Is There An Age Limit for Spiritual Gifts?

Is There An Age Limit for Spiritual Gifts?

This question is not often voiced, but we see it lived out so many places. Children are shunted aside until they are “old enough.” Retirees and Senior adults are dismissed as “out of touch,” “past their prime,” or “old fashioned.” Neither attitude is biblical. Today we’ll specifically address the first one. (See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 to start your own study about the second wrong attitude.)

Fair warning: this is a soapbox of mine. Hang out with me long enough and you’re guaranteed to hear it more than once. Still, I’ll try to keep this blog a reasonable length by sticking to the highlights.

When does one receive spiritual gifts?

Does a person have to reach the age of 18 or a certain level of spiritual maturity in order to get a spiritual gift? The Bible says no. Every person who turns from their sin and trusts Jesus as their Lord and Savior receives at least one spiritual gift. (Learn more about what it means to turn from sin and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior in this video.)

1 Corinthians 12 is talking to Christians, people who believe in and follow Jesus. We know that the words in this chapter only apply to Christ-followers because verses 1-3 contrast those who do not believe (“Gentiles”) with Christians (“you”). Look at what God says in this chapter about Christians, Christ-followers.

Something from the Spirit can be seen in each person. The Spirit gives this to each one to help others.

1 Corinthians 12:7 (ERV)

But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing [giving] to each one individually as He wills.

1 Corinthians 12:11 (NKJV)

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV, learn what “steward” means in this blog post)

So everyone who accepts Christ, who turns from sin and trusts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, has at least one spiritual gifts.

Can kids have spiritual gifts?

This is actually two questions rolled into one... Continue reading in this blog post.

G.Peter Tandy.

Gospel preacher of Christ and a small farmer.


I don't think there is any age limit for spiritual gift, 1st Sam 2:God used Samuel in the age of 3. Jesus at the temple age of 12....children were shouted on pam Sunday.. Glory to God.

Cheri Fields

Editor, Author, Homeschooler, Biblical Counselor


I should say kids can have spiritual gifts! We knew what each of our kids had before they were 5, and if my mom had known more about them, I was oozing my own gift (as a questioning trivia buff) as a youngster as well. Of all the things Jesus' life should have taught us, His love and respect for every kind of person should be obvious. Why would he then turn around and limit the Holy Spirit to only the "right" kind of people? But I would guess few people acting as if this were the case have any idea of their preconceived assumptions about God's style of working. Also, when you look at the outworking of the basic personality driven gifts, it is clear the Holy Spirit doesn't limit his bestowals to believers. No one finds their whole outlook on life radically altered by salvation. We gain much, but only lose what is driven by sin, not what has always come natural for us to focus on.

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