Chloroquine anti-viral and MMR vaccines for the treatment of COVID 19

Chloroquine anti-viral and MMR vaccines for the treatment of COVID 19

Author:               Toa Greening, B.Tech (Information Engineering)

Date:                   6th May 2020


The purpose of this white paper is to review research to determine other means to reduce/neutralise the serious health conditions posed by the COVID 19 virus.

Studies of Chloroquine anti-viral, MMR vaccines with the SARs Corona virus and a recent paper all provide evidence that there are several methods to reduce and treat the symptoms from COVID 19 instead of waiting for a vaccine.

Problem Statement

New Zealand Government has placed the country into a full citizen lockdown in response to advice from the World Health Organisation of the highly aggressive threat posed by the recent COVID 19 virus. The lockdown to date has been highly successful in containing COVID 19 and now the country must deal with the resulting socio-economic damage and as well as determine how to manage COVID 19 until a vaccination is developed.

This white paper provides a review of past Corona Virae research and current COVID 19 research to determine if there are other means to reduce/neutralise the serious health conditions posed by the COVID 19. This white paper provides positive data so that the New Zealand Government can be better informed in their determination of the appropriate alert level which will be made on 11th May 2020.


The author forwarded a white paper to the Epidemic Response Committee on 13th April 2020 which determined that the NZ hospitalisation rate at 1.5% was significantly less than the WHO modelled cases of 20% which suggested COVID 19 may not be as aggressive as modelled.

Various other studies have confirmed that COVID 19 on average rarely affects children (asymptomatic/mild), was on average mild amongst young to middle aged adults and could be severe with older adults leading to hospitalisation. Many theories had been posed as to reasons why children were more resistant to COVID 19 but there was little evidence supporting it. Logically it made no sense why children would be more resistant to COVID 19 and there had to be a verifiable explanation why.


A review was conducted into all seven types [1] of human Corona virus which included SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2(COVID 19) and it was quickly established that there were no vaccines [2] successfully developed for the previous Corona viruses. However there were anti-virals and a common vaccine that show promising protection.


It was quickly established that the drug Chloroquine had strong antiviral effects on the 2003 SARS-CoV infection with a 2005 study [3] confirmed Chloroquine to be a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Several other studies into the 2003 SARs have been published all demonstrating strong anti viral effects with the 2003 SARS-CoV.

Since the COVID 19 outbreak several new studies have confirmed Chloroquine to also be effective against COVID 19 however there are now conflicting studies which dispute this. The biggest antagonist against Chloroquine use has been the US FDA [4], whereas the Indian Council of Medical Research [5],  under the Ministry of Health has recommended it use for treating health care workers.

There appears to be non-scientific interests at work which are against there being a readily available anti-viral drug and therefore Chloroquine should be investigated independently by NZ Health Scientists as to it potential efficacy as a COVID 19 anti-viral.

Measles Vaccine

Research into treating Corona Virus with the Measles vaccine (MV) was published in 2008 [6] and demonstrated a lot of promise in terms of the MV producing an immune response to the 2003 SARs Corona virus. One of the most compelling studies was 2014 paper [7] which clearly demonstrated protection from the SAR-CoV 2003 Corona virus in mice subjects.

MMR Vaccine provides protection against COVID-19

The most significant paper [8] to date on MMR Vaccines was recently published (an early release) and updated the 5th May 2020. The study demonstrated that the 1971 developed MMR vaccines were highly protective in children against COVID 19 and continued to provide some protection in those 50 yrs and younger (ie vaccinated 1971 onwards). Those 50 and older showed significantly higher rates of hospitalisation and mortality.

The conclusion along with research from Cambridge University indicates that an MMR vaccination program for those vulnerable populations could potentially prevent death and severe illness in those populations. It is noted that this is an early release paper so should be investigated independently by NZ Health Scientists as to it potential efficacy as a COVID 19 protection treatment.


The resulting socio-economic damage from the full citizen lockdown is very real and significant and therefore this white paper provides timely data for the determination of the appropriate alert levels being made on 11th May 2020. ­­

There are currently two significant developments in the treatment and protection of COVID 19 which requires further investigation by independent NZ Health Scientists as to it potential efficacies. While it could be some time before a full/safe vaccine is developed it is recommended that the NZ Government investigates Chloroquine anti-viral and the MMR vaccine as a potential treatment for COVID 19.

There is also a secondary benefit into investigating these treatments. Many people are under extreme stress from catching COVID 19 especially when you view the foreign media with all of the conflicting negative messages. This built up social stress will cause illness in people and therefore by investigating these potential treatments for COVID 19 you do create confidence in that there could be readily available treatments in the very near future.










Toa Greening (MEngNZ, MInstD)

Senior Technology Consultant, microCAR EVangelist, Radio Spectrum Proponent, Experienced Director and Trustee


New research into MMR Vaccines determine a 48% reduction in symptomatic COVID-19 and 76% risk reduction in COVID-19 treatment.

Toa Greening (MEngNZ, MInstD)

Senior Technology Consultant, microCAR EVangelist, Radio Spectrum Proponent, Experienced Director and Trustee


A very cogent analysis by Dr John Campbell of the MMR vaccine conferring COVID immunity. Those who have had recent MMR vaccinations have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic.

Toa Greening (MEngNZ, MInstD)

Senior Technology Consultant, microCAR EVangelist, Radio Spectrum Proponent, Experienced Director and Trustee


The scientific data is out and the common MMR vaccine reduces the severity of Covid 19 symptoms. Those who have had recent MMR vaccinations have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic.

Toa Greening (MEngNZ, MInstD)

Senior Technology Consultant, microCAR EVangelist, Radio Spectrum Proponent, Experienced Director and Trustee


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