FIT24 - Fitness Platform with Scheduling, Video Streaming, Gamification & Ecommerce

FIT24 - Fitness Platform with Scheduling, Video Streaming, Gamification & Ecommerce

Fitness Club Management Software by Ionio


We designed, architected & developed the entire technical infrastructure for FIT24, a fitness startup based in Taiwan - We built 2 iOS/Android apps & 3 websites over 6 months with a team of 4.

The platform we built allows gym-goers to book training sessions with fitness trainers, stream exclusive digital content & the staff administer & moderate everything on the platform.

✅ Automated away +25 hours/week at the reception desk by allowing gym members to manage their own subscriptions

✅ Implemented gamification to reward members for check-ins, time spent at the gym, referrals & similar interactions.

✅ Saved +40 hours/week for management by allowing gym members to book classes on their own

✅ Built Taiwan's first online/offline mobile fitness experience - that allowed new members to sign up to a gym in just 2 minutes

✅Integrated with 3rd Party Payment Processes in Taiwan & local QR vendors for physical security

This product is intended for

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Fitness Center Owner
  • Founder


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