The Cornerstone of Success: Clear Communication in Our Fast-Paced World

The Cornerstone of Success: Clear Communication in Our Fast-Paced World

In the realm of communications, a single assumption can be the invisible crack in the foundation of team synergy. As a seasoned communications professional, I'm no stranger to the occasional lapse in this critical skill. I've often presumed alignment in understanding among team members or partners, only to be met with a sobering reality – we weren't on the same page.

The disparity can emerge in numerous ways: a misinterpretation of terms, misaligned goals, or a blur in defining responsibilities. It's ironic that in a field dedicated to clear articulation, such misunderstandings can still occur. These aren't trivial hurdles when the mission is to collaborate seamlessly towards a shared objective.

What's more astonishing is that these predicaments are entirely avoidable through unambiguous communication from the outset. Admittedly, I've skipped this crucial step on occasion, erroneously believing it would conserve time. In truth, it leads to the opposite – a costly expenditure of time and energy, unraveling misunderstandings that could have been avoided with clearer initial communication.

We all know this, right? It's not groundbreaking knowledge. Yet, despite this awareness, there's a tendency to neglect what we know in favor of what we would rather do. It's an easy trap to fall into, and I'm sharing this to highlight a real struggle I’ve observed in myself and others.

At Dairy West, where I work, we often say, “clarity is kindness.” I endorse this wholeheartedly, yet I believe it deserves an addition: “and communication is the cornerstone.” The power of communication is monumental, often taken for granted until its absence is glaringly felt. 

It brings to mind the story of the Tower of Babel. It’s the story of how a group of people worked to build a great city and tower – a tower to reach the heavens, but God did not want that of the people. I’m not going to get into the reason behind why God was opposed to the building of the city and tower, but I want to point out what He did to stop it. He confused their language. The moment the people lost the ability to communicate, the project came to a halt.

This ancient story mirrors our modern-day projects. Without consistent, transparent communication, our endeavors are susceptible to failure, or at least to significant delays. Having navigated the communications field for nearly three decades, the lesson to communicate meticulously at every stage of a project remains evergreen.

I invite you to join me in this challenge: let's not replicate my oversights. Embrace the philosophy that “clarity is kindness and communication is the cornerstone.” It’s a commitment to not only our teams and projects but also to the potency of the connections we forge along the way.

Kristi Spence, MS, RDN

Connecting people and ideas so that we can be curious about the world around us and live courageously


So true, Byron. The curse of assumptions! Thanks for the great read.


Cheers to clear communication! Thank you for sharing how clarity is essential for team and individual productivity! 🙌

Jaclyn St. John MS, RDN, LD

Director of Health Promotions at Dairy West


Well said! Love the addition of “communication as the cornerstone!” I’m in! Go Team!

Sabrina Sourjah, ACC, MBA

I want you and your team to LOVE work as much as Sir Richard Branson or Bill Gates (or anyone else who adores their work) does and will do my best to get you there | Executive Coach | Corporate Team Consultant/Trainer


Clarity truly is kindness, Byron. Such an insightful article! Especially in today's rushed world of too much work and too little time, if goals, expectations, roles/responsibilities, and processes were a little more clearer, it would take down #workstress by a few notches no doubt.

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