3 Key Strategies for Commercial Impact in 2024

3 Key Strategies for Commercial Impact in 2024

As we stand on the brink of 2024, the business landscape is ripe for transformation. In my journey as a Chief Marketing Officer, I know that evolution is not just an option, but a necessity. As I look to 2024, I’m excited to share three key insights into - what I believe - can revolutionize your commercial strategies. This next year is about transcending traditional boundaries and embracing innovative methods to stay ahead in a dynamically evolving marketplace. And 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes the lead.

1. Sales Innovation: Reinventing Sales Enablement with AI

As we venture into 2024, the transformation of our sales strategy focuses on revolutionizing inside sales and sales enablement through the power of AI. This approach is about leveraging AI to not only enhance our sales processes but also to fundamentally transform how we engage with customers and support our sales teams.

In 2024, sales enablement has the opportunity to take a giant leap forward with AI integration. For example, AI can be used to create dynamic sales playbooks that adapt to different selling scenarios. These playbooks, just as before, can provide sales representatives with guidelines, suggested scripts, and responses that are tailored to the specific needs and behaviors of each prospect.

The novelty here isn't the playbook itself but the ease and precision with which AI can help us scale this tool.

Previously, sales teams might have relied on a 'one-size-fits-all' master playbook or a few variations targeted at different prospect types. Now, with AI, these playbooks can evolve into more intricate and adaptable resources. They can be fine-tuned with specific details like scripting, and responding to the diverse and dynamic nature of sales scenarios.

Speaking of scripting, inside sales teams can greatly benefit from AI-assisted scripting. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of interaction data to identify the most effective sales pitches and conversational strategies. By providing real-time suggestions and scripts, AI can help sales representatives navigate customer conversations more effectively, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Another key area where AI is transforming sales is in lead prioritization. By analyzing historical data and lead stage trends, AI can help sales teams identify which leads are more likely to convert, allowing them to prioritize their efforts more effectively. This prioritization not only improves efficiency but also increases the chances of successful sales outcomes.

2. Optimizing Your Commercial Tech Stack: Beyond Lead Acquisition

The second game-changer for 2024 lies in the strategic optimization of our commercial tech stack. It's an evolution beyond the traditional use of AI for lead acquisition. This year, we venture into the depths of how AI can revolutionize the entire customer journey, creating a more integrated and intelligent experience.

Personalized customer experiences have moved from a luxury and differentiator to table stakes. AI can help those of us who haven't yet waded fully into these waters, to get there. It enables us to analyze vast amounts of data to understand customer preferences, behavior patterns, and even predict future needs. This isn't just about recommending products or services; it's about curating experiences that resonate on a personal level. Imagine AI-driven platforms that tailor marketing messages and offers in real-time, aligning with individual customer journeys. This level of personalization at scale was once a marketer's dream, but in 2024, it's our reality.

Customer experience (CX) is undergoing a paradigm shift with predictive analytics. AI can now anticipate issues before they arise, offering solutions proactively. For instance, by analyzing customer usage patterns and feedback on a website, AI can flag potential dissatisfaction and prompt preemptive action. This proactive approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty. (Side note: I've employed a couple of different technologies in this particular space. If you are interested in learning about my experience, feel free to message me).

3. Embracing New Channels: TikTok Bandwagon

As we approach 2024, I'm reflecting on the digital channels that hold potential value for marketing efforts yet remain untapped. For me, TikTok stands out as a prime example. Despite its growing influence and my recognition of its commercial opportunities, I've hesitated to venture into this new terrain, mainly due to the challenges and resource commitment it entails.

Tapping into the power of TikTok requires more than a 'toe-in-the-water' approach. It's not just about creating a profile or posting occasional content. Entering this space necessitates a dedicated strategy, tailored to the platform's unique culture and format.

TikTok is about quick, compelling storytelling, trend participation, and authenticity. Developing content that hits these marks -- and resonates with your target audience -- requires a deep understanding of the platform and a commitment to ongoing, dynamic engagement.

In September of this year, The Verge reported, TikTok made a significant update to how it handles AI-generated content, reflecting the platform's evolving landscape and its commitment to transparency and ethical use of AI.

TikTok now requires creators to label content made using AI tools. This move, aimed at ensuring viewers are aware of AI's role in content creation, is a critical development for both content consumers and content developers. The platform's user guidelines have always mandated disclosure for AI-generated content, but the new feature will prompt creators to actively label such content, making it more transparent.

Moreover, TikTok’s move towards greater transparency in AI usage sets a standard that could influence broader digital marketing practices. The platform's emphasis on labeling AI-generated content also invites us to be more creative and innovative, exploring new ways AI can enhance our storytelling and audience engagement.

Conclusion: Navigating 2024's Digital Transformation

As we gear up for a new year, the journey into 2024 represents more than a calendar change; it is a pivotal moment for us to redefine and reshape our commercial strategies. The insights shared here – from optimizing sales with AI to personalizing customer experiences and embracing the dynamic world of TikTok – are not intended to be 'more work' but opportunities we are gifted for success.

The integration of AI with traditional marketing tactics is not the future; it is the present, and it demands our attention and thoughtful engagement. In this era, our willingness to adapt and innovate will be the difference between leading the charge and trailing behind.

As we embrace these strategic shifts, I am eager to collaborate and innovate alongside you and your team. Let's not just watch the digital transformation unfold; let's be the architects of it!

If you're ready to explore these exciting possibilities and chart a course for groundbreaking success in 2024, I invite you to connect with me at nicole@blaze-ahead.com. Together, let's turn these insights into impactful actions and lead the way in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

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