Change Your Plans. Your Audience Already Did.

Change Your Plans. Your Audience Already Did.

Brands love reaching their most passionate customers. As a former retail CMO myself, I get it. When you reach early planners, you reach the CEOs of the household—an audience that buys and spends more. Reach them first, and you have a shot at being their first choice when it’s time to shop. 

And yet, for as long as marketers and advertisers have been prioritizing planners—the early, a-types—they’re making some seriously incorrect assumptions about this key audience right now. I heard from a CMO recently: “I’m holding all of my Halloween, Thanksgiving and holiday planning. Nobody is thinking that far in the future yet.” Right? 

Wrong. Our latest research suggests the opposite. People on Pinterest aren’t delaying. They’re starting earlier than ever this year. That’s saying something, because at Pinterest, we’re used to early. As you can see in the graphic below, searches from “Halloween” to “holidays” start appearing on Pinterest months before other search platforms. 

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But this year, Pinners are starting to search for holiday ideas even earlier than ever before. Historically, people on Pinterest start making holiday plans in September. This year, they started searching and saving for holidays… in April. Holiday searches jumped 77% in April 2020 vs. April 2019. That trend included a 3x increase in searches for “Christmas gift ideas”—8 months before December. 

Why the shift? First, there are the rational reasons. People are worried about the pandemic’s impact on preparations they used to take for granted. Pinners pointed to concerns like delayed shipping, a potential shortage of ingredients to make their favorite recipes and a need to work harder this year to create the same holiday experience in the face of a pandemic. As one Pinner put it, “I’ll be starting to look online much earlier than normal because shipping delays are quite likely at the moment. You don't know exactly when you're going to see the products.”

But there are also more emotional reasons. After a tough year, consumers are craving the comfort of the holidays. And the early planning that once felt like a chore now feels extra special, and imbued with new meaning. One participant told us: “I really want it to be super Christmas-y and kind of over the top this year... I'll be going above and beyond with tons of decorations and a tree and activities.” Hey, I get it. Last weekend, I helped my daughter research her costume for Halloween—a holiday she can’t stop talking about. In June. 

Our research also shows that Pinners are explicitly looking for help from brands this year in navigating the shifting holiday climate while still making their celebrations feel special. As you develop content, think about designing specifically to meet customers’ early planning needs. For example, our research shows that Pinners who plan are also more likely to self-gift. This year, we predict they’re also more likely to host for the first time. Consider these different planner archetypes when crafting your content—from the self-gifter and the traditionalist to the shipping-first shopper and rookie host. 

When we published our research this week, I shared it with the CMO mentioned above. Her reaction? “Look, we follow their lead. If our audience is early, we’ll be early, too.” Don’t be late to the party. Be the brand they discover first. Show up on time for the earliest holiday planning season ever.   

Instantly access the full report by clicking above.

This article originally appeared as People on Pinterest Are Already Looking for Christmas Ideas in Adweek on June 30, 2020.

Great post Andréa, thanks for sharing!

Arslan Ashraf

Global Marketing Access @ Merck KGaA | Marketing & Communications Expert | Brand Strategist | Digital Media | SEO | Content Marketing | Product Marketing | Masters in Expanded Media @ Hochschule Darmstadt.


Wonderful read!

Chris Chapo

Data Scientist, Design Thinker, Recovering Physical Chemist


Love this post! Not just because of the actual findings (which are awesome), but more importantly as a lesson in leveraging multiple and varied sources as signals for shifts in customer behaviors and trends. Thank you for sharing!

Nathalia Castillo

Helping businesses make smarter decisions regarding the development and launch of new products and services.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing it

Mike Hondorp

Mission-based marketer | VP Marketing @ Force of Nature


Fantastic data, and it makes perfect sense. We need inspiration (near- and long-term) now more than ever. As a sample size of one, I think I'm a great example. While always a planner, my long-term planning has gone into overdrive. Thanksgiving plans are locked (earliest ever!) and Christmas planning is well underway. What's more: we have plans A and B for both holidays, as we won't know much much about travel restrictions until closer to the date. Brands should proactively communicate to key decision-makers/consumers on this timeline as well, and anticipate our needs before we do.

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