National Strategy for AI, focusing on fostering innovation, competitiveness, and responsible AI use, while also promoting environmental sustainability through renewable energy projects.

  • Inspect  Inspect is an open-source framework developed by the UK AI Safety Institute for evaluating large language models. It supports prompt engineering, tool usage, multi-turn dialogue, and model-graded evaluations. The framework includes components like solvers, tools, scorers, datasets, and models. Users can create and run evaluations using different models from providers such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and others. Inspect offers detailed documentation and examples to help users get started and develop advanced evaluations.

New Divisions, Appointments, and Legal Challenges

WSC Sports launches a Generative AI division led by Itai Epstein, aiming to enhance automated sports video content with plans to double its team of 22 engineers and executives. OpenAI sees key safety leaders, including Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike, depart due to distrust in CEO Sam Altman’s leadership, raising concerns about AI safety. Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger joins Anthropic as Chief Product Officer to boost AI development and user experience. K&L Gates highlights legal challenges in generative AI, including copyright and privacy issues, urging companies to adopt robust policies and risk management strategies.

  • WSC Sports announces Gen AI-specific division WSC Sports has launched a new Generative AI (Gen AI) division, led by newly appointed Director Itai Epstein. The division already includes 22 engineers and business executives, with plans to double its size within the year. This move underscores WSC Sports' commitment to leveraging AI technology to automate and enhance video content creation for sports. The new Gen AI division aims to expand the company's capabilities in producing automated sports highlights and personalized video content.

  • “I lost trust”: Why the OpenAI team in charge of safeguarding humanity imploded OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is experiencing significant departures of key safety-focused employees. Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike, leaders of the superalignment team ensuring AI remains aligned with human goals, announced their exits, alongside at least five others since November. Distrust in CEO Sam Altman's leadership and his prioritization of rapid commercialization over safety has eroded internal confidence. The resignations raise doubts about OpenAI's commitment to safely developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), with insiders warning that the company isn't on track to address future AI risks responsibly.

  • Anthropic’s new CPO is Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger - The Verge  Mike Krieger, the co-founder of Instagram, has joined Anthropic as its Chief Product Officer. Anthropic is an AI safety and research company focused on creating reliable and interpretable AI systems. In his new role, Krieger will oversee product development, leveraging his experience from Instagram to enhance Anthropic's AI capabilities and user experiences. 

  • Litigation Minute: The Generative AI Litigation Landscape | HUB | K&L Gates  Key issues include copyright infringement, privacy violations, and consumer protection. Courts have shown skepticism but allowed some claims to proceed, indicating that companies must navigate complex legal risks when deploying generative AI. Recommendations for companies include understanding AI tools, securing contractual protections, establishing clear use policies, and ongoing risk management.

Learning Center 

  • Upcoming Linkedin Lives: 

Prompt of the week

Tools and Resources

  • Zinnia Founded by Lauren Goodell, Zinnia accelerates onboarding for new reps and empowers sales professionals to be better prepared with a single click. The AI-powered platform provides customized sales plays, tailored discovery questions, and objection handling specific to each prospect. It also offers shareable executive summaries to ensure thorough preparation. Sales teams utilize Zinnia for various purposes: reducing ramp time through Zinnia Dossiers, crafting personalized emails with Zinnia Messaging, preparing for meetings to shorten sales cycles, and aiding executive sponsors and technical sellers in staying informed. Streamline your sales journey and try Zinnia for free today.

  • Battle of the AI bots: Copilot vs ChatGPT vs Gemini | Popular Science Microsoft Copilot, OpenAI's ChatGPT, and Google Gemini are prominent AI chatbots with distinct features. Copilot, integrated into Microsoft products, excels at referencing web data and provides useful citations, making it user-friendly for Microsoft ecosystem users. ChatGPT, known for cutting-edge AI, offers advanced capabilities in its paid version, including custom models, but lacks citation links. Gemini, integrated with Google apps, is efficient and similar to ChatGPT but provides source links like Copilot.

  •  OpenAI says new tool can identify images generated by DALL-E 3 — mostly OpenAI has introduced new tools to detect AI-generated images from DALL-E 3, addressing concerns about the authenticity of digital content. This feature aims to help identify and mitigate the spread of AI-created misinformation. The company is focusing on transparency and accountability in AI technology by providing methods to verify the origins of images, thus promoting responsible use of AI in content creation.

  • Glue  – intelligent assistant. 

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please comment and share. If you would like to discuss a partnership, or invite me to speak at your company or event, please DM me, Eugina Jordan .

Dr. Andrée Bates

Chairman/Founder/CEO @ Eularis | AI Pharma Expert, Keynote Speaker | Our pharma clients achieve measurable exponential growth in efficiency and revenue from leveraging AI


Looking forward to reading Eugina Jordan

Laura Prietula

Technology Executive | Global Visiting Faculty | Small Business Co-founder and CEO | Executive and Career Coach | Passionate about People, STEM, DEIA, and Women in Tech


Eugina Jordan great content! I like that you have a little bit for everyone. Interesting discussions and featured articles. I haven’t missed one issue yet 😊 👌🏻

Lisa Nelson

President | Managing Partner | Board Director | Investor | LP | Advisor | Mentor | Strategy, Pricing & Acceleration aligned with AI Ethics | 3x LinkedIn Top Voice: Pricing Strategy, Executive Management, Business Ethics


Always such thought provoking insights Eugina Jordan

Osnat (Os) Benari

Top 25 Product-Led Growth Influencers | Bestselling Author & Speaker | Product Leadership | Workplace Resilience and Reinvention Guide


This edition of the "Gen AI for Business" newsletter is packed with fascinating updates! The impact of generative AI across industries is crazy and it's exciting to see how AI is driving innovation and efficiency. Thank you for keeping us informed and ahead in the AI game. I am always looking forward to your next edition.

Lisa Gable

US Ambassador | WSJ & USA Today Best-selling Author | Keynote Speaker | Chairperson | CEO


Exciting opportunities Eugina Jordan

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