Courageous LEADER KPI = TEAM of TEAMS Emotional intelligence

Courageous LEADER KPI = TEAM of TEAMS Emotional intelligence

Thanks to Robert Pace@First American Payment, Scot Miller@Mr Cooper, Harish Gally@Anixter and Gregory Wilson@Pioneer Natural Resources for partnering with me on the panel sharing perspective on "The Revitalizing Change in the Role of the CxO" at the CDM Media CIO Dallas Summit on Mar 26 '19.

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Extending my point of view, I am sure all of you are very familiar (not a rocket science) with left side in the following but a big question is how to accelerate LEVERS on the right side?

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A quick recap of TEAM of TEAMS operating model: At the center of the TEAMofTEAMS constellation is a coordinating C level team, but the composition of each project team shifts as needed over time. Teams work together in a fluid, constantly changing ways emphasizing decentralized autonomy, meritocracy, and a sense of partnership. How many organizations are

  • Adopting this, in reality, i.e. being intentional about TEAM rotations based on critical priorities (transformation initiatives)?
  • Estimating for the human dimension in all the digital transformation initiatives to address unintentional side effects (change resistance with fear of failure, org politics etc.)?
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Refer to the following nimble, agile, and close to customers turnaround stories with TEAMofTEAMS framework point of view:

  • Alan Mullaly Ford
  • Sean McVay Rams
  • Marissa Mayer Yahoo (close one)
  • Bob Iger’s Disney
  • Other success stories in your org

Key take away: The next disruption is Courageous LEADERSHIP with the LEADER making both qualitative & quantitative progress on "TEAM of TEAMS Emotional intelligence" creating an engine for growth.

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Please share your thoughts including how you are empowering TEAMS walking the courageous talk. A couple of recommendations for deep dive:

Chandra Gundlapalli

Global Head, AI-ML-GenAI Hybrid Cloud Modernization @Fortune 200 | Top 100 Diverse Leader | Ex-GVP, $400M Cloud Strategy & Apps Head | Wharton CTO, Harvard FinTech, BITS Pilani | Blockchain & AI Patent


One more Courageous LEADER Bill McDermott -

Michael Williams

Sr. Director, Strategic Accounts at


Excellent infographic Chandra. Right on point. Thanks for posting.

Ginger Luttrell

World's leading authority on business process health through SAP Super User Networks | Author | Business Process Health Advocate | Business Engagement Expert


Thanks for sharing Chandra, very thought-provoking.  My community, enterprise business Super Users, lives in the daily execution of business processes.  A well-formed Super User Network slices right into this model... proactive approach to changes, learning agility, real team empowerment, and more. Most definitely the business structures and politics that got us here will not get us to the next level.  We must have a much more connected human structure in place of the silos we have all worked with.

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