A Crisis We Can Avoid...

A Crisis We Can Avoid...

What Are Preventable Patient Falls? 

Preventable patient falls are incidents where hospital patients fall in situations that could and should have been avoided.  Many of these falls occur because staff is unable to reach the patient in time to prevent these events from turning into a fall.  Bed exit alarms, chair exit alarms and tele sitting devices alone are unassisted exit alarms not a fall prevention solution. 


Why Do They Happen? 

There are two main reasons why preventable patient falls occur: 

  1. Unassisted Bed or Chair Exits: A few seconds can lead to a fall. Within 10-15 seconds, the risk skyrockets. Hospitals often struggle to respond quickly enough. 

  1. Disabled Bed Exit Alarms: Bed exit alarms are vital. If turned off, staff remain unaware of unassisted exits, delaying intervention and raising fall risk. 


The Seriousness of Patient Falls 

Patient falls are a significant issue with severe consequences: 

  • Patient Safety: Each year, approximately 11,000 deaths occur due to patient falls. 

  • Clinician Stress: The constant threat of patient falls places extreme stress on clinical staff. 

  • Financial Impact: Patient falls result in a significant increase in unexpected costs. 

What’s Needed 

It is crucial to be proactive rather than reactive when addressing patient falls. Connexall can help you identify if your hospital is vulnerable to preventable patient falls and empower your facility to take action before your patient fall numbers increase. 


Connexall Solution 

Connexall offers a tailored approach because each hospital's needs are unique. Our three-component solution is designed to address each customer’s specific challenges and improve patient safety: 

  • Enhancement of Existing Technology: We optimize current technology (bed exit alarms, chair exit alarms, and tele-sitting equipment…) already in place at your hospital.  

  • Clinical and Technical Consulting: Our experts work with your team to identify areas where technology can be enhanced and to cultivate a culture of safety. We help you develop workflows that leverage existing technology, allowing your staff to respond to potential falls much faster than before. 

  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics: We provide comprehensive reports that include specific data and analytics on patient falls. These insights enable your administrators to review incidents and implement necessary changes to prevent similar falls in the future. 


Act Now 

Preventable patient falls are a critical issue that requires immediate attention. Don't wait for numbers to rise. Contact Connexall today to ensure your hospital is equipped to prevent these falls and protect your patients effectively. 


Contact Connexall Today 

Together, we can safeguard your patients, alleviate clinician stress, and reduce financial burdens. 

Vitor dos Santos

Customer Service Representative


It’s not ‘lucky’: it’s awareness and prevention. 🏥👨⚕️🧑⚕️ ‘Prevention’ could be the word of the year 2024! Very good article, Connexall !

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