
Legal professionals rarely start from a blank sheet of paper when drafting contracts or negotiating details with other parties. They spend at least 60 minutes sifting through old contracts or talking to colleagues to find relevant precedents.

On a company level, a lot of redundant work is done as collective knowledge is not actionable. The absence of insights leaves legal professionals with lots of guesswork: are the suggested clauses and definitions according to our clients or own standards? Are the suggestions best practice, or is specific wording also used by my colleagues?

Henchman solves this problem by automatically centralizing past clauses and definitions from any legal team's contract database and delivering them intelligently in lawyers’ familiar Microsoft Word, Outlook or Copilot environments. Henchman helps lawyers and legal professionals to eliminate time consuming tasks and focus on adding value and expertise.

This product is intended for

  • Knowledge Manager
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Innovation Manager
  • Managing Partner
  • Partner
  • Senior Lawyer
  • Associate Lawyer
  • Corporate Lawyer


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