
The User Needs Model 2.0 will help you choose the right content strategy and the best angle for every story.

User needs are at the heart of building a true bond with your audience - one that is based on trust and value. Any newsroom can be successful as long as it finds its product-market fit and its output satisfies audience user needs strategically, consistently and creatively. Ultimately, we would like to give you tools, techniques and examples, showing you how the model can work for you and how it leads to various alternative and attractive stories.

User needs analysis in the newsroom is the first step to create more impactful content, that generates higher engagement and a stronger connection to your readers.

This product is intended for

  • Editor in Chief
  • Journalist
  • Editor
  • Audience Development Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Online Journalist
  • Managing Editor
  • Editorial Staff
  • Editorial Manager
  • Director of Audience Development


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