Five Ways Service Providers Can Take Back Their Operation Using CRM by CourtFact

Five Ways Service Providers Can Take Back Their Operation Using CRM by CourtFact

For years operational inefficiencies have plagued professional Service Providers in the Court Services industry. We bill differently, we report differently, we just plain old operate differently. Many of us would grab off-the-shelf software hoping to cobble together something that could help us keep track of our clients, maybe help with tracking our collections or even worse, we tried doing all that using Microsoft Excel! I know my company used a software built for attorneys in the late 1990’s to try to do everything we need to do to keep track of thousands of daily clients.

There had to be a better way. So instead of finding something out there that we could try to make work, we decided to build a solution with the court services industry in mind. We would like to introduce you to CRM by CourtFact. CRM stands for Client Resource Management, and that is exactly what this software does—it helps Service Providers manage the resources they devote to each of their clients. Here are five ways that CRM by CourtFact can help Service Providers take control of their operation:

Number One: Manage your Locations, Appointments and Services all in one software. Whether you have one location or 50, managing multiple facilities can be tough. Keeping track of what services are performed at each location and how long certain appointments take with the staff available can get difficult. With CRM by CourtFact you can set schedules at each location, designate what services can be provided and how long each appointment takes. You can even set to allow overlap of appointments and the cost for each if using contractors.

Number Two: Imagine your client management system meets purchasing something on Amazon. Track Payments and give your clients the tools they need to stay on top of what they owe you. Fully integrated payment processing, accounting, and line item ledgering for each client means that you only need one software to track, charge, process, and account for every payment made. Setup recurring payment profiles for clients to automatically charge in any interval you want or allow clients to make payments remotely using the free Client Mobile application.

Number Three: If your company is like ours, you do business with a number of different courts and agencies. With that comes a number of different rules, guidelines, and accommodations. That is where our Contracts system comes into play. If you can create a Microsoft Word document, then you can make a Contract in CRM by CourtFact. Create as many Contracts as you need using any of more than 150 database placeholders to seamlessly merge your client’s information directly into the documents. One page or 20, the Contracts system allows for complete customization for every aspect of your programs.

Number Four: Violation reports, weekly, monthly, or end-of-program summaries all have to be delivered to the courts and agencies you serve. With the Documents archival system, you have the ability and flexibility to upload, store, and even send Documents to each client’s supervising officer. With options to allow visibility to clients and supervising officers, you can select what information should only be accessible to courts and agencies, while allowing clients to have access to their contracts, program guidelines, or their payment schedules.

Number Five: As our populations become more and more technologically advanced, the use of smartphones, text messaging, and email are quickly growing into the preferred methods of communication. With text messages being three time more likely to be returned than a phone call, why do we keep our communication methods in the past? With the Support and Messaging features in CRM by CourtFact, you have the ability to message your entire client list or groups of clients at one time with important information or have near real-time Support threads with individual clients.

As information becomes more and more of a commodity in every industry, it is incumbent upon Service Providers to own their clients’ information. All of our suppliers, vendors and manufacturers know every detail of who we serve, what courts are our customers and the agencies that use our services. Having a robust Client Resource Management system under our own control becomes more and more important to the health of our companies and the integrity of the private court services industry as a whole.

If you’d like to learn more about CRM by CourtFact, visit our CRM page at

Jason Tizedes

Vice President at Total Court Services


Great tool for the private court services industry


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