10 Secrets of Virtual Storytelling
Fancy an 86 minute session on how to present better on WebEx? Of course you do...

10 Secrets of Virtual Storytelling

A Guide To Help You Give Better Online Presentations

COVID-19 has attacked many weaknesses in the world and it continues to cause chaos and disruption everywhere, but as many of us are confined to working in our home offices, I have noticed another weakness that Coronavirus it is exposing – our ability (or lack of) to give presentations virtually.


So for the first time ever, I have recorded an extended seminar in my home office, sharing a collection of the best pieces of communications advice I have picked up from some of the best speakers in the world about virtual storytelling.


Anyway, I just thought it might be helpful to share with you some tips I have found for building your confidence, bringing data to life, telling better stories faster – and more importantly, connecting with whatever audience is at the other side of that tiny little camera.

Slides available here [SLIDESHARE]

10 Secrets of Virtual Storytelling : Quotes & Links


  1. It’s not enough to be good (or right) you need to be effective”. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
  2. Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can never get it wrong”. Tony Robbins
  3. In the end people are not persuaded by what you say but by what they understand” John C. Maxwell
  4. Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make but the stories you tell”. Seth Godin
  5. You can change the world just by sharing your story”. Barack Obama
  6. Whoever tells the best stories goes home with the most marbles”. Jeremy Waite
  7. www.Masterclass.com
  8. 110 Techniques of Communication (TEDx, David JP Phillips)
  9. The Shape of My Perfect Keynote by Jeremy Waite
  10. How I Write a Column by Thomas Friedman
  11. Thank You For Being Late by Thomas Friedman
  12. Death by Powerpoint (TEDx, David JP Phillips)
  13. The Magical Science of Storytelling (TEDx, David JP Phillips)
  14. Steve Jobs iPhone Launch (2007)
  15. Resonate, Illuminate & Data Story by Nancy Duarte
  16. Duarte Inc. Communication Blog
  17. Five Stars, Talk Like TED & Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo
  18. TED Talks by Chris Anderson
  19. The Secret to Great Speaking by Chris Anderson
  20. Why IBM? by Jeremy Waite
  21. Climate Dataviz by Cameron Beccario -
  22. Watson Personality Insights Language analysis tool
  23. My Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/jpwaite
  24. My Blog for Climate Stuff: www.jeremy.earth 
  25. My TenWords Podcast
Robert Klutse

Consultant @ IBM | International Public Speaking Coach | Keynote Speaker | Author | Top 5% biggest podcast in the world | Top 150 Future Leader 22/23


Was recommended to watch this video. Thank you so much for sharing this was extremely informative Jeremy Connell-Waite!

Phil Szomszor

Social media copilot for the c-suite and tech sales teams


Love this video, thanks for sharing your ideas Jeremy Connell-Waite. It comes at a perfect time too, for me and many others no doubt. I'm just in the process of switching loads of in-person course content to online and come to the realisation that it's not just a case of chunking stuff up and switching the exercises up, it needs something more. 

Micah F.

Senior Leader | GTM team builder | Go-to-Market Strategist | Mentor & Climate-Tech Enthusiast


excellent information and ideas as always, thanks Jeremy Connell-Waite

Brilliant piece of work. Thanks for sharing your mind with us Jeremy!

Neil McKie

Creating new technology-enabled businesses that target net zero.


Love this! Thanks so much for putting it together Jeremy Connell-Waite I think this way of consuming, sharing and discovering knowledge is going to be a much more of the norm of doing business. We have been forced into it right now, but once we get back to some sense of normality I think it will continue. The energy cost of bringing disparate people together in a room is so high and will continue to be so for years to come. It has happened in education and entertainment, business is next.

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