Always Follow This Power Law of Money

Always Follow This Power Law of Money

I’ve seen a lot of interesting things in my life.

For example, if you wanted to ask me what the worst day in the stock market felt like in 2009, I could tell you.

But, if you really want to know something new about me, I’ll tell you a story about a time in my life in which I was broke, as shit.

Yes, early in life, you’ll know that most self-employed, or self-elected entrepreneur types may face the eventual pitfall of eat shit, and walk around like bum shit for a while, right?

This usually happens somewhere between college and early adulthood for most of you.

So, I have been there too.

Yes, we’ve all been there, but during that moment in life, I’m going to share a story where I ask help from a church pastor versus a rich multimillionaire.

Dragging the subject of god into this conversation, I’ll tell you a real story about the differences between a religious man versus a rich man.

At one record low moment in my life, I went back to my hometown church or Cornerstone Church, looking for a place to stay. The old pastor I knew, i.e. Tim Beal completely forgot about me, and it was no surprise, I looked pretty bad that night, and aged several years from the last time he saw me.

That night, they were giving free tacos. And, in that moment in life, the pastor heard of my terrible situation, sleeping on couches and stuff. He’d say something stupid or insincere, but in a nice phony sort of way. Tim would respond with something like, “you know, I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but you should move in with your family, and figure out your problem.”

I responded to Pastor Tim by saying, “Are you serious? That doesn’t even solve the problem. But, okay, but if you’re a person of god, you would come up with a better solution than this, right?”

(Straight up beggar b.s., but you know, I was at a low ass moment at that point.)

He responded, “look, I’m sorry I cannot do much for you, I can offer you like 5 bucks, and that’s it.”

So, I take the 5 dollars from the pastor, thinking to myself, “wrong group of people to ask for help.”

He then brings over an off-duty police officer.

The police officer then steps in and rambles off about homeless shelters, and food banks.

He then tells me, “okay, so really you have to leave the Church property. I’ll escort you out the door.”

So obviously I leave, and then think to myself, “religious people are a sham, they take in donations, but they don’t actually help the poor.”

I also got some of the worst advice ever that day.

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So, conventional wisdom is just terrible to listen to.

Most of society, especially in the United States is messed up these days, but I never take any of it seriously. This isn’t a rant about society, but rather an example of reality, like what the world outside actually is.

Look, if you’re religious great, I’m not making fun of you. I’m saying that there’s something more important than the subject of god.

More important than god, is this topic called money, and money impacts your life, money defines whether you eat, or have a home, or even a phone.

Money defines your circumstances in life, and those who don’t respect money will end up broke, homeless, and fucked in life.

I’m not as religious as that pastor, but I do follow the topic of money like a religion.

So, let’s talk about one of the power laws of money.

This power law of money when leveraged will change your life like night and day.

This law of money changed my life, and it will change yours.

Follow this law of money at all times:

Always move closer to money, so you can earn more money

This may mean making changes to your social circle, adding and subtracting people, quickly.

The people around you that are broke with terrible spending habits, get rid of them. People with dumb ideas on making money, get rid of them. People full of baggage and drama, also get rid of them.

Instead, move closer to money (the law), start wooing money.

You have to do things to attract money, just like you do things to attract the right people into your life.

So, let me tell you a story about a time, when I was doing much better.

During this time, I moved on from sleeping on a couch, and I made more money, by simply positioning myself closer to prospective clients for my consulting business, which I had hastily put together after quitting a six-figure job.

This was a hectic moment in my life, but as you will soon discover, my theory on money isn’t even a theory, but rather a law of money.

But, here’s not an exaggeration.

Thousands of Tai’s students would leave behind nice comments on the video programs I recorded. Thousands decided to follow me on Twitter, and thousands more made connection requests on LinkedIn, which saved me several thousand dollars on social media ad spending (money that I was going to begrudgingly spend anyway).

People recognized me when I was at Tai’s Mansion in the Beverly Hills. So, not only did I get tons of free viewership, the Co-founders of hired me as a consultant, which earned me another $20K on top of everything.

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Later into the night, Tai Lopez gets on stage, and he mentions this idea, “you know, there’s something about being around money, that tends to attract more money.” So, he goes onto say, “you can’t ignore the fact that if you’re around people with more resources, you’ll just have way more opportunities, and things will begin taking shape in your life, and so… you’ve got to be around people who make even more money than you.”

After a couple more minutes he goes onto mention, “so, in my case, me being a multimillionaire in the Beverly Hills, I’m spending time with billionaires. So, people who make way more money than me, people like Paul Allen, Mark Cuban and stuff. So, I’m pursuing people who are not only wealthy but doing way better than me.”

He’d then go onto say, “But then again, in my dumbest moment, I ran into Elon Musk in a bathroom, and Elon would ask me all sorts of questions and I’d just sit there giving away all sorts of free information. So, instead of asking billionaire Elon Musk for some advice, I acted like most people, giving out free knowledge to someone obviously more intelligent than me.”

And so, you’ve got to think to yourself.

When it comes down to the subject of money, who do you want to listen to, a rich multimillionaire, or the local church pastor?

I already told you what happened in my case. The pastor and his henchmen said, “go away, go to homeless shelter, go to food bank, go to job fair, go pray to god.” Crazy right? But, I really want you to go and simulate the experience, so you can find out for yourself "what actually happens at local community church."

But, contrast the Church with the results I got by re-positioning myself next to multi-millionaires. I made more money, got more intelligent, and boosted the value of my brand and expanded my following on a number of social networking sites. Obviously, the positive effect of being closer to money isn’t something that can be scientifically measured, but it will always affect your financial well-being.

Thus, I always move closer to money, so I’m in a better position to earn more money.

And YOU should too.

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