Arriving February 14th - The Valentine's Day Project Disaster (Project Kids Adventure #4)

Arriving February 14th - The Valentine's Day Project Disaster (Project Kids Adventure #4)

Less than a week to go until  The Valentine's Day Project Disaster is  released to the public on February 14, 2016. This latest book in the Project Kids Adventures series (ages 9-12) finds the kids facing their most difficult challenge yet, in the form of organizing the middle school Valentine's Day dance.

Their previous projects have exposed them to many core project management principles and skills (at a kid-friendly level and with appropriate language, delivered in a fun, full-length children's novel format). These are the so-called 'hard skills' like planning, breaking things down into smaller pieces, identifying sequences and dependencies, critical path analysis, budgeting, resource management, quality and so on - as well as some creative problem solving as they struggled with numerous challenges and set-backs on their various projects.

However, this book is different - yes, it builds on their prior skills, but this is fundamentally a 'soft skills' book - which we know are actually the hardest skills to master, but also the most essential to delivering a successful project - or simply in getting things done and working with people of any age. Throw in a disgruntled bully, a saboteur, a disenchanted school population and suddenly the project kids seem faced with an impossible task - delivering what they thought would be a simple little project to organize a school dance.


The biggest problem with success is that people always expect more from you, thought Amanda. She stared hard at the folded piece of paper sitting on the desk in front of her, hoping it would just go away. Why did I say yes? She wondered. I must have been crazy! We do a couple projects, and now they want me to do this?

She cautiously poked at it again with the end of her pencil, like it was a bomb about to go off. She flicked at the crumpled edge of the paper, those terrible words hidden just out of sight but taunting her nonetheless.

Finally, she could take it no more. She put down the pencil and grasped the paper with shaking hands. Why did I agree to run this thing? What do I know about this stuff, anyway?

With agonizing slowness, Amanda opened up the paper to once again read those terrible words, the words that she had committed to. The thing she had promised to do.

Yes, no problem, Ms Moldiva. Sure! It’ll be fun!

In large, bold letters at the top of the crinkled sheet of paper were the words:

Wanted: Organizer for Valentine’s Day School Dance.

Amanda’s shuddered. It’s going to be a disaster!
Join the Project Kids in their fourth big adventure as they come together to organize the Valentine’s Day dance at A. J. Wilkins Intermediate School. Along with the challenges of tackling their biggest project yet, an age-old question will test them to their limits. Will cupid strike the Project Kids - or even worse - pass them by?

Parent/Teacher Note:

The fourth project is their biggest one yet, and the most varied and complex. In addition to planning the dance as a project, they will need to learn how to develop relationships and improve their communication skills as they engage with the whole school. They will learn how to positively influence others, and some tips on how to face up to bullies along the way.

The book features a glossary of project terms, and an extensive Parent/Teacher section that supports classroom learning and/or parent-child discussions around topics covered in the book.

However, the books are also simply fun to read and you will find most children absorbing the key lessons through following the story itself.

Where can I get it?

The Valentine's Day Project Disaster will be available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle, and through other major online retailers. The eBooks will also be available through the PMI Educational Foundation for school programs.

Gazza's reader special: 25% off Paperback - discount code: FP7Q4SUQ (Order with this link starting February 14)


"Well written story with a parent's eye, a child’s language and a professional’s keenness on simplification and comprehension. A must-have in your library if you want your child to start thinking project management automatically! As an author, parent and project management professional, I enjoyed the reading from cover to cover. Thanks Gary!" - Fairooz Tamimi, Award Winning Novelist and PMP

"The Valentine’s Day Project Disaster strongly demonstrates that with the right tools and processes students are capable of far more than we expect of them. Project management, people management, and time management are all skills that can be learned and Gary Nelson teaches those skills through engaging characters, situations, and story lines. Young or old, The Valentine’s Day Project Disaster is a fun way to learn how to bring an idea to life!" - Kris Beisel, Director - Educational Alliances, Destination Imagination, Inc.

"With this book you can make the best Valentine’s Day Dance at your school – ever! But watch out for Pimple Pete!" - Sienna Burns (Age 10)

"While everyone knows Project Managers should be professionally detached from their stakeholders, it can be really difficult when you are only 12 - and Valentine's Day is involved! The Project Kids face a big challenge in trying to balance delivering a project (Valentine dance), engaging and influencing their stakeholders (a whole school of students, teachers and the principal), and keeping a clear head...all while Cupid is circling above. Important lessons are given for children - and adults, too!" - Tony van Krieken, PMP, MA

"Gary’s ability to explain projects, project management and key concepts in an easy to understand and interesting way is just amazing. He has figured out the formula to teach crucial life skills to young adults and have them eagerly participate. Soon we will all be asking “What would the project kids do?” - Stephen Nosal, President Elect, Project Management Institute New York City Chapter

About Project Kids Adventures

Project Kids Adventures has been designed as a series of fun books that teach basic Project Management Principles to children (ages 9-12). Projects are a part of every day life - at home, school and work. These books provide a fun way to prepare them for future years in school - and later on, for the working years.

While these books do teach lessons, they are definitely not traditional textbooks. They cover core concepts in the structure of full-length children's stories, so they can see the principles come to life - and also what happens when you choose to ignore simple things like planning. The books can be used in a classroom setting to support your school curriculum, but they are equally at home on a child's bookshelf - for bedtime or independent reading.

The stories in the books revolve around a core group of children (the Project Kids Team) who learn how to work together to accomplish amazing things, through applying project management principles in an appropriate and relevant context for their age level. The books grow with the children as they progress through Middle School - so the project kids also age and grow, building on their prior project experiences.

The companion website, also features a range of free educational resources and downloads to support project management education in schools and at home.

I hope you enjoy the stories!

Gary Nelson, PMP (Gazza)

The Project Kids Adventures Series

#1: The Ultimate Tree House Project
#2: The Scariest Haunted House Project - Ever!
#3: The Amazing Science Fair Project
#4: The Valentine's Day Project Disaster
Coming Soon:
#5: The Easter Bully Transformation Project

Cecilia Svensson

Change Maker with drive, passion and joy


Thank you Gary Nelson, PMP - Sounds promising on getting young people to realize what a value-adding skill project management is in real-life .... and for their parents too.

Isabelina Jorge, PMP

Presidente na PMI Portugal Chapter


Congratulations Gary we are ready for the dance and the fun! And for translating it into Portuguese.

Ron Ku

Your Partner in Real Estate, Estate Planning, Investment, Coaching and Training.


Gary, congratulation on your new book! Are there any plan to bring the book to Singapore?

Kenn Dolan

Author, Speaker and Consultant at ALBA


Gary - great news. I look forward to buying a copy next time we catch up

Fairooz Tamimi

Author. Journalist. Director Strategic Development


Congratulations Gary Nelson, PMP.. we are looking forward to getting your book for our children in Sweden


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