Embracing the F-Word: The Fear Factor in Authentic Leadership.

Embracing the F-Word: The Fear Factor in Authentic Leadership.

Let me tell you a story. There was a time when I stood at a crossroads, my heart pounding, my mind racing. Fear. We've all felt it, haven't we? That moment when you're staring down the barrel of a decision, big or small, and everything in you is screaming to run the other way. But here's the thing – that fear, that 'F-word' we all try to avoid, might just be the most honest advisor in your leadership journey.

Fear: Not Your Enemy, But Your Compass I've learned that fear isn't the enemy; it's a compass pointing you towards growth. It's raw, it's real, and it's unfiltered. Fear is the emotion that tells you you're about to do something important. So why do we run from it? Why not embrace it instead?

The 90-Second Rule: More Than Just Science There's this idea that the physiological response to fear lasts about 90 seconds. After that, it's all you – your mind, your perceptions, your choice. I've found this to be more than just a scientific fact; it's a metaphor for life and leadership. Feel the fear, give it its 90 seconds of fame, and then ask yourself, "What am I going to do about it?"

Turning Fear into Your Leadership Fuel So, how do we turn this beast called fear into fuel? It's simple, not easy, and requires consistent effort:

  1. List It: Write down what scares you. It could be losing a client, making a wrong decision, confronting your manager, your children's happiness and even facing your own "self-belief" limitations. Get brutally honest with yourself.
  2. Bucket It: There are things you can control, things you can influence, and things you just have to accept as elements outside of your control. Knowing the difference is key.
  3. Act on It: This is where the magic happens. For every fear in your control and circle of influence, what's one thing you can do right now? Leadership is about action, even when it's uncomfortable.

A Challenge for You: The Authentic Leader I want to challenge you. Not just to do the exercise, but to really embrace fear in your leadership journey. Let it teach you, mold you, and yes, even scare you. That's where reinvention happens. That's where you find all of YOU.

In Conclusion: A Thought to Ponder As you think about this, ask yourself: How has fear shaped me? How can it propel me forward? Remember, the best leaders aren't fearless; they're the ones who've learned to dance with fear, to use it as a stepping stone to greatness.

There you have it. Fear, the F-word that can make or break your competence in leadership. What will you let it do to you?

P.S. My Reinvention Journey: Bold, Authentic, Unapologetic

Here's the straight truth: Ending my 20-year corporate mask to launch my own business wasn't just a career shift; it was a life revolution. Choosing who I work with, breaking free from others' agendas – that’s not just change, that's freedom.

In this authenticity-driven journey, I've not just found my place - I'm creating it. As a board member, I spearhead workshops like "How to Kill Our Vulnerable Community," directly impacting lives affected by mental health realities, addiction, homelessness, and domestic violence. I'm making a difference every single day!

My once 'fight, flight, and freeze' response? Completely rewired. Now, I stand in the driver's seat of my life, steering decisions aligned with my deepest values and purpose. That's what being in control feels like. That's the gift behind letting go of what no longer serves me. You can have that also.

And the kicker? I've turned companies on the brink of choosing profit over people into thriving communities where employees are engaged, and profits soar – we're talking engagement leaping from 17% to 85%, revenue jumping from $500K to $10M in just over a year.

Want a piece of this freedom? Let’s talk. In my 1:1 and team bootcamps, we don’t just confront fears – we turn them into fuel for progress. Reach out. Your journey to fearless, authentic leadership is just a conversation away. https://calendly.com/ilvconsulting/30min

It's all about perspective and context, isn't it?

Rachel Rodgers

I help historically excluded folks get money. CEO of Hello Seven, a bootstrapped 8-figure company. Get my bestselling book WE SHOULD ALL BE MILLIONAIRES.


What a valuable topic!

Virgil Brewster

I made $10M by selling digital products, and now I'm helping you scale your business with courses.

Damon Burton

Husband, father, SEO getting you consistent, unlimited traffic without ads 👉🏻 FreeSEObook.com, written from 17 years as SEO agency owner


Turning fear into our leadership fuel requires courage and persistence, but the rewards are boundless. Thanks for sharing this insightful perspective on navigating the complexities of fear in leadership, Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau. 👊

🍀Apolline Nielsen

Senior Marketing Manager | B2B Tech | ABM | LinkedIn Top Voice Marketing | Demand Generation | Growth Marketing | Funnel Optimizer


This is so powerful! Fear is a natural part of growth. Thanks for the reminder to embrace it. Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

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