AT&T- Aspiring to create connections that drive innovation in education

AT&T- Aspiring to create connections that drive innovation in education

AT&T’s 2015 cash contributions of $112.9 million makes it the 14th most giving company in the U.S. The telecom company’s giving hews closely to its business objectives. Recognizing that a skilled workforce is key to its financial success, AT&T has contributed $350 million since 2008 to help reduce high school dropout rates.

QUALIFYING ORGANIZATIONS • 501(c)(3) public charities • Government Instrumentalities (for charitable purposes) • Organizations with philanthropic or social-purposed programs or efforts, whether organized or not as a 501(c)(3) or other non-profit entity

EDUCATION • Programs that help students successfully complete high school and/or prepare for and gain access to college or meaningful employment • Programs that help students successfully complete post-secondary education • Job training programs that prepare individuals for meaningful employment • Educational programs that develop community, civic engagement and leadership capacity • Educational programs and investments that drive innovation and/or technology to foster new solutions

COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND SAFETY • Programs that support reasonable use of technology and/or online safety • Programs that provide robust employee engagement opportunities to strengthen communities where they live and work • Programs that support environmental sustainability initiatives to strengthen communities • Programs that provide relief and recovery services to communities impacted by disasters • Programs that provide economic development opportunities in low-income areas, including community revitalization efforts, entrepreneurship, small business skills training, etc.

HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES • Initiatives that utilize telemedicine/ telehealth to reach underserved and hard-to-serve populations, provide medical education, increase access to specialists, etc. • Programs that use innovative and/or collaborative approaches to address key community health and human services issues

ARTS, MEDIA & CULTURE • Arts, media and cultural programs that drive innovation and foster new content, means of engagement and/or distribution platforms (next gen entertainment) • Arts, media and cultural programs that empower diverse creators and encourage diverse viewpoints • Initiatives that support and enhance the arts, media and cultural experience through education curriculum and other educational outreach and extensions

The company is also partnering with Udacity, the online education provider, to subsidize nanodegrees—intensive certification programs–in IT. Its total giving grew by nearly a third last year due to the acquisition of satellite television company DirecTV. Below read more about Aspire Funding at AT&T:

[Patrick Skinner, Yorkville, IL is the author/editor of these articles about businesses that look outwardly and nations who do not. In his two ranch style residential senior care homes are 90% full with one opening in a master bedroom with its own bathroom. Other residential care homes in Aurora, St. Charles and Batavia are mentioned in the article below regarding What Is A Residential Care Home? He posts on "WGO Media" and "What's Happening" in several cities as they often have people who know people in Kendall County that could profit from their seniors receiving his care. In Craig Kielburger’s new book, WEconomy: You Can Find Meaning, Make a Living and Change the World he wrote along with his brother and Holly Branson - daughter of Richard Branson of Virgin Enterprises: “Individuals will learn [from reading this book] that tackling the biggest issues of our time shouldn’t mean sacrificing a comfortable life. We’ll help you find this tricky pairing of purpose and profit that- we promise you- is going to be one hell of a sea change. Social purpose is the biggest thing to happen to business since the assembly line. All evidence points to the fact that workers and consumers respond to businesses that do good [part of why I am writing 50 articles on businesses that are outward and nations who are not]. Corporate surveys, behavioral economists, and the author’s own experiences prove that WEconomy companies are rewarded with more talent and better business, making an enticing argument for social purpose, even for profit-making machines. Profit is not only possible for companies that give back, it can be a driving force to solve the world’s most intractable problems.

Each of my posts in this series of 50 outward focused businesses are contrasted with nations who do not support free enterprise or freedom of religion. I do this because I believe the contrasts teach us that nations who believe in freedom of access and freedom of religion and freedom of enterprise do a better job of developing nations and developing citizens who contribute to their world. Authors Note- There is always the yeah, but... response to these articles where less fortunate folk like to carp on the inadequacies of a business without looking at the whole scope of what a business does to encourage an outward focus. No company is perfect but what are you doing to become outward focused? What are you doing to make the world a better place? At Residential Care Homes like Kind Hands we are making senior care affordable at a rate 35-50% less than most nursing homes.

Residential Care Homes are great choices for senior care and rehab following a visit to a hospital. Both Kind Hands Senior Care Homes in Yorkville and Inspirations Senior Care owner Gayle Bowling have 2 homes for seniors in St. Charles and Batavia. If you need some senior care- Gayles' business can be reached at 630-712-2233. Patrick's at 630-508-8357. If you are in Aurora Sheila White has 4 residential care homes called The Neighbors Next Door 700 Gerten Ave, Aurora, IL 60505 and can be reached at ]

The nation who does not allow free enterprise nor free exercise of religion today is Kenya. To learn more about Kenya go to this web site:

A Summary: Kenya is the 32nd most persecuted location in the world for Christians by Islamic Oppression. Kenya has a population of 48,467,000 and 39,409,000 Christians. While the religion is listed as Christian militants openly target Christians. It is a Presidential Republic led by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Militant Attacks Target Christians

Most of the persecution of Kenya’s Christians comes from the Islamic militant group al-Shabab. The group, based in neighboring Somalia, has conducted numerous attacks targeting Christians in Kenya, a majority-Christian country. Within Kenya itself, some of the country’s tribal leaders oppose Christianity, viewing it as a threat. The Kenyan government restricts churches at times, and rampant corruption in the country allows persecution incidents to remain unpunished.

Prayer Points

Pray for courage and healing for Christians in regions that have been traumatized by violent attacks and antagonism. Pray for those within ranks of Islamic militant groups will repent of violence and come to know Jesus. Pray for wisdom for Christians in the political arena. Pray God would protect them and amplify their voices.

Are you outward or inward or other-oriented? Outward focused businesses do things like helping students aspire to be more than they otherwise would be. And one of the greatest acts of being outward focused is praying for others outside of yourself (families, friends, neighbors and nations). Its a belief that the wholly other God- wholly outside of ourselves came within this world to rescue those caught up in only self-care and selfishness. John 1: says this about the outward focused God who visited this earth through his son Jesus: 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

ARE YOU... Outward focused, inward focused or other-oriented?

For a youtube video of both homes please check out: 

Following this video go to for more of the site. 8 of our 9 beds are filled. We now have an opening for a male or a female with a room and a bathroom of their own at 124 Naden Court in Yorkville. Call 630-508-8357 for a tour today!

If you like the writings of Patrick Skinner check out his book:

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