#6: Taming the Mammoth

#6: Taming the Mammoth

👋 Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Pursuit. I spend over 10 hours each week learning about building great products and living fulfilling lives. I created "Pursuit" to share these discoveries with a larger community and connect with others who share similar interests.

This week’s discovery:

  • How Coda Builds Product - #product
  • 36 Ways to Live Differently - #life
  • Earning the gift of life - #life
  • Living intentionally, valuing time, prioritizing relationships, and more keys to a rich life - #life
  • Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think - #life
  • Forget Scrum Masters. Focus on Outcomes. - #product
  • ⭐ A website, documentary, and music tracks…

How Coda Builds Product

Coda is a modern document platform that combines the expressive power of documents, the collaborative power of spreadsheets, and the data-driven power of databases in one platform. Think Notion but x10 more powerful.

This article explores their product-building philosophy, which is centered around three core principles: learn fast, think big, and build fast. You’ll get a sneak peek into their doc templates, rituals, and their ways around product work. My favorite part is where they talk about their product and design forums (Catalyst & Design Huddle).

📖 10-min

36 Ways to Live Differently

Stop trying to be “balanced.” Balanced people don’t change the world, nor are they particularly interesting. Be yourself, embrace the highs and lows, live a little.
Stick to a schedule most days, and once in a while, break it entirely. Both are critical to success. Some of the most ambitious people live the most boring lives—they know what they need to do, so they keep their heads down and focus on that. But if you do that all the time, you risk becoming stagnant and stuck in your ways. (Yes, this is one place where balance is needed.)

📖 10-min

To read the rest, visit pursuit.community and if you're enjoying the post, subscribe to my substack and share it with your real friends ;)

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