
Luminance Corporate is the most advanced legal Large Language Model (LLM) to date, using next generation AI to automate the generation, negotiation, and analysis of contracts.

Fully integrated with Microsoft Word, Luminance is the first AI in the world that can automatically take a first pass review of incoming contracts. Like a supercharged spellcheck, Luminance’s AI will instantly highlight areas that present risk and suggest alternative compliant wording. Luminance Corporate also incorporates a first-of-its-kind, legal-grade chatbot for AI-powered legal query handling and automated clause redrafting, as well as an AI-powered contract repository which helps lawyers understand the key features of their executed contracts in granular detail.

Trusted by over 600 customers, including global organisations such as Koch Industries, Yokogawa and Hitachi, Luminance helps businesses to manage workflows, get rapid answers to urgent business questions and maintain compliance.


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