An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude, “A Thanksgiving That Keeps Giving”

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year it reminds me how much I have to be grateful for.

I started this letter to share with a few friends twelve years ago to say how much I appreciate them. It blossomed into this abyss of gratitude! My parents and grandparents had passed away many years before, so my friends grew closer and closer each year and become a very special part of my life. I created this thank you memoir for them at the time to say thank you for making a difference in my life!

 Here is the actual letter:

My favorite Thanksgiving was not so long ago I didn't have my children with me as they were spending the holidays with their father. My finances were so low that I didn't even have $100 to my name or place to live. Out of nowhere the blessings came from everywhere, my girlfriend Christina called and said a friend of her’s had offered her their condo in Santa Monica to stay at. She told me she was going to be gone for the holidays and offered it to me. Wow… Even though I was feeling very grateful at the same time I felt very alone, I had been living in OC and didn’t know anyone in LA. I decided to call my friend Joy, when I shared the news I got this amazing place to stay at by the ocean but no plans for Thanksgiving. She replied let's have a Thanksgiving potluck at the condo. I said; “great... but the stove doesn't work. She replied, she had a plug in rotisserie and that she would bring the turkey. Before I knew it there was 20 people joining us for this festive holiday.

 Thanksgiving morning the doorbell rang, one after another a friend walked in the door with food and more food. There was every kind of dish you could think of for a holiday feast. There was casseroles, appetisers, pies, desserts, mold wine and other festive treats. The house was filled with this heavenly aroma of delicious holidays smells. It was like an excerpt from Charles Dicken a Christmas Carol, with the joy and gratitude of tiny Tim. We said our prayers, thanks and shared our blessings before we dug in. We ate like kings, queens and laughed like jokers. We later sang Christmas carols and played board games till the wee hours. This memory has stuck with me all these years, how the human spirit can feel your heart with so much love and joy.

 Every year since then I made a tradition during the holidays to go through my closet, find things that I don't use anymore and give to a charity. It’s these little things that fill us up inside. I have so much to be grateful for my children are all healthy 19, 17 and 14 they are either starting college, finishing or starting high school. It's hard to believe they are all growing up so quickly, my business is growing with such deep relationships and my friendships are big enough to fill a ship.

 So... Here again on this special day I think of you and remember the little things we do, cumulatively make a huge difference around the world!

Blessing to you & your family.

With love,

Debra Faris

This new memoir is dedicated to my little granddaughters Scarlet & Sophie who are now 5 & 4. I miss your daddy very much (my son). I want you to know of how much he made a difference in my life. Appreciation and gratitude feels my heart how blessed I am that he was in my life.  I am grateful everyday you shine his light & love.

The girls & I made a funny Thanksgiving video to put a smile on your face:) Copy link & give a few seconds to load.


Carla Mays, MPA

Advancing Next Generation Governance and Finance in Smart Cities, Digital Transformation and Climate Resilient Planning and Policy


Much appreciation.

Victoria Montes

Unique Finance Leader with Advanced People Skills | Commercial Real Estate Investment Acquisitions & Development | Data Centers, Retail, Single/Multifamily Homebuilding, Industrial | Added Skills in Tech, Energy, Defense


Thank you

Suzanne M. Brierley, MA

Author of Betrayal of Trust: Conspiracy, Corruption & Fraud in the World of Domestic Adoptions


Thanks Debra, I loved your message. I remember when you told me about losing your son. God bless you this Thanksgiving, and from one who has been touched by your generosity, thank you for all you give!


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