Follow My Lead, But Be Advised That We Are Closed on Weekends, Holidays and During Recess.
GCS Facilitators and Consultants:

Follow My Lead, But Be Advised That We Are Closed on Weekends, Holidays and During Recess.

For the purpose of gaining a greater understanding of how a lawmaker may allocate  his or her time in the performance of his or her duties, lets divide and observe  four reasonably weighted categories of time, over the course of a year:                                                   

Politicians/Lawmakers       Time: personal use           Time : Government use

  • Weekends         (25%)                   100%                                    00%
  • Holidays            (25%)                   100%                                    00%
  • Recess                (25%)                   100%                                    00%
  • Fed., Business  (25%)                      75%                                    25%

Armed Services Committee, one in which I have observed  lawmakers  work 

As one can observe from the  graphic above which is derived from a perspective of having 24 hours in a day, 52 weekends and 365 days in a year,  it's easy to see that all legislators  are seriously challenged to allocate enough time to fulfill his or her responsibilities as an elected official in today's chaotic and toxic society. That said, it's also perplexing to process the fact that more likely than not 75% of  a lawmakers time is spent off the clock. Meaning basically, not taking care of the nations business, but instead, (at least for some of them) spending the majority of their time benefiting themselves as they simultaneously run for greater  positions of leadership and or fundraise for themselves and the establishment in conjunction with satisfying request from special interest individuals and groups which basically are very influential in controlling the politicians decision making, behavior and actions.  

            Davy Leghorn updates Veteran Advocates and  Lobbyist on HR1694

Even more shockingly, lets take the 25% of time that lawmakers devote to the constituents they have been elected to represent and divide it in half , that leaves you with a mere 12.5% of their time devoted to the best interest of those who elected them. This is true because of the high probability  that forward thinking elected officials also understand that they have to devote some of their time attracting and persuading independent voters (unless they are comfortable touting 100% of their philosophy  because of social political geographical factors or redistricting ) which in part, is a contributing factor as to why partisan or even bipartisan legislation may get blocked, stymied, delayed or even worst voted against, even when it goes against the best interest of the politicians constitutes and or the lawmakers own values, philosophy or  belief.

"If you don't believe me, just attempt to contact a legislator for assistance. If you are not in a lawmakers district and there designated gatekeeper discovers that you are not a constituent, regardless of your circumstances (life or death), you shall  promptly be informed of such and basically kicked to the curb."

Legislators on their way to work. ABC News Photo by J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Just think about it from a pragmatic perspective.  In today's toxic political environment, why would a politician assist you when they get nothing out of it, or if it does not enhance the probability of them furthering their political career, or even (if they have no morals and values) enhance the probability of their financial portfolio or success?

No wonder the GOP and DNC outsiders are the unorthodox darlings of the 2016 primaries. The bottom line;  the American public have awaken to the truth of what's really going on regarding the nations political leadership.

It reminds me of  when I was an educator  teaching  NJROTC at Romona High School,  in the rural mountain area of Ramona California.  During that time,  I was selected to be one of the establishment (as an educator  in the Ramona Unified School District)  participants at  a  three day camping event in a rural area of Southern California, it was called Camp Mini- Town, Any- Town. At the time,  I was a rather naive establishment educator or insider believing mostly  everything I was told regarding how to successfully interact with, influence and teach high school students . Sort of like a newly elected  or junior legislator attempting to assimilate to the new social political environment in Washington DC.

However  for me, after experiencing  the camping event and upon exiting the process, I discovered that the experience itself was a profound educational lesson that transformed my thinking into more of what those in the profession of secondary education would consider as one of being an outsider.  

Moreover,  it also without a doubt, innately tapped into a fertile affective cognitive behavioral component which initiated my career as a behavioral influencer , coach and facilitator. 

Video Trailer: "My Final Respot" on the Largest Retail Bookshelves, Spring 2016

Hence, from my perspective the goal of Camp Mini-Town , Any-Town, was to gather a diverse group of mainstream students, support staff and educators from the Ramona Unified and other School District's (along with some undercover theologians, dignitaries and law enforcement officers) in addition to a hand picked group of  chronically  maladaptive behaving students from the cities one alternative school,  and place all of us in one location (simulating on a micro level the dynamics of a diverse city) so that everyone could learn different perspectives, regarding others who were different from themselves and value one another.

It's purpose (again from my perspective) was to foster an environment in which education, free dialogue, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication skills  (ideally) would be utilized to facilitate a bridge to  gain a more comprehensive understanding of each participant, including some undercover administrators and other participants who personified positional authority within and outside the Ramona High School District and the community itself.  

Essentially, the camps success would be measured based upon respect for one another.  That said,  one of the most intriguing moments of the camping event occurred at the conclusion of the stated event, when those who held positions of authority (they were under cover the entire time) in their prospective professions, revealed their identity to all of the participants and the sharing (processing) about what was learned from each other in regards to the acceptance of different  cultures, faith /religions, ethnic groups, gender, etc., began. It was a beautiful experience to be a part of as the processing revealed some of the finest qualities  that peace and understanding can bestow upon humanity. 

Ultimately the  participants at the camp did embrace one another, at least for that short time. It was obvious that many would take some or all of what I felt (and I suspect from conversations and the actions of many others, that they felt a similar way) was a life changing experience back to their perspective schools, place of work, family and or social dynamic,  with the objective of  sharing  the Camp Mini-Town, Any-Town experience and the unique stories with others in a manner that may have changed attitudes and behaviors for some period of time.

Read this captivating, memorable and motivating true story "My Final Respot" 

Even to this day  I get excited  when I share the experience and the overall story of Camp Mini-Town, Any-Town, but again it's primarily because of the profoundness of which it bestowed upon me as a relatively new (retired 1996) transitioned United States Navy Master Trainer, who had the pleasure of participating in and observing  how the camp added value for individual critical thinking  and positive behavior for all who participated.

Simply stated, it was an outstanding experience.   The camp was sponsored by the National Conference for Community and Justice. Years later, I did some research on the philosophy of the camp and  I learned that it was originally founded in 1927 by the National Conference for Christians and Jews  to fight bigotry and racism.  

Unfortunately, my most recent research has lead me to believe that the program may no longer be in existence. Most likely because of funds drying up, which is a common challenge for 501 c3 organizations. To that (if it's true) I can easily say that it's  a shame if it has, because it is greatly needed as a viable component of a eclectic approach to assist leaders and followers in detoxing from today's varied multiple levels of toxicity. 

That said, just maybe one time in the near future our lawmakers can better utilize a fragment of their 75% off time (of which they have baked in the cake) i.e., the holidays, weekends and recess, to all get together for a bipartisan retreat to gain a more comprehensive understanding of why our government is fragmented to the point that it appears to be acutely broken, and yes, without the special interest groups or their money which has contributed to the poisoning and corruption of the greatest political system known to society.

That said, I know it's wishful, optimistic and some would say naive thinking , but maybe if our elected officials attended a Camp Mini-Town, Any -Town,  the  balance of our everyday society could become restored in a manner in which all  have an opportunity to achieve "The American Dream." DCAMF   

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