Done with resolutions. All about intentions.

Done with resolutions. All about intentions.

A few years ago I started the tradition of picking a word as a direction to give myself on January 1st for the next 365 days. I usually do not share that word publicly; and I would not typically do so on this platform. Nonetheless, given the times we are experiencing, when conflicts and tribalism are the new normal, when AI-generated content constitutes a big portion of what is being shared, it feels like a bit of humanity can go a long way. 

Last year my word for 2023 was “healing”. 2022 was a difficult year. I felt that it was the time to take care of my neglected wounds, mental, physical, and psychological. I came into 2023 with a great intent of doing just that. There is a principle in spirituality, which holds truth among all faiths and beliefs which goes “ask and you shall receive”. However this maxim, while incredibly powerful, is often misunderstood.

When asking the universe, or god, or any higher power for an outcome, the reward will not appear in the form of the said outcome, but rather as opportunities to achieve that outcome. For example, if you ask for patience, you won’t, most likely, be acquiring that quality overnight but rather, you'd be provided situations and opportunities to flex your patience muscle. 

As I said before, my word for 2023 was healing. I put a lot of intention and actions behind it. One of those actions was to tackle my mental health challenges and starting weekly therapy sessions. These were taxing, uncomfortable but also remarkably insightful.

[As a side note I cannot overstate the importance and the value anyone would get to self reflect on their own patterns, traumas and inner turmoils. There are wonderful, skilled, compassionate professionals that are equipped and here to help you.]

Was the healing fast? Absolutely not. I still have a long way to go.

Was I given opportunities to heal?

Well, I was passed up for a promotion, then got laid off along many other employees for the first time of my life, after giving my blood, sweat, tears and soul to my work. Then, I did not get a job that I really wanted after countless interviews and finishing at the most dreaded second place. 2023 ended up being the most challenging year in many areas of my life. I was betrayed, lied to, abused, and I have asked myself: what was the point of healing if life was going to be so difficult? It felt unfair.

But then it hit me: life was giving me opportunities and situations to heal part of myself that needed healing. I cannot imagine what would have happened if I had to go through these episodes without the support of therapy and the tools acquired during the sessions: healing is not the absence of pain, but the ability to sustain it and to be resilient to it.

My biggest lesson of 2023 is that my value is not attached to my work, and neither is yours. You are not your work. You are not a human doing: you are a human being. My word for 2024 is joy. I am welcoming opportunities and situations to experience joy in all areas of my life, especially at work.

May your year ahead be prosperous and loving. 

What would be your world for 2024? Please share it with me in the comments.

Magesh S.

Holistic Coach, Somatic Expert, Yoga Teacher, Energy Healer, Nature guide, 🍄 Microdosing Mentor, Re-wire facilitator


Love it Ludo! Mine is Collaboration

David Jurasek

Founder of POWERFUL AND LOVING ~ a community of good men becoming powerful leaders who cultivate thriving relationships. INTEGRITY THERAPY ~ helping men facing crisis and life transitions through clinical support.


On the same page. Love hearing about how you are finding more joy this way! To mucho joy in 2024!

Lisa DeAngelis

Estate Manager/EA at Private Family Office; Speaker and Author of the #1 New Release "Embracing the Unknown: Exploring the Pathways to Change"


I love this. I also choose intentions. This year, I also named "my life as a movie title" - which was a fun exercise. It allowed me to deepen my word into an aesthetic and helps me envision how I might see my intention brought to life through each of my choices. Speaking about this powerful practice models it beautifully for others, so thank you!

Loretta Langille, BHSc, CEC, PCC

Retreat Host & Professional Certified Coach & Wellness Guide


Thanks for sharing Ludo. I’ve been doing the same thing for many years now. Choosing an intention word for the year. Last year my word was Healthy similar to yours I see. Having picked words for many years now I find I get a bit uneasy having to pick a new word knowing there will be some real challenges that come with the growth 🤣 I find I often get the opposite of my intention word especially at first to learn ie. was pretty sick at the beginning of 2023, and have moved through more and more of what healthy means in all areas of my life. I’m still feeling into choosing what my word(s) for 2024 will be…I have also thought of “joy” 🤣 service, gratitude and other words. I find it helpful once I pick my word to create a vision/intention board that way I’m reminded everyday. I’m curious if you ever feel as I do with commiting to a word …a little fear bubbles up about the opposite of that word? And if so, what to you do with that feeling? (If you’re comfortable to share). I’m curious if it’s anything beyond courage.

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